Behold! The unhallowed locution hath been uttered. The Cyle nears the apex, and the seraph of pain sharpens her greatsword with fervency under the geas of the Unbidden One.
(Congrats guys. You've been holding onto that one for a while, and it looks good on the introwebs.)
I'm pretty sure this is going to end up like all New Year's Resolutions... a half-hearted attempt, and then "meh" sets in, to be forgotten until the next New Year rolls around.
This seems like an appropriate time to point out that despite whatever deep seated personal need Elite: Dangerous is satisfying for Tycho, it is an awful game unworthy of purchase. That's not to say that the idea of the game isn't amazing; just that the game itself is utterly devoid of... game.
This seems like an appropriate time to point out that despite whatever deep seated personal need Elite: Dangerous is satisfying for Tycho, it is an awful game unworthy of purchase. That's not to say that the idea of the game isn't amazing; just that the game itself is utterly devoid of... game.
Well this is very disappointing. I hadn't realized I wasn't enjoying it. Harsh wake up call.
Goose!That's me, honeyShow me the way home, honeyRegistered Userregular
This seems like an appropriate time to point out that despite whatever deep seated personal need Elite: Dangerous is satisfying for Tycho, it is an awful game unworthy of purchase. That's not to say that the idea of the game isn't amazing; just that the game itself is utterly devoid of... game.
That middle panel is also a huge reason why Mike is so amazing. ;-)
Only a mere 136 pins to go!
(Congrats guys. You've been holding onto that one for a while, and it looks good on the introwebs.)
Yes, it is mentioned in at least one of their podcasts.
all these resolutions, and yet Tycho's shit-fucking continues unabated.
Look. If they faked us landing on the moon, surely they'd fake us landing on it more than once ever.
Or, you know, six times.
Does that mean Tycho has never actually fucked a dog? All of his dog fucking conquests have been staged?
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
Well this is very disappointing. I hadn't realized I wasn't enjoying it. Harsh wake up call.
Really? My birthday was yesterday!
You're going to South again this year, right?
that's not what I said! that's not what I freaking said!!
it's a bit terrible
Nah it's plenty fun.