I saw what look to be the guide of everything that will be at Pax South this year and I'm a little disappointed it what I saw. Why is it that PAX gets major games for East and Prime but, when South comes along, none of the big guys show up? I mean we are only a couple months from the release of games like Ubisoft's "The Division" & "Far Cry Primal", EA "PVZ MW2", Naughty Dog "Uncharted 4" Then games like "Hitman", "Quantum Break", "Dark Souls 3", "Battleborn" and "Overwatch" are also going to be released in the next couple months! I bet you anything 75% if not all of these game will be at Pax East, so why can't they come to South? I feel like if Pax South doesn't start bringing the big guys, no one is going to want to come. Don't get me wrong I love the small indie games, but I good % of gamers could care less about them. I don't want to lose Pax South from Texas! It is a hour away from where I live, so it is the only Pax I have a chance of going to. Please Pax do something to bring major titles to South!
South just isn't there yet. I am actually attending South this year for the first time and I too am a bit disappointed with the showing of exhibitors since I am so used to Prime. We will see how it goes though. It might be a nice change to attend a smaller convention.
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
I am real sad all of the sudden.
Riot doesn't go to any of the PAXes anymore. Intel might not have a booth but they will definitely be there as they are a major supporter of PC Freeplay and BYOC.
According to: https://guidebook.com/guide/54720/list/217817/
Alienware and Intel will be there
Plus Big Fish Games will be there, so I don't know why anyone would complain.
It isn't as if they had a huge show-stopping booth last year though. There was what: 12 of the new 3DS playing the Majora's Mask demo?
Intel also wasn't quite there last year, it was more of an outsourced booth. With AMD there this year hopefully Intel will be more involved.
I guess I enjoyed getting to try out the new 3ds to see if it was worth the upgrade. I was also hoping that they would come in with more heavy hitting stuff as it would be year two for South and there were so many more tickets sold. My fault for being naive I guess
I do actually hope that this stays more of an indie and TT focused PAX, if it can succeed that way.
really? when did Riot stop going? because they were at South last year.
P.S. Anyone know if cloud imperium games is going to have another event like last year?
2016 for mobile isn't out yet, just for web. I have a write up with details here:
Yep that is exactly the same way I am feeling right now.
I was very disappointed last year because I was expecting the same type of PAX as all the other ones I have been hearing about for years. The "big name" presence was just not there compared to other PAX's. So I gave them the benefit of the doubt and thought "well it was the first year, next year will be different". It looks IMHO like their will be less presence this year.
The following opinion will undoubtedly be VERY unpopular here but it needs to be suggested:
If South is going to continue to be "Indie" heavy, as it looks like it will be for all the reasons folks here have stated it has been, it should be called PAX Indie and get it over with. Just own it and create a Con that caters to that crowd. Their are already 2 Cons that are "Big Name" heavy, so why not give Indie games their own spotlight? It's not my thing but it seems to be a growing niche. BTW I would LOVE to go to Prime or East but it is too cost intensive for me. South is much closer and cheaper.
Anyway just my 2p.
EDIT: I haven't heard anything about an event from CIG. IIRC they had last years one up by this time. I don't think they will because they are busy with the ongoing Alphas and keeping the haters off their backs! 8-)
Yeah PAX East is insane. It's the only PAX I've attended other than going to this years South. I love East but it can get a bit much at times.
Switch FC: SW-7588-7027-0113, Steam/PSN: Halfazedninja
It's also probably only a matter of time until Nintendo and Microsoft do their own cons. There is only so much time and money in the marketing budget/plan. Devs can't afford to support the ever growing number of conventions.
Editor in Chief @ www.mmo-central.com
Well, the 3 day badge people can -easily- sell their badges. People are always looking. San Diego Comic Con would never be a disappointment, but if you were wanting to sell those, you couldn't because they're attached to the person. Only problem with PAX tickets is that they can easily be scalped.
I think as long as they get one "big" company I will be satisfied in the future. To me, Capcom is, so I don't feel as bad. I thought Nintendo got a ton of visitors last year though..thought that'd be incentive enough to come again. I'm sure PAX South Exhibitor spaces are cheaper than those at Prime or East. Oh well. Maybe next year. I'm hoping this doesn't affect the likeliness of PAX to stay in San Antonio. I mean, they are still selling out of most tickets, so I would think they are getting their money's worth.
Capcom is kinda meh. They just bring their merch booth and add a couple of demo stations for SFV.
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
Hopefully they go to East and they don't skip it like in 2014
Im stoked to try new stuff and see the friends I made last year again.
Where do you go to sell them? Is there supposed to be specific tab to sell them? I would like to try to sell them and my room that are already paid for so if there is a tab I am looking for it!