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The "NEW" DLC/DSB Registry & Discussion! (Now with DSB!)

fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin ManNewcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
edited August 2018 in Pinny Arcade

New thread so we can actually update it, plus add a list of DSB owners. See @Manic2k's original thread here.

If you're the proud owner of either the Downloadable Content Kickstarter pin or the Double Secret Box Merch pin post here and let everyone know! Also talk about how much you like limited edition pins!

Please post if you have a DSB or know who else has one; I'm going to build that list from scratch here. Also let me know if anyone needs to be added/removed from the DLC list.

DLC Kickstarter (PinnyPals auto-updated list here):
  1. Manic2k
  2. PedroAsani (x2)
  3. NowHiringHenchmen
  4. Frostbyt
  5. 00Fayt00
  6. SerpicoBC
  7. ITzerokewl
  8. Ayefkay
  9. pureval
  10. Burt
  11. Scott Armstrong - Facebook Pinny Pal
  12. verybluetardis
  13. Francois Jacques - Facebook Pinny Pal
  14. Weary Traveler
  15. Nijhazer
  16. Sean Chandler - Facebook Pinny Pal
  17. Michael Vance - Facebook Pinny Pal
  18. Versuskid
  19. cabbie98
  20. teeketch
  21. darkinfero
  22. Ajaxon
  23. Darthmonachus
  24. surette
  25. Juicesir
  26. fishfishmonkeyhat (SOLD to anonymous buyer)
  27. Midas244
  28. sanchx32
  29. ericleone
  30. siren
  31. TheAggroCraig
  32. Ninazo
  33. maywest
  34. Picmin
  35. Temig
  36. Duckie
  37. aleph0
  38. hadiwist
  39. burned.fork
  40. diffusion
  41. PenguinPanic
  42. thelonegoldfish
  43. brettness37
  44. Qumaden
  45. Capt Wasabi
  46. agentcooper
  47. corinnetags
  48. AboutLastNight
  49. RSA_Man
  50. jwquinlin
  51. Count3D

DSB Merch:
  1. TheAggroCraig
  2. Qumaden
  3. evil santa
  4. Sammy.Sam
  5. Juicesir
  6. Capt Wasabi
  7. hacky
  8. brettness37
  9. rentfn
  10. Nope
  11. sanchx32
  12. sennohki
  13. Warpwind
  14. maywest
  15. Picmin
  16. 00Fayt00
  17. teeketch
  18. Kurpav
  19. darkinfero
  20. hadiwist
  21. Duckie
  22. TmLrd04
  23. orbitones
  24. 2slayeru
  25. giantry
  26. D0rkAngl
  27. JanelStarr
  28. Ayefkay
  29. surette
  30. TheAggroCraig
  31. Rod.H
  32. Squire_Pug
  33. Evenstar
  34. Senno
  35. Asphoron
  36. arcticsong
  37. pureval
  38. grandoldaubrie
  39. sireniti
  40. brainiac744
  41. grgemonkey
  42. dontdowdit
  43. vonhist
  44. Olerhead
  45. agentcooper
  46. evanephrine
  47. Keroan
  48. sixty
  49. badwolffk
  50. Count3D
  51. theoriginalz
  53. Pacheco909
  55. Zigro
  56. Wraith90
  57. thefawnn
  58. Drowning Rabbit
  59. FuzzyGobo
  60. verybluetardis
  61. fishfishmonkeyhat

fishfishmonkeyhat on


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