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Missed a panel at PAX AUS - will it be posted somehwere?

TavioTavio Registered User new member
So I missed a panel I was interested in watching on the Sunday of PAX AUS 2015, called "Don't Quit Your Day Job: Making Games and Working Full Time", because the theater got full before I arrived there. I remember that other panels I went to were being filmed. Will those videos be uploaded somewhere we can watch?



  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    edited November 2015
    All the stuff that was recorded should be on Twitch, broken up into highlights
    Not all theaters were recorded though, just Main Theater and Wombat.

    Beker on
  • sawellssawells Registered User regular
    Thank you Beker! I was looking for that for AGES, I find Twitch impossible to navigate.

    Twitter: @EssayWells
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