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PinnyPals Pin

OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiotFort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
So, I was at a baseball tournament for my son not that long ago and noticed teams handing out logo pins to each other. So out of curiosity I decided to look into what the cost was to create these yourself and found it relatively cheap to get a few hundred cloisonne style pins made at $2.86 a pin for 200.

Would there be any interest in getting the PinnyPals logo or something else done?


  • misskassmisskass Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
  • vonhistvonhist Mr Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Good idea. I'd definately be in.

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    That does seem pretty cheap. Does @akidderz company do pins as well as coins?

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    I want a Pinnypals pin, but only if we got it to be an official one.

  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    I was thinking if we did a buy of 5 or 10 a person, it would not take a ton to get to the minimum. This would give people extras to give away at PAX to help promote the community and 10 pins at $2.86 each is not much more than a single pin.

  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    At some point, I will be making an empty couch pin if it won't happen officially. Also, yes, I'd be in.

    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
  • OlerheadOlerhead Krytenton AustraliaRegistered User regular
    OpSteel wrote: »
    I was thinking if we did a buy of 5 or 10 a person, it would not take a ton to get to the minimum. This would give people extras to give away at PAX to help promote the community and 10 pins at $2.86 each is not much more than a single pin.

    I like the sound of that. I'd be happy to wear a ton at PAX and hand them out ... it's only, what? 363 more days?

    Unless I get the opportunity to go to another PAX ... I was eyeing East but my fiancée reminded me our wedding is in March.

  • misskassmisskass Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Oh man, after going to East this year I've been considering going back next year pretty much since I left Boston. The struggle is very real. Only one PAX a year isn't enough to fix my cravings any more.

  • grgemonkeygrgemonkey Registered User regular
    You'd have to get it official because the logo is Kemper and the character belongs to Penny Arcade :)

    Personally I would suggest you choose something less tricky. Perhaps the "red stamp" that was separated from the logo in the past?

    It's used on the bags and other assortment of things you cats have done. I'd stick to this :) - Be there or be your least favourite shaped pin. Pin trading and more. - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
    My Delicious Pins For Trade
  • evanephrineevanephrine ev-an-eff-rinn Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    A few of us talked about it at Prime as well and came up with the idea of a pin of a pin lanyard. It would be nice to have it be PA official though :biggrin:

  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
  • grgemonkeygrgemonkey Registered User regular
    I had an idea once to make it 4 pins in the style of puzzle pieces.

    Don't really know what the image would be but that was the concept. Get all 4 pieces from each PAX to make one larger community pin. - Be there or be your least favourite shaped pin. Pin trading and more. - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
    My Delicious Pins For Trade
  • OlerheadOlerhead Krytenton AustraliaRegistered User regular
    misskass wrote: »
    Oh man, after going to East this year I've been considering going back next year pretty much since I left Boston. The struggle is very real. Only one PAX a year isn't enough to fix my cravings any more.

    I noticed it last year and having just finished Aus this year I know I'll definitely need to go to another one.

    Insofar as design ideas, the little green 'Pins I'm Trading' lanyard icon on PinnyPals always fills me with joy.

  • SennoSenno AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Couldn't we use this to finish off the Moonrise pin?

  • fishfishmonkeyhatfishfishmonkeyhat Freelance Pin Man Newcastle, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    grgemonkey wrote: »
    Personally I would suggest you choose something less tricky. Perhaps the "red stamp" that was separated from the logo in the past?

    I assumed that was what we were talking about using? Either that or nothing was decided.

  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    grgemonkey wrote: »
    Personally I would suggest you choose something less tricky. Perhaps the "red stamp" that was separated from the logo in the past?

    I assumed that was what we were talking about using? Either that or nothing was decided.

    That was what I was thinking about, the same logo used for the bags. Or something else.

    Not sure what the PA cost is, but the 1000 minimum would kill it off.

  • crowtalescrowtales Registered User regular
    We should talk to PA about getting an official PinnyPals Pin made. That would really be the bomb.

  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    I'm really digging @Olerhead 's idea of the green available lanyard icon from PinnyPals. Make it a raised pin like the Overwatch one from the Blizzcon goody bag.

    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
  • grgemonkeygrgemonkey Registered User regular
    Yeah then you could put that on the lanyard of pins you're actually trading :P - Be there or be your least favourite shaped pin. Pin trading and more. - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable. - iOS pin collection tracking app.
    My Delicious Pins For Trade
  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    I'm not an artist, but am willing to handle the order and re-shipping if someone wants to come up with a few ideas for art.

  • InterestingMixInterestingMix A little bit of everything really Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    crowtales wrote: »
    We should talk to PA about getting an official PinnyPals Pin made. That would really be the bomb.
    This would of course be awesome

    The idea of a lanyard icon (or icons) would be cool


  • OlerheadOlerhead Krytenton AustraliaRegistered User regular
    An Official PA PinnyPals Pin would have to be Gabe diving into the pins, right?

    But I'm still all for the green lanyard if we're going Unofficial.

  • InterestingMixInterestingMix A little bit of everything really Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Olerhead wrote: »
    An Official PA PinnyPals Pin would have to be Gabe diving into the pins, right?

    Oh God yes!


  • krovekkrovek Registered User regular
    id probably get one though i would like for it to be offical PA

  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    As far as official, I don't believe it would be feasible. Start with the 1000 print run minimum. Even if the bulk charge is $1 a pin, that puts us at $1000. Then you have to deal with legal, as I guarantee there are contracts and NDAs that would have to be dealt with. Plus, there is no precedent for PA to deal with a community group for something like this, only businesses. Now, lets say PA, decides to make their own PinnyPals pin, is it really a community pin at that point? The cost would most likely be $15 so there goes the ability to give them out somewhat freely. I'd be much more likely to give someone that shows interest in the community a $2 pin than a $15 pin.

    A community pin should be something done by the community. Just my thoughts.

  • SolelronSolelron Wandering Gamer Cornelius, ORRegistered User regular
    OpSteel wrote: »
    As far as official, I don't believe it would be feasible. Start with the 1000 print run minimum. Even if the bulk charge is $1 a pin, that puts us at $1000. Then you have to deal with legal, as I guarantee there are contracts and NDAs that would have to be dealt with. Plus, there is no precedent for PA to deal with a community group for something like this, only businesses. Now, lets say PA, decides to make their own PinnyPals pin, is it really a community pin at that point? The cost would most likely be $15 so there goes the ability to give them out somewhat freely. I'd be much more likely to give someone that shows interest in the community a $2 pin than a $15 pin.

    A community pin should be something done by the community. Just my thoughts.

    Actually with people in bandland doing Pins like Frontalot and such, even though they ARE businesses, there is nothing saying it can't be a single entity or group. Before you kibosh it, I would advise sending a well crafted letter (whomever wants to lead this) to PA and say we'd like to do that.

    (would be especially cool if you got it set up that all proceeds went to CP or something. We don't want a group of 50 or 100 people making profits off of it)

  • SkeleVaderSkeleVader Your Friendly Dark Lord of Destruction Registered User regular
    For reference, when we originally made the forum community pin it was $4.25 each and we ordered 200 of them. This was through Phoenix Challenge Coins, so if you used Kindercorp (who has made out recent challenge coins) it would probably be cheaper.

  • Jake CappsJake Capps Patrick Space Force Base, FloridaRegistered User regular
    I love the forum pin. I always wear in on my lanyard.


    My Pinny Pal's Lanyard

    "Players are artists who create their own reality within the game." - Shigeru Miyamoto
  • misskassmisskass Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Ah man, I really want one of those forum pins. They're so well designed.

  • SolelronSolelron Wandering Gamer Cornelius, ORRegistered User regular
    misskass wrote: »
    Ah man, I really want one of those forum pins. They're so well designed.
    I'm with you..I blinked and missed it I think..and I feel stupid for it

  • SkeleVaderSkeleVader Your Friendly Dark Lord of Destruction Registered User regular
    I still have a handful of them that I bring to Prime every year (and hopefully South this year) I give a few out each Pax so if you track me down you can get one.

  • misskassmisskass Melbourne, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    If it was in my budget to go back to the US this year, I absolutely would, but I'm not sure it's in the cards. :( Ah well, I will be envious from a distance.

  • OlerheadOlerhead Krytenton AustraliaRegistered User regular
    I was chastised for spending so much on pins this PAX, so I am going to need to wait until 2017 before I try and swing an overseas trip to Prime or East.

  • SolelronSolelron Wandering Gamer Cornelius, ORRegistered User regular
    misskass wrote: »
    If it was in my budget to go back to the US this year, I absolutely would, but I'm not sure it's in the cards. :( Ah well, I will be envious from a distance.

    could always work out a trade for one :)

  • DuckieDuckie Squirrel Squad Sydney, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    OpSteel wrote: »
    ...Even if the bulk charge is $1 a pin, that puts us at $1000...

    A 1000 print run is something like $5k for PA official pins, just FYI.

    Pinny Pals Lanyard | I make things!!

    [X]PAXsouth 2015
    [X]PAXaus 2015
    [?]PAXeast 2016 ???
  • OlerheadOlerhead Krytenton AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Duckie wrote: »
    OpSteel wrote: »
    ...Even if the bulk charge is $1 a pin, that puts us at $1000...

    A 1000 print run is something like $5k for PA official pins, just FYI.


    Then we can make our own DLC pin ... with blackjack ... and hookers!

  • KeroanKeroan Chicago, IllinoisRegistered User regular
    Duckie wrote: »
    OpSteel wrote: »
    ...Even if the bulk charge is $1 a pin, that puts us at $1000...

    A 1000 print run is something like $5k for PA official pins, just FYI.

    I think I probably spent like 5k at Prime this year on pins. Considering that pin collectors (and jacket-wear...ers?) fund every PA kickstarter, it might be easier just to cut out the "middle-man/product" and go straight for the pins :razz:

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