Whenever I try to agree or awesome or whatever on someone's post, I get a "whoops, you need to enable javascript" page
Javascript is enabled, and I've turned it off and on, so I'm essentially at the end of my technical ability there! Thought I'd raise it.
What browser and version are you using?
Chrome. I also get some other weird little quirks; if I click on the bookmarks star, it doesn't give me a dropdown menu but just takes me straight to the full bookmarks page, and I can't open spoilers (the button isn't there) or edit posts (I don't get the dropdown there either).
I have similar issues sometimes. Usually it only happens if I've been on a page for several minutes without doing anything, because my session in the proxy times out and it doesn't let anything through until I actually reload the page.
for some reason, that sorted it all out! Yay! Good job team