2016 Challenge Coin - Orders Closed.

RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
edited February 2016 in PAX South
Feb 16th Edit:

Ordering for the PAX South 2016 Challenge Coin has been closed.


Total Coins ordered: 231
Regular: 120
Colour: 111

Total spent: 1,482$

It has been a lot of fun running the Challenge Coin this year and I look forward to doing it again next year!!



Jan 28th Edit:

T'was the night before PAX and all through the house
Not a gamer was stirring, not even (computer) mouse

Everyone was prepping their stuff for the big event
Whether packing for trips or drinking with friends

Excitement was in the air
and visions of adventures danced through their heads

Anyway, with PAX upon us, this edit is to say that the last date orders will be accepted will be February 15th, 2016 (Two weeks after PAX ends). If a second run goes through, coins for everyone!! If a second run does not go through, then people will be refunded their money, but no coins :(

We almost have enough for a second run of regular coins, but we still have a ways to go for colour.


Jan 4th Edit

We can have runs as small as 25, if we want to order more regular coins. However, they will not arrive before PAX.


Jan 2nd Edit

Our first run of 100 for the regular challenge coins have sold out!! The colour challenge coins still have 6 that can be bought.

I have e-mailed Kiddercorp asking if we can have mini runs if we go over 100 orders. I should hear from them on Monday.

Thank you to everyone who has ordered coins!!


Dec 15th Edit

Ok, a few things. First off. I appologize for some confusion that Kiddercorp and I had regarding price and shipping. The 5.75$ and 5.30$ with free shipping we were quoted before is for bulk orders, which is not what we are doing. That could be something to look into for next year where we order them in advance, have them ship to me and then give them out at PAX.

But either way, it looks like the price is the 5$ for regular and 6$ for coloured that we had talked about in the beginning and shipping is not included.

Costs for the coins will be based on this chart (which include shipping). If you are ordering colour coins, please add 1$ for each coloured coin ordered


For example, I ordered 10 coins. 2 regular and 8 coloured. So, that would be 53$ + 8$ (for each coloured coin) which comes to 61$ total.

The order form for ordering is HERE

You need to send the amount you are spending on coins to cointraders@gmail.com via Paypal first so you have all of the information to put on the form.

We have started with 100 of each coin, but if we need more of either, we should be able to get them done.

Thank you very much everyone here in the forums and at Kiddercorp for helping with this project. It has been a blast and I can't wait to see the finished products!!


Dec 14th Edit

Production proof for colour coin

"This item, as designed, will cost $530 for the initial 100 units"




Dec 11th Edit

Production Proof

This item, as designed, will cost $575 for the initial 100 units

The colors represent levels of metal (such as 3D), it does not represent different colors on your finished coin.



Dec 10th Edit

Proof for colour coin



Dec 8th Edit

Proof for regular coin


From Kiddercorp

"This is currently listed as "shiny" gold with sandblasting to make the outer ring writing easier to read. Even with this sandblasting, shiny gold can make it hard to see writing. I recommend the finish be changed to antique gold."

"We would intend to price these similar to the other coins we have done for PAX. Basically the coins would be $5/each with shipping added depending on the QTY ordered and location.

The color version will be more, but only slightly more ($6/each). We can do both provided there is enough interest (50+ of each version)."


Dec 3rd Edit:

With the results in, we've started talking with Kiddercorp about making the coin and they have an artist working on it. They should have something for us in a few days.

If cost works out, would people be interested in having a limited run of coloured coins as well as the usual coin? Discuss!


Nov 19th Edit:

Voting Results!!

32 people voted

Question 1, Are you happy with the way the coin is at the moment (Alamo/Dice)? If no, please suggest something
  • Yes
  • I am happy with the design.
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • yes
  • Happy as is
  • Less dice. Maybe one large die instead of so many because it would look cluttered engraved that way, and the colored idea looked very goofy to me.
  • I don't play tabletop so I miss the video game stuff, but it looks cool so I'd still buy one.
  • Add video game symbols (atari, nintendo, etc)
  • Would like to have video games on there
  • add video game elements to it please
  • Alamo is cool, I like the dice colors but don't want video games left out. Is there a way to do half and half?
  • Community crest
  • Yes
  • Less dice, more digital!
  • Yes
  • Yes
  • Color is cool but not a fan of tabletop only
  • Please add a digital aspect
  • please put video games too. good work on it.

Question 2, Should the Alamo side be coloured or engraved?

Coloured: 13
Engraved: 18
Don't Care: 1

Question 3, Should the Dice Side be coloured or engraved?

Coloured: 11
Engraved: 16
Don't Care: 5

Question 4, What size should the coin be?

1.5 inches: 2
1.75 inches: 23
2 inches: 7

Question 5, Should the edge be smooth or ribbed?

Smooth: 9
Ribbed: 23

Question 6, What should the finish of the coin be?

Antique Silver: 3
Antique Bronze: 8
Bronze: 1
Sandblasting Gold: 6
Antique Copper: 4
Satin Nickel: 1
Silver: 2
Antique gold: 5
Copper: 1
Gold: 1


Nov 11th Edit: Vote Here on what the 2016 coin will look like! You have until the 18th to cast your vote!

What the current idea looks like:




Last year we started talking about a challenge coin in November. It was a bit close to the wire, so I was thinking if we start talking about it now and designing it, more of us may have it for PAX!

Now...I don't know anything about the process...MasterRokku was all about that last year. I'm just excited for a new coin.

Looking at last years thread, we went with Phoenix Challenge Coins, had a gofundme page to pay for the initial casting fee and then people bought them online.

What do people think? What do we want on the coin this year?




  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    We should do the company that was used for Prime, since they didn't charge for a cast, and it came out pretty solid. I assume @MasterRokku will run the show again?

  • Sammy.SamSammy.Sam Registered User regular
    I believe that company for Prime was Kiddercorp, which @akidderz is associated with.

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    With any luck, we'll hear from them soon.

    Here is the thread from PAX Prime: http://forums.penny-arcade.com/discussion/197099/pax-prime-2015-challenge-coin-order-your-coin-s/p1

    I'm guessing we want to stick with the traditional "NUMQUAM MENTULA ES" on the top, "WELCOME HOME" on the bottom with a Pacman on the left and a Ms. Pacman on the right?

    Any thoughts on San Antonio landmarks or gaming images?

  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    Maybe use the new look of the convention center as PAX South will be one of the first in there most likely. Or maybe the River walk.

  • IrsoolIrsool Registered User regular
    I'm always up for a new coin. I'll keep an eye for this thread ^^

  • orthancstoneorthancstone TexasRegistered User regular

    I wish the mural/front of the building would work, but I just don't see how it would stamp on a coin worth a damn.

    The section of the Riverwalk that goes west away from the Marriott hotels might look alright.

    PAX South 2018 - Jan 12-14!
  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    Any photos that would work, for any ideas?

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    Looking at past PAX coins, we have:

    2.5 that have something related to handhelds (Prime 2010, Prime 2011(also related to console), East 2013)

    2 for tabletop games (East 2011, Prime 2013)

    2 for arcades (East 2012, Prime 2015)

    2 for PC gaming (Prime 2012, East 2015)

    2.5 for Console Gaming (Prime 2011(also related to handheld), East 2014, South 2015)

    1 for Pinball (Prime 2014)

    How about card games? Thoughts?

  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    There is a lot of emphasis on tabletop/card games at South it seems so one of those would be good. What about the land mark for the host city? We used Hemisphere Park last year. The Alamo is pretty iconic and a simple design.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Yeah my vote would be for the Alamo for the landmark side.

  • Sammy.SamSammy.Sam Registered User regular
    The straight shot is closer to what is seen on regular coins, but I think the angled shot is more dynamic & interesting.

  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    The angled shot could be nicer depending on how it is rendered on the coin.

  • orthancstoneorthancstone TexasRegistered User regular
    That second shot is nice. If it could work on a coin, that's definitely a good look.

    PAX South 2018 - Jan 12-14!
  • akidderzakidderz Registered User regular
    Just checking in here. Would be honored to participate and help make these. The system for PAX Prime coins went smoothly and we are currently making the first PAX AUS coin.

    Any questions about coins, limitations, etc. -- I'm here it answer and help.

    No one has done any color on the coins yet. Definitely something for you guys to consider.

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    I also like the angled shot of the Alamo better. Hopefully it would look good on a coin.

    Hmmm...colour eh? That would be pretty cool! Maybe the lettering/Pac-Man/Ms. Pac-Man or the gaming side...not sure how good the Alamo would look in colour, but maybe!

  • DevereauxDevereaux Registered User regular
    I agree with having the Alamo on the coin....either shot would be great....however, the angled shot would be my first choice :D

    Check out my lanyard and let's trade ;)https://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Devereaux
  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    I'm down for some color. We can be trailblazers.

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    Not that great at photo shop, but what do you think of the Alamo like that?


  • orthancstoneorthancstone TexasRegistered User regular
    I'd say go a bit smaller, but not a bad start.

    PAX South 2018 - Jan 12-14!
  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    Ok, I made it a bit smaller. I don't know if I can make it much smaller without having the photo smaller than the space. Alamo photo was shrunk down to 350x232


  • DevereauxDevereaux Registered User regular
    RILMS wrote: »
    Ok, I made it a bit smaller. I don't know if I can make it much smaller without having the photo smaller than the space. Alamo photo was shrunk down to 350x232


    Looks fantastic to me....would a color/enamel coin be possible? I'd pay the extra charge for it! Imagine that in your hands :D Awesome!!

    Check out my lanyard and let's trade ;)https://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Devereaux
  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    No clue if it's possible! Hope so. @akidderz would know if it's possible :)

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    I'm trying to think of ideas for the otherside of the coin...but I keep thinking of things like East 2011 and Prime 2013.

    I also think of specific things like Magic or Pokemon symbols...but I want to be inclusive....

    Any thoughts?

  • orthancstoneorthancstone TexasRegistered User regular
    I suppose one of my thoughts would be the paddle controller used in the Pong Omegathon finale from this year's South.

    PAX South 2018 - Jan 12-14!
  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    Hmm...A paddle controller could be good. Pretty retro.

    After my last post, I was thinking about inclusive and I came up with this.


  • DevereauxDevereaux Registered User regular
    edited October 2015
    Not a bad idea, however, to be inclusive, wouldn't you have to include all console controllers? Especially PS4, & Xbox since there is a Nintendo controller? PS4 & Xbox are popular consoles nowadays, I don't think they would like to be left out :o Unless were are looking towards retro....but if that's a playstation Vita ( I can't really tell) in there...that's more obsolete than retro. That was a horrible system. :?

    Devereaux on
    Check out my lanyard and let's trade ;)https://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Devereaux
  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    lol, fair enough. I was thinking table top, arcade, console, handheld, and PC. Other representations of each could be picked for sure :)

  • futilesfutiles Registered User regular
    Devereaux wrote: »
    Not a bad idea, however, to be inclusive, wouldn't you have to include all console controllers? Especially PS4, & Xbox since there is a Nintendo controller?

    No, console is console. You also would not need to include a Gameboy or DS or 3DS just because there is a Vita. You also do not need to include a Mac just because there is a PC.

  • DevereauxDevereaux Registered User regular
    RILMS wrote: »
    I was thinking table top, arcade, console, handheld, and PC.

    Gotcha.....I now see your vision :D

    Check out my lanyard and let's trade ;)https://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Devereaux
  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    So, if people like the "Make Your Selection" idea, do we like those representations of each? Is there any aspect of gaming at PAX that I am missing?

  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    edited October 2015
    I might go with a profile of the arcade machine instead on the make your selection pic.

    OpSteel on
  • giantrygiantry Registered User regular
    Maybe a book that says choose your own adventure with the different consles on it?

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    OpSteel wrote: »
    I might go with a profile of the arcade machine instead on the make your selection pic.

    Ok, I can see that. Something like this? cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0192/2714/files/x-arcade-machine-cabinet-side_2048x2048.jpg?4818

    giantry wrote: »
    Maybe a book that says choose your own adventure with the different consles on it?

    Ok, I could see that. Were you thinking the different consoles or the same icons as above?

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    Would we want both sides of the coin to be colour? Or one side colour and the other side a regular coin?

  • giantrygiantry Registered User regular
    I was thinking like pc, hand held, controller(for console) and dice for tabletop?

  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    Yep, that was what I was thinking. It stands out more I think.

    Maybe just one side in color, it depends on what the mock ups look like though.

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    giantry wrote: »
    I was thinking like pc, hand held, controller(for console) and dice for tabletop?

    Ok, so what I have above?

    Also, is this what you were thinking about with a book? 2l9ai7pbyv27.png

    @OpSteel, Look good? pvmpw7tskprz.png

    Yeah, we'll have to hear back from @akidderz to see what we can do :)

  • giantrygiantry Registered User regular
    edited October 2015
    How about if it's the front cover like it's the cover of one of the choose you adventure books?
    I would try to make the picture but I have no idea how to photos hop xD

    giantry on
  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    Much better then what I could do :biggrin:

    Looks good!

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