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Steam Key giveaway for Dragon's Wake Beta at PAX Aus

KytinKytin Indie DeveloperThe Land Down UnderRegistered User new member
edited October 2015 in PAX Australia
Hi guys,
I am Stephen Ashby, the developer for the game Dragon's Wake, which will be showing at PAX Aus. During the exhibition I will be giving away about 500 Steam Keys to the beta version of Dragon's Wake. Anyone that wants one can come by and pick one up. The keys will be given out on a first-come-first-served basis, so if it seems like your cup of tea, try to come by sooner rather than later. I will be showing the game at stand 29 in the indie pavilion.

Dragon's Wake is a 2D adventure platformer about growing up as a young dragon. It is about to enter Beta and will be releasing on 11th Dec 2015. You can find out more on the website or Steam page.


Kytin on


  • feralmasterferalmaster melbourneRegistered User regular
    I remember playing your game last year :) I will try to drop by.

    posted by a carbon flavoured beer based life form
  • KytinKytin Indie Developer The Land Down UnderRegistered User new member
    Yep, that's the game. Although, the trailer is actually out of date. This is more recent.

  • feralmasterferalmaster melbourneRegistered User regular
    That's looking good, definitely an improvement in the visuals.

    posted by a carbon flavoured beer based life form
  • KytinKytin Indie Developer The Land Down UnderRegistered User new member
    Today I gave away half of the Steam Key cards that I had printed! I'll try and spread the rest out over the next two days, but if you want to get one your best bet is to see me as early as possible. Dragon's Wake is showing at stand 29 in the Indie Pavilion, in case people have already forgotten.

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