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Best 3DS games to bring to PAXAus

SirrahnadSirrahnad Registered User new member
Hi Guys,
I know every year there are peeps sitting in the beanbag area playing DS games. So what games are everyone playing this year? (besides streetpass...)


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    smash bros and mario kart are usually pax staples

    maybe animal crossing?

  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Definitely Smash Bros and Mario Kart. Naturally, you'll get massive streetpass hits. Last year I had a few streetpass hits saying Yo-Kai Watch, hoping to see some more this year. Dammit - I need that game. I find that Mario is good, as is Luigi's Mansion, for something a little more immersive or challenging while waiting in queues or taking a break.

  • Kirby4LifeKirby4Life SumYungGuy In a cabin in the woodsRegistered User regular
    Bring Pokémon X/Y/OR/AS and join the PAX Pokémon League!!

  • mouseno4mouseno4 Registered User regular
    I only have Smash Bros from what has been mentioned.

    I do not own Mario Kart or Animal Crossing much less Pokemon of any kind. I tend to like the more mature rated games, rather than the ones meant for people much younger than me.

  • SpiceSpice Content Sponge Registered User regular
    Animal Crossing is a mature game about consumerism and crippling debts.
    Also a Tanooki that will smash your kneecaps at any moment.

  • KwaizyKwaizy PAX AUS Enforcer Manager CanberraRegistered User regular
    I found that smash Bros and the street pass games work well. I'm hoping to find people to play Theaterythem and Fantasy Life with this year

    Say it with flowers, Send a Triffid.
    Sanity is a slippery slope, and I'm wearing Teflon shoes.
  • Kirby4LifeKirby4Life SumYungGuy In a cabin in the woodsRegistered User regular
    What's more "R" rated than enslaving powerful beings and forcing them to fight to the death only to be resurrected to do it all over again. It's a perpetual BLOD BATH I tells ya!!

  • gaming_goddessgaming_goddess Cosplay Geek BrisbaneRegistered User regular
    I'll be bringing Theatrerhythem this year. Also hoping to go on some hunts with monster hunter 4.

    If anyone is interested Handheld has its own FB:
    Worth checking out for updates.

  • SirrahnadSirrahnad Registered User new member
    Thanx Everyone!
    I went and bought Mario Kart today and also picked up the new Zelda Tri-Force. Looking forward to streetpassing the shit out of PAX next weekend. :)

  • mouseno4mouseno4 Registered User regular
    I think the majority of my 3DS games dont have streetpass. /sadface

  • MontablacMontablac Registered User regular
    the new legend of zelda triforce heroes has both local and download play, so ill be bringing that and making link totems with anyone brave enough to have me as a team member

  • DonkeyPunch5000DonkeyPunch5000 Registered User new member
    mouseno4 wrote: »
    I do not own Mario Kart or Animal Crossing much less Pokemon of any kind. I tend to like the more mature rated games, rather than the ones meant for people much younger than me.

    I felt the same way when I was 16, but you'll grow out of it and learn to enjoy video games again. That being said, who buys a 3DS for 'mature' games, anyways?

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