Feel that this will lead up to that image on the internet, the one with the little stuffed bear holding a wooden sword and shield and defending the bed from a monster.
This gave me goose bumps. I have had to craft a whole elaborate world for the stuffed animal defense force to live in so that my daughter could sleep. I may be buying prints of this comic.
Mr Bear is gonna wreck some demons!!!
2) Now I want Twisp & Catsby: The Comic
I just get the feeling this is going to end badly.
Hey Satan!
This is a good thing.
... and Merch pillowcase. Nice.
He is gonna make them come apart at the seams.
Stay positive, bud! It's a Christmas Comic!
That's why I'm worried dude, have you read the OTHER christmas comics :S
I do not foresee, "The Last Christmas," nor do I predict, "An Unbelievably Merch Christmas," with this plot.
Rather, I see something magical and wonderful coming our way, to bring us all a very happy holiday!
Maybe the next comic is the bear coming alive and doing some online shopping to heal Merch. Not a creature was stirring, except for a mouse
Please let this one be good...