He's a cool guy. We played some Texas Hold 'Em.
He took me a bit by surprise that not only did he instanly recognize me, but also called me by my real name, which I've posted maybe once or twice ever here on the forum.
Also, I met futility briefly. He was standing in line for something as I walked by and he called out my name. I would have stayed and chatted more, except I was on my way to somewhere else with my co-host.
I again ran into him in the DoubleTree, and he proclaimed to be very drunk and was looking for water before he went to bed.
The Minibosses
I was back stage, and I witnessed the absolute nerdiest, yet most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The crowd whipped out, instead of lighters, their various GBA's, PDA's and cellphones.
I tried to get a picture, but it didn't turn out to well and then my batteries died. But it looked kind of like this:
He really isn't an ass, honest =P He's pretty cool.
and I was very drunk. ask anyone I drank with
and i make it a priority to call people by their real name when i meet them in person
I also saw The Geek.
And futility was very drunk. It was pretty goddamn funny.
Stop! Stop! You fiend! I AM AHAB!
i pissed on the floor of my hotel room, to be exact
Did I meet you at all? Or did you just see me somewhere? I don't remember all who was who. Sorry.
I was in Room 117 where you walked in and Borfase was like "OH MY GOD YOU'RE THE GEEK!"
I was in a hawaiian shirt, IIRC. I don't think I actually said anything. But I saw you.
ive been looking online for an hour
and i cant find it
but i met a lot of others
I met you!
i forgot to ask her if she was still mad at me cuz I called her a name
She made fun of Soulfury, I think. It was pretty funny.
I wasn't there, but I was told the conversation went like this (it was when everyone was out on the balcony waiting for the people in the Mario Kart tournament to come out):
Soulfury: When will we be able to watch the Mario Kart tournament?
Susie: We won't.
Soulfury: Why?
Susie: Because you have an ugly face.
Evil, but hilarious.
I spent a lot of time trying to find you so that I could meet you, Geek.
I'm just a little bitter now.
I think I'm gonna try to be a lot more active around the expo next year, try to meet more people. I was pretty beat from work the preceding week so I wasn't around really that much.
That's good.
You were just so quiet and I'm so very...not quiet.
Heh, I won't be as quiet next time, I'm just like that when meeting new people.
I did think it was funny, though, when you saw me and said "Moriveth!" and then a few minutes later asked "You know who I am, right?"
Oh, and either Marik or I will send you pictures soon. He's at work right now and I don't have them.
And I could understand you recognizing me, especially if you read the camwhore threads (which is why you recognized me in the first place).
sure, but did you recognize me? or were you really as confused as you looked?
I recognized you from that one picture Borfase had posted of you a while back.
I look really confused a lot of the time.