Hello guys!
I have some questions about a few sets vie been looking at, definitely can’t get them all so I would like to know what ones I should get before it’s too late.
Right now I want to get
A Halloween 2015 Set - When do you think this will go away? Will they sell out? or just remove the product from the store?
Core 2.0 - Once again, When will this go away?
Portal Set - Probably my last priority, its being sold by a 3rd party.
Some Armageddon Blind Box's - How long will these be available? Will these be good for trade at Pax East 2016?
Enfu: Rainbow Love - I’m assuming this will sell out very quickly...Can I get a second opinion? If I buy 2 sets, think they will trade well?
If you wanted to rate the order of buying them with opinions as to why it would be much appreciated!
ATM I’m thinking: Halloween > Armageddon > Rainbow > Core > Portal
Armadeaddon blind boxes will be available until the entire stash is sold out. There is still supply to last for a few months I think, based on estimates in the Armadeaddon thread.
Enfu is still not out yet, but I don't expect it to sell out immediately. I think those will trade pretty well at PAX, especially among folks who don't keep track of online sales.
Another suggestion is to get the blind boxes dropping on Thanksgiving. Each box has two random pins from the history of Pinny Arcade.
Core 2.0 will (probably) be at PAX East 2016, and likely isn't going anywhere for a while, plus a lot of these will be traded so you could trade other pins for them that you get at the convention if you really wanted.
Halloween will probably be retired early summer going by the 2013/2014 ones, so you're good now but don't wait forever!
Armadeaddon is on sale right now, so get them while the getting's good (however if you only want certain pins most in the set will be foddered to staff, except rare stuff like Jim/Cinnabon/Polaroid/etc).
Enfu I'm not sure about yet, I'm assuming it won't sell out instantly, but I do see it being popular at PAX for trades.
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
I would wait until the Black Friday sales and see what interests.
It really does depend on which ones you want the most, and then weight them according to your wallet. What we can do is give you an idea of how long they are going to be around.
Core is going to be around the longest. PA tend to do large runs of it, so it stays for ages. That's kind of the point of the Core Set.
Halloween usually doesn't sell out for a while. Depends on the stuff that's in it, theme-wise. Witch Annarchy was deemed sufficiently cute enough that I think that contributed to it selling quicker than the others. Maybe that's just my perception.
Armadeaddon will probably be gone after Christmas. Brian has said any that are left will be taken to South, but he doesn't expect that to be many.
Portal is likely to be sold out before Christmas. It's a popular third party title, and was already on sale at Prime. They may do a reprint. They may not.
Enfu...may sell out quickly. They are cute, and his fans are likely to take a lot of them out of circulation.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
DSB on Thursday.
Portal set on Black Friday.
Enfu whenever they are finally released.
Halloween whenever I felt like buying it.
Core 2.0 should be easy to pick up from trade tables or PinnyPals for pins that you get from your Double Secret Blind boxes you got on Thursday, so I wouldn't purchase it, just trade for it.
Armadeaddon is trending to MAYBE sell out by April of 2016. I would personally wait for one of two things: another sale, or renewed Club PA membership for $10 off and 5% discount.
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)