It must be interesting being Mike or Jerry's kid. One day, someone will want to know how those kids behaved when they were young, and that person will be able to simply *look it up online.*
Agree, the lettering is distracting. Almost like italics, are they whispering the whole time? Big points for the 100% accurate parent-sitting-in-child-seat pose Gabe's got going on though. You can tell a lot about the personality of your kid's teacher if he/she has you sit in one of those and then either A: sits in one themselves, putting them on your level or B: remains in their own personal adult chair, so that they can, you know, kind of look down on you.
The letters thing hits home though, they call them 'Think Sheets' in our kids school and it can be difficult to know the 'right' thing to do about them. They're usually not for outright bad behavior but more like "Your daughter was talking during class" We're always like "...and?" I mean of course she should learn the rules and follow them, but unless she's trying to collect souls again (yes this happened and yes I was amused but yes I told her to stop) maybe it can just be a school thing?
Might want to look into home schooling, or a specialty school where it's not unusual to be the child of an influential celebrity with a wildly successful charity and growing media empire. No matter how normal you try to raise them in that situation, there are things they just aren't going to identify with regular public school kids about, and aspects of his life like the exposure from growing up as an honest to god comic star adored by hordes of fans the regular kids wouldn't get as well.
...unless she's trying to collect souls again (yes this happened and yes I was amused but yes I told her to stop) maybe it can just be a school thing?
Bearer of the curse, seek souls. Larger, more powerful souls.
this is why i plan to send my future offspring to school with soul gems at the ready. teach them to reduce waste and be able to charge their own enchantments.
Haha oh man I'm trying to type this with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. One of my favourite PA in recent memory. EVERY aspect of this comic is 100% on point.
Great joke, killer punchline and the artwork/layout are both beautiful.
A++, neither Gabe nor Tycho need to sit in the Hitler chair .
Is the woman in the back supposed to be Kara?
Why are the wives changing desings all the time, but the guys always remain the same?
We don't see the wives that often, though the guys have certainly changed in style over the years. If you're talking about their outfits, it could be because Gabe and Tycho are made up cartoon people but the wives are based on real life people with evolving tastes in outfits, hairstyles, etc.
Is the woman in the back supposed to be Kara?
Why are the wives changing desings all the time, but the guys always remain the same?
Because just Gabe and Tycho are like Goku and Vegeta , they don't change hair styles (GT doesn't count) meanwhile Kara and Brenna are like Bulma and Chi Chi, they are allowed to have different hairstyles, glasses, battle armor, complete control over the lives of their husbands.
Agreed. It's good for kids to dream big. You don't want to them to grow up to be just any old genocidal tyrant. You should encourage them to be the genocidal tyrant.
Maybe he'll even have his own internet law one day.
Then he should get the Aku chair.
MorninglordI'm tired of being Batman,so today I'll be Owl.Registered Userregular
That is a glorious background. I love how the conversation unfolds across one large panel but still feels like a three panel punchline.
And the little ones chair.
MacMcCrackDuchess of ManboobWherever mediocrity is celebratedRegistered Userregular
love the borders/ backgound on this one. I had to re-read the second panel, but its probably just because I don't have kids.
So, after picking up my kid at daycare last night to be told he had to sit in the "thinking chair" because he choked one of the other kids, this comic really does hit close to home.
Sadly the Hitler chair would never work in a real school. The kids would be competing in stupidity to sit in the "cool chair".
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
I'm looking forward to what they come up when Little Gabe hits the teenage years.
The letters thing hits home though, they call them 'Think Sheets' in our kids school and it can be difficult to know the 'right' thing to do about them. They're usually not for outright bad behavior but more like "Your daughter was talking during class" We're always like "...and?" I mean of course she should learn the rules and follow them, but unless she's trying to collect souls again (yes this happened and yes I was amused but yes I told her to stop) maybe it can just be a school thing?
Bearer of the curse, seek souls. Larger, more powerful souls.
this is why i plan to send my future offspring to school with soul gems at the ready. teach them to reduce waste and be able to charge their own enchantments.
steam | Dokkan: 868846562
Great joke, killer punchline and the artwork/layout are both beautiful.
A++, neither Gabe nor Tycho need to sit in the Hitler chair
Why are the wives changing desings all the time, but the guys always remain the same?
We don't see the wives that often, though the guys have certainly changed in style over the years. If you're talking about their outfits, it could be because Gabe and Tycho are made up cartoon people but the wives are based on real life people with evolving tastes in outfits, hairstyles, etc.
Because just Gabe and Tycho are like Goku and Vegeta , they don't change hair styles (GT doesn't count) meanwhile Kara and Brenna are like Bulma and Chi Chi, they are allowed to have different hairstyles, glasses, battle armor, complete control over the lives of their husbands.
Wii: 4521 1146 5179 1333 Pearl: 3394 4642 8367 HG: 1849 3913 3132
Maybe that's what they told him, but the truth is that only adults can sit in adult chairs. ;-)
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
Agreed. It's good for kids to dream big. You don't want to them to grow up to be just any old genocidal tyrant. You should encourage them to be the genocidal tyrant.
Inquisitor77: Rius, you are Sisyphus and melee Wizard is your boulder
Tube: This must be what it felt like to be an Iraqi when Saddam was killed
Bookish Stickers - Mrs. Rius' Etsy shop with bumper stickers and vinyl decals.
Then he should get the Aku chair.
And the little ones chair.
This comic gets funnier the more I look at it.
fucking funny, though.
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden