I had a break-in between Christmas and New Years day, and among things stolen was my almost complete Armadeaddon Set and duplicates.
While I will keep an eye out as much as possible, I would appreciate if anyone sees anything about the Armadeaddon Set (except for the Photo Finish) being sold, especially from Australia, if they could let me know.
I've yet to confirm that this was all that was stolen, as they really went to town on our house and we are still cleaning up.
"Damn fine pins!"
That sucks man.
Which Armadeaddon pins did you have?
My Pin Lanyard
Sounds to me like he had everything except for the epilogue/polaroid pin, unless you were specifically asking what his dupes were?
Will definitely keep an eye out for you @somniomancer
[X]PAXsouth 2015
[X]PAXaus 2015
[?]PAXeast 2016 ???
Yea, Im an idiot, I'll remember to read the whole sentence next time :P
My Pin Lanyard
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Pinny Pals Lanyard
Doesn't mean that they won't turn up somewhere, it's that they just haven't yet!
Ugh, sucks, but at least they didn't get the whole collection. It's possible they would have seen them as likely easy things to move, geek paraphernalia can be a premium cash grab.
Sorry to hear it, hope that maybe things can turn up and some justice can happen.
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Only a mere 136 pins to go!