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Kids board games time?

atheneathene Registered User regular
Anyone else bringing their little ones? If so, would you like to set a time to have our little ones play some board games?

We'll be there with our 4.5 year old and our baby. Obviously the baby is a bit young to play games, but the older one loves to play. We could bring some of our kid friendly games. We have some classics and some great newer ones.

Anyone interested?


  • mayapplemayapple TennesseeRegistered User regular
    This is a great idea! Im not bringing mine to South. But I am to East. Might have to steal this.


  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    This is a cool idea. I will have my 7 and 13 year old. A game night for all of us with kids would be really great!

  • MachismoMachismo Registered User regular
    I'll be bringing my five year old on Saturday. He likes King of Tokyo. Also, I've managed to play a modified game of Munchkins with him (I just removed the most adult cards and it is no worse than Shrek).

  • macrogeekmacrogeek Registered User regular
    Mayapple, we took our 8yr old to East last year and she had a blast. Her favorite thing was the Pax Pokemon League in Handheld Lounge.

  • atheneathene Registered User regular
    Would Saturday afternoon (say 2 or 3) work for people?

  • atheneathene Registered User regular
    I'm thinking we'll bring Enchanted Forest and a cooperative game. We also have a really soft dice game that's great for young kids.

  • MachismoMachismo Registered User regular
    2 or 3 sound good. Where at?
    Also I can bring Dino Dice with me. My boy likes it. We can borrow some games too. I heard ticket to ride is good for five year olds but I haven't tried.

  • atheneathene Registered User regular
    Tabletop free play area. Let's aim for 2 and see how that goes.

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