
[GW2] Path of Fire expansion to be released on Sept 22!



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    DarkMechaDarkMecha The Outer SpaceRegistered User regular
    For me most of the reason I like a spec has to do with the weapon it adds to the class. Meta can leap off a cliff when it intrudes with my fun!

    Steam Profile | My Art | NID: DarkMecha (SW-4787-9571-8977) | PSN: DarkMecha
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    DarmakDarmak RAGE vympyvvhyc vyctyvyRegistered User regular
    Yeah, I only do open world pve and story stuff so I don't care about the meta. I'll do whatever I want!

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    ArchArch Neat-o, mosquito! Registered User regular
    DarkMecha wrote: »
    For me most of the reason I like a spec has to do with the weapon it adds to the class. Meta can leap off a cliff when it intrudes with my fun!

    See, I feel that except like....not for Guardians? I'd rather aesthetically use other weapons, like a sword and focus, (and also the weapon skills were meh) but the profession abilities were super rad.

    Same with Mesmer. I played with a double sword Mirage and I was really really into the way that felt, but I don't (obviously) know if it was good or not, it was just fun.

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    ArchArch Neat-o, mosquito! Registered User regular
    I kinda wish the Mirage had gotten daggers instead of an axe, but what can ya do

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    Steel AngelSteel Angel Registered User regular
    Arch wrote: »
    I mean, you'll pry my Chrono shield from my cold, dead hands but it's interesting to see that my gut feeling was right.

    Weapon ability design can be an odd thing in this game that impacts whether an elite spec's weapon gets widely used. Off the top of my head, some big ones are
    1) Power versus Condition: If an elite spec supports both power and condition damage builds via its traits, the weapon's abilities are still only going to really support one or the other so one build type will eschew the weapon. Hence power berserker ignoring torches.
    2) Ranged versus melee: Melee damage simply outclasses most ranged attacks. Some of this is due to design to reward the higher risk but some of it is due to the small radius in which boons get shared with allies. Even builds that don't use a melee weapon (engineers and some condition builds) will still try to stay close with melee range party members for boon sharing. So if a spec adds a ranged weapon, chances are it's not going to be as effective as just using old melee weapons. Hence you don't see much longbow use in PvE Dragonhunter builds.
    3) Some weapons just aren't well tuned for a class: Thankfully the rarest case but still noticeable. In particular slow melee weapons just don't perform as well as quicker ones. Hence power Reaper builds still favor using a dagger and an offhand while a boss is over 50% health because it's just much better damage when you can't spam Reaper Greatsword 2 without cooldown.

    Chrono shield is probably one of the better designed HoT elite spec weapons. It dovetailed really well with new traits for the spec (getting two phantasms out of shield 4 lets you get a lot out of chronophantasma ) as well as new mechanics added in the expansion (shield 5 hitting the blue Defiance bars that replaced the old system hard).

    Big Dookie wrote: »
    I found that tilting it doesn't work very well, and once I started jerking it, I got much better results.

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    I would be happy if they made bosses gimmick fights in future content

    But, you know, gimmick fights that don't take forever - and minimize build variance problems

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    TulabelleTulabelle Registered User regular
    I just finished Chapter 5 of season 3 and that fight was MUCH more fun and infinitely less frustrating. One chapter left!

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    DarkMechaDarkMecha The Outer SpaceRegistered User regular
    Darmak wrote: »
    Yeah, I only do open world pve and story stuff so I don't care about the meta. I'll do whatever I want!

    If I want to run content where people are going to start kicking me if I don't have a meta build, I'm sure I can find a meta build I don't totally hate on one of my 6 lvl 80s and set them up as my 'meta build for X' character.
    Arch wrote: »
    DarkMecha wrote: »
    For me most of the reason I like a spec has to do with the weapon it adds to the class. Meta can leap off a cliff when it intrudes with my fun!

    See, I feel that except like....not for Guardians? I'd rather aesthetically use other weapons, like a sword and focus, (and also the weapon skills were meh) but the profession abilities were super rad.

    Same with Mesmer. I played with a double sword Mirage and I was really really into the way that felt, but I don't (obviously) know if it was good or not, it was just fun.

    Are we talkin Dragon Hunter or Firebrand? I really like both actually, and longbow was the weapon I had hoped they would add for Guardians before HoT, axes being the other weapon I wanted most. Guess I got lucky!

    Steam Profile | My Art | NID: DarkMecha (SW-4787-9571-8977) | PSN: DarkMecha
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    ArchArch Neat-o, mosquito! Registered User regular
    I was talking firebrand. I LOVE greatbow guardians.

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    I was super surprised to see that the demo had PvP mode active with the non-demo servers

    waiting for a match to start and "Oh cool, a holoma- WAIT A SECOND"

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    LeandriellLeandriell Registered User regular
    Ok folks, based on some discussions that have been ongoing for a while, we'd like to check we're offering the guild missions you want, when you want them!

    Please take the survey here! https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/2J5WCLK

    For those that are unsure, guild missions are a series of activities which an only be completed in a guild group, and reward a currency called guild commendations, which can be used to buy shineys from vendors in the guild hall, notably ascended trinkets, guild weapons/armour and daily items such as obsidian shards and decorations.

    We run guild missions once a week in a NA/EU accessible time slot, and have chosen to run predominantly PvE missions as they are easier to guarantee success on and are somewhat less bugged! Activities include hunting down a target and defeating them(Bounty), going to weird and wonderful locations and standing on the spot(Trek), guild-only mini-dungeons (Puzzle) and various instanced events (Challenge)

    The more the merrier at guild missions! We'll explain everything on teamspeak as we go along, so the only real requirement is to have TS (listen only is fine), and a sense of adventure. Some missions need some world exploration, but many can be accessed from the stargate in the guild hall.

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    -Loki--Loki- Don't pee in my mouth and tell me it's raining. Registered User regular
    I really need to finish Mordremoth (I have horrible luck with him. I've tried 3 times and each time the mission bugged out and I couldn't finish it) and recreate Caladbolg before the new expansion.

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    LeandriellLeandriell Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    -Loki- wrote: »
    I really need to finish Mordremoth (I have horrible luck with him. I've tried 3 times and each time the mission bugged out and I couldn't finish it) and recreate Caladbolg before the new expansion.
    A lot of the bugs have been fixed, so should be easier now than nearer release. There are certain options which can make it easier/harder/more likely to bug as well
    Brahm was notorious for the pre event bugging and him bugging in the final instance. I tend to take Canach and Caithe (plus an all sylvari party seems somewhat appropriate!)

    That said, always easier with a krewe - poke me if I'm on and you want some fireballs throwing ;)

    Leandriell on
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    TulabelleTulabelle Registered User regular
    Season 3 done!

    Last fight was also fun and I'm glad to finally have this done before PoF, but it seems like there is still a lot of open questions. Hopefully I didn't miss anything and the expansion answers some of them.

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    LeandriellLeandriell Registered User regular
    Tulabelle wrote: »
    Season 3 done!

    Last fight was also fun and I'm glad to finally have this done before PoF, but it seems like there is still a lot of open questions. Hopefully I didn't miss anything and the expansion answers some of them.

    Stick questions in a spoiler tag and we might be able to help!

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    TulabelleTulabelle Registered User regular
    Fair enough! Season 3 full spoilers.
    Mostly curious about some of the characters. Seems clear Balthazar is the lead baddie in PoF so I'm sure we'll find out more about him then.

    Braham and Rox and what's going on with them. We know he was trying to kill Jormag when it vanished due to our thing and even though Braham annoyed me to no end, I really like Rox and want to know what's up with her.

    Rytlock got taken back to stand trial? Maybe?

    Still haven't seen anything about Zojja since HoT.

    Finally, am I supposed to know who Livia was before this? I was expecting to find out she was someone I knew, but when she takes off her helmet and says her name, I was just like, "who?"

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    DarmakDarmak RAGE vympyvvhyc vyctyvyRegistered User regular
    Tulabelle wrote: »
    Fair enough! Season 3 full spoilers.
    Mostly curious about some of the characters. Seems clear Balthazar is the lead baddie in PoF so I'm sure we'll find out more about him then.

    Braham and Rox and what's going on with them. We know he was trying to kill Jormag when it vanished due to our thing and even though Braham annoyed me to no end, I really like Rox and want to know what's up with her.

    Rytlock got taken back to stand trial? Maybe?

    Still haven't seen anything about Zojja since HoT.

    Finally, am I supposed to know who Livia was before this? I was expecting to find out she was someone I knew, but when she takes off her helmet and says her name, I was just like, "who?"
    Livia was a Shining Blade necromancer from Guild Wars 1. If I remember correctly I believe she was an NPC hero you could recruit. She's in pretty good shape for being 200+ years old.

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    LeandriellLeandriell Registered User regular
    Braham and Rox will almost certainly be picked up in the expansion!
    Rytlock story we find out about during HoT, which will likely include WHY he was reluctant to tell anyone about it. (It was in a trailer)
    Zoja is likely because of out of game reasons - her VO has been largely unavaliable according to most. (Busy, had a kid, even busier)
    Livia is a GW1 Hero, usually a Necromancer/Mesmer dual class. She had the Scepter of Orr which granted her immortality, and showed up in one of the novels. She was one of the leaders of the shining blade in the GW1 era.

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    TulabelleTulabelle Registered User regular
    Thanks a ton! Sounds like I didn't really miss much then.

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    Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    Tulabelle wrote: »
    Thanks a ton! Sounds like I didn't really miss much then.
    Nope, not really. Even for those of us who loved GW1, the Livia reveal was really mishandled :\ I wish they'd telegraphed it more or offered an explanation for people who were like "um, who?"

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    I didn't play GW1 and the reveal was SUPER underwhelming

    hoping they don't rely too heavily on nostalgia in PoF, because I have none for that region

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    edit: thanks, isp

    Doobh on
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    SneakmanSneakman Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Anyone have advice on which class to use the level 80 boost from buying Path of Fire? I'm leveling a few classes normally (warrior, thief, ranger, necro) but I want to boost one to 80 to unlock mounts and to explore the new maps. I played during the first beta weekend and that first desert map is rad as hell. I'm a noob so I got totally wrecked by some sand mites lol. I'm thinking thief so I can go daredevil for map exploration and deadeye to solo the new PVE maps?

    Edit: Or maybe Ranger would be better since my pet can tank and I can survive the 80 areas better?

    Sneakman on
    Diablo 3 | Sneakman#1625 | S9 Multishot Demon Hunter
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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    thief is the fastest class in the game if you keep a shortbow in one of your weapon slots

    plus you get easy access to stealth, and reliably high damage - pretty solid if you want to explore a bunch

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    LeandriellLeandriell Registered User regular
    For folks filling out the guild missions survey, if you're suggesting alternative times, could you please specify your time zone - I'm not telepathic! :)

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    darkmayodarkmayo Registered User regular
    Just started playing again, bought the expansion and currently playing through season 3, pretty good so far.

    Switch SW-6182-1526-0041
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    Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Dubh wrote: »
    I didn't play GW1 and the reveal was SUPER underwhelming

    hoping they don't rely too heavily on nostalgia in PoF, because I have none for that region

    Well, okay, obviously I haven't seen much of the region thus far, but
    What we've seen is so far divorced from the original game as to be a completely different place, much like Maguuma was. Which is to say, it's changed about as much as you might expect a place to change in 260 years (think about what, say, New York City was like 260 years ago...) Imho this is a GOOD thing (even as a GW1 fan!)

    Example: compare the City of Amnoon from the beta of today with what it looked like in GW1. So that alone isn't banking on nostalgia. The Crystal Desert in GW1 was largely uninhabited, and there's even some GW1 grognards bitching about "Where'd the giant pyramids come from!?" as they weren't there in GW1 (answer: look at the difference between NYC 260 years ago and today. "why are they ruined???" if you talked to NPCs you'd know that there was a fairly recent MASSIVE sandstorm that utterly wrecked the area north of Amnoon, possibly caused by magic runoff from Elder Dragon deaths etc.)

    If you look at the Historical Guide to Tyria (which is super helpful if you want to know lore!) http://www.thatshaman.com/tools/guide/?v=3&x=-1044.125&y=1010.375&z=3

    You'll note that there was a statue of Glint right next to Amnoon which... isn't there anymore.

    Which is also to say, there ARE some neat little references for those of us who did play GW1, but they're in the form of things like the ruins of the Giant Statue you see on that page as a PoI. I think one of the best examples is the defunct teleporter mastery point puzzle -- that's literally how you got around the Crystal Desert in GW1, but I think it's well explained enough and a fun enough puzzle that new players will "get" it. They'll know that yeah, okay, this is a thing that USED to work a long time ago, but it doesn't now, and now I do a goofy matching puzzle to get a prize.

    In my opinion, that last bit is when GW1 nostalgia works best -- something which, without context, doesn't require too much explanation for a new player and is just a fun part of the environment, but to which a veteran will go "OMG it's THE THINGY!!!!"

    Now, of course, all that's the environment, which the devs have been pretty good at lately (the last few maps have been great) and not the story mode, which lately has been, uh... "hurp durp QUIP QUIP QUIP :V " But we'll see what happens there.

    Lucid_Seraph on
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    HugglesHuggles Registered User regular
    Sooo firebrand is guardian with engineer mixed with mesmer and a whole lot of fire? So much for my favoured hammer 1 faceroll :)

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    TulabelleTulabelle Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Sneakman wrote: »
    Anyone have advice on which class to use the level 80 boost from buying Path of Fire? I'm leveling a few classes normally (warrior, thief, ranger, necro) but I want to boost one to 80 to unlock mounts and to explore the new maps. I played during the first beta weekend and that first desert map is rad as hell. I'm a noob so I got totally wrecked by some sand mites lol. I'm thinking thief so I can go daredevil for map exploration and deadeye to solo the new PVE maps?

    Edit: Or maybe Ranger would be better since my pet can tank and I can survive the 80 areas better?

    My advice would be to unlock the class you are enjoying the most that has the elite specs you find most interesting. All classes have abilities that can get them through the open world and story stuff fairly easy, but some may need to move some skills or traits around for certain situations. I haven't played much of Thief or Ranger, but I'm sure they can handle the 80 zones without much issue!

    Once you use the boost, you will still have to unlock the elites. The elite specs take 190 hero points to fully unlock, but I read the the PoF elites unlock the skills in order. Meaning, in HoT, you unlocked all 3 minor traits before the 3 major traits before the 3 master traits. In PoF, you unlock 1 minor, then 1 major, then 1 master, before going back to the next minor to start over again.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, that HoT hero points give 10 points, while other areas only give 1 point. I am assuming that PoF will also give 10 points per hero point location, but I haven't seen anything to confirm that.

    Tulabelle on
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    ArchArch Neat-o, mosquito! Registered User regular
    I shouldn't have been allowed to play with all the elite specs of all the professions this weekend

    I have too many alts! I want to level my Guardian, and my Necro now also.....and maybe make a revenant???

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    DarkMechaDarkMecha The Outer SpaceRegistered User regular
    I really like how active the original core zones are all the time. There are so many reasons that bring people back to them. It's something you don't see very much in most mmos. Usually once you hit max level that's it, your never going back to the lower level zones again. Pretty cool to see and play.

    Steam Profile | My Art | NID: DarkMecha (SW-4787-9571-8977) | PSN: DarkMecha
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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    having an elite spec that's all about fire makes guardian more interesting for me

    especially since the engy flamethrower isn't super great

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    EnigmedicEnigmedic Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Dubh wrote: »
    having an elite spec that's all about fire makes guardian more interesting for me

    especially since the engy flamethrower isn't super great

    Its cool except the barrier of entry for viper gear is still orders of magnitude higher than berserkers. Did they add in anything in pof to help with that? If not i dont see the point in them buffing condi builds and introducing more condi specs because i dont have time to grind 4 different ls3 zones and gold to craft viper gear in any kind of timeframe that actually lets me play those specs in the near future.

    It actually makes me not want to play the game at all because i cant play half of it.

    Enigmedic on
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    BasilBasil Registered User regular
    edited August 2017
    Sure you can! If a guardian who doesn't know his loot-stick was nerfed can take part, why can't you?

    Dead weight is a state of mind.

    Basil on
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    Cobalt60Cobalt60 regular Registered User regular
    You don't need to have a full set of Viper's gear to run a condition build. Sinister (LS1), Carrion, Dire, Rabid are all fine for a condition build.

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    BasilBasil Registered User regular
    I say all the mean things about engineer but then I try condition again and I like it.

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    DarmakDarmak RAGE vympyvvhyc vyctyvyRegistered User regular
    Cobalt60 wrote: »
    You don't need to have a full set of Viper's gear to run a condition build. Sinister (LS1), Carrion, Dire, Rabid are all fine for a condition build.

    Yeah, I run some condi builds and I have never gotten, nor will I ever get, viper gear.

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    DarkMechaDarkMecha The Outer SpaceRegistered User regular
    edited August 2017
    I made one piece of viper's for my revenant, having not known how expensive it would be. Oooh boy. After that I just made some carrion instead for the rest of the slots.

    DarkMecha on
    Steam Profile | My Art | NID: DarkMecha (SW-4787-9571-8977) | PSN: DarkMecha
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    darunia106darunia106 J-bob in games Death MountainRegistered User regular
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    Lucid_SeraphLucid_Seraph TealDeer MarylandRegistered User regular
    PSA though: if you have Ascended gear of ANY stat combination, you can use the Mystic Forge to swap it to Viper's using an Exotic insignia.


    This is still kinda expensive as it requires Leaf Fossils and Black Diamonds (and leather), but wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cheaper than trying to craft a whole set of Viper's armor in either Ascended OR Exotic (because of Linseed Oil).

    My Ascended Viper's armor & weapons originally started out as a kind of weird grab-bag combo of whatever the heck I happened to get from drops plus iirc some Sinister, and I just did HoT metas until I had enough Black Diamonds and Leaf Fossils (Tarir is great for this, even without map hopping)

    As for trinkets, you can get Ascended trinkets where you can pick ANY of the HoT stats (and core stats) when you account bind them from ANY of the LS3 maps for the respective LS3 currencies. It doesn't even take all that long to acquire the correct LS3 currencies; just pick your favorite LS3 maps and go to town.

    Finally, even a lot of meta condition builds either don't use Viper's or use other combos. A lot use Sinister; my Necro uses a combo of Carrion, Sinister, and Viper's because frankly the extra vitality is a nice cushion of "actually I'm not a glass canon I can do this allll day," especially for irritating HoT metas ("thanks pocket raptors for being excellent 'RISE!!!' fodder")

This discussion has been closed.