Penny Arcade - Comic - The Protip

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited October 2015 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - Comic - The Protip

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

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  • NerobyrneNerobyrne Registered User new member
    You don't HAVE to gank the healer first.
    You could just loose!

  • homogenizedhomogenized Registered User regular
    Loose what?

  • RenegadePhantomRenegadePhantom Registered User regular
    This comic is still relevant, all these fucking years later, just on a different game each time. Now it's Overwatch. For the love of fuck people, shoot Mercy! Shoot her in her stupid face. Friendly Mercy's however, stand in front of them. Kill her enemies and be her meatshield. It's not hard.

  • DjiemDjiem Registered User regular
    This comic is still relevant, all these fucking years later, just on a different game each time. Now it's Overwatch. For the love of fuck people, shoot Mercy! Shoot her in her stupid face. Friendly Mercy's however, stand in front of them. Kill her enemies and be her meatshield. It's not hard.

    I'm too busy being angry at people for not giving a rat's ass about the objectives and dicking around the map to have time to tell them to shoot Mercy.

  • EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    It's a mercy killing.

  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular
    A friend of mine is terribly disappointed in Overwatch because his options are basically to play support (because no one else on the team is), and probably lose, or any other character, and definitely lose.
    Because everyone's out there playing cowboy (often literally, with McCree).

  • ObiFettObiFett Use the Force As You WishRegistered User regular
    edited June 2016
    A friend of mine is terribly disappointed in Overwatch because his options are basically to play support (because no one else on the team is), and probably lose, or any other character, and definitely lose.
    Because everyone's out there playing cowboy (often literally, with McCree).

    This was my experience from the Beta

    edit: holy shit just realized that this is a super old post that got necro'd. Maybe we stop posting in here yeah?

    ObiFett on
  • Man in the MistsMan in the Mists Registered User regular
    Well, the necroposter isn't wrong in that the comic still applies today.

  • DjiemDjiem Registered User regular
    edited June 2016
    A friend of mine is terribly disappointed in Overwatch because his options are basically to play support (because no one else on the team is), and probably lose, or any other character, and definitely lose.
    Because everyone's out there playing cowboy (often literally, with McCree).

    Even though it isn't a MOBA in the expected-MOBA-formula sense, it shares a lot of qualities with them: You need friends to enjoy it because everyone else is SOOOOOOOOO BAAAAAAD at it it's kind of amazing. Stop hopping and shooting at each other over there, we have an objective to capture! And no, merely staring at it wistfully from far away will not capture it. You have to actually STAND on it. Shocking, I know.

    Djiem on
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