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Pre-PAX Boardgame Night: Ep. 2016, THE DICE AWAKEN

LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
edited April 2016 in PAX East

WHAT: A coordinated meetup the night before PAX for anyone with board games, or anyone who wants to play boardgames.

WHERE: The Basement Exhibition Hall of the Boston Westin Waterfront Hotel: 425 Summer Street.

WHEN: Thursday April 21 @ 4:00 PM until Midnight or 2am (shutdown time TBD)

This event is ALL AGES!! It's also FREE! And there are NO SIGNUPS!!! Just show up and have a great time. Feel free to bring your spawn, but remember that PAXers have filthy, filthy mouths and your wee ones may be subject to some exciting new vocabulary.

SPECIAL NOTE: We're getting a thank you gift for the manager who rescued this event for us this year. See this post to contribute to the funding.

-350 seats in the Basement Exhibition Hall - take the down escalator behind MJ O'Connors and follow the signs.
-No gaming in the upstairs lobby this year at all. Gamers will be asked by staff to go downstairs.
-This event is not paid for, endorsed by, or affiliated with Official Penny Arcade. It is a community-run event.

Food and Drink

- We're working on getting a bar or bars downstairs.
- Drinks can be ordered from the Birch Bar upstairs and taken downstairs.
- NO DRINKS CAN BE TAKEN OUTSIDE OF MJ O'Connor's. Please do not order drinks for takeout from them. (Their restaurant license is separate from the Westin and takeout cocktails are illegal).
- No outside boozes. Just don't.
- There will be no table service.
- Food can be ordered from the Birch Bar upstairs. Please make every effort to order from them - I know it's pricey but it's how we pay for this space.
- The Westin has indicated that for this year only, ordering from outside vendors is OK. We'll try to have delivery menus available. Still, please try to order from the Birch Bar.
- The Cookie Brigade will have a table for dropoff and donations

THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE: The Westin gives us this space for free. They are not obligated to host us and we make every effort to be good guests. We negotiate this every year in exchange for a good bar and restaurant take. This year is a little different from normal since we'll be pretty far away from the bar and restaurant. Even so, please make every effort to purchase from the Birch Bar for food and drink this evening.

- Please don't be an egregious douchebag. For example, one year in Seattle, some guy decided it would be a great idea to vape in the ballroom and the hotel manager came and had an unpleasant chat with me about it. This isn't your buddy's garage man cave, please act appropriately. We pride ourselves on being a responsible, self-policing community, so if you see someone acting inappropriately (smoking, vandalizing or just being a dick), it's a good idea to nicely recommend they knock it the fuck off before management does.

- Be Excellent to each other. We freaks and geeks can be a socially maladroit group, so if someone is shyly lurking by your table, invite them to join. Be patient, be nice. Please don't flip your table.

1. The Cookie Brigade will be staffing the info table. Additional volunteer staffers are always needed, so step up if you want to take a shift for an hour or two that evening!
2. LexiconGrrl (me) will be off enjoying the fruits of my labors for the first time in this event's history. I'll be "that" middle aged drunk woman with the glasses loudly doing Rammstein Karaoke at the table while everyone else pretends not to know me.
3. If you've got a game and are looking for players, put the box top of the game vertically on your table. This is the universal sign for "I don't care who you are, please join us"
4. If you're looking to join a game, look for vertical box tops.
5. We will have a hosted checkout system at the info table. You can drop off games to loan or borrow games there. If you're dropping off, I recommend doing this:

Weekend Gaming
The mezzanine will open for weekend gaming at 5:00pm on Friday, and the tables will remain up through Sunday night/Monday morning.

Never Been? Here's what you should know:
Pre-PAX Game Night at the Westin has been a tradition for 5+ years at East. At its largest in 2014, Four Hundred seats were filled to bursting with boardgames of all sorts, and the event is one of the only all-ages, free-to-attend activities on Thursday night. Renting this space is cost prohibitive, so we've successfully negotiated with the hotels to give us space for free every year (no small feat).

You don't have to pay to get in, it's open to the public, all-ages, and people are really nice. It's a great way to come and kick off PAX with a massive group of friendly, like-minded PAXers and the selection of boardgames is mindblowing. You can bring your own, or find someone to borrow a game from. There is no central game library but lots of people bring private collections to loan out during the event while other folks prefer to set up a single game ahead of time that they bring. It's very free-form and is a completely volunteer, community run event.

Original Post:

The FIRST ORDER has taken control of the Westin lobby in Boston, using their power and influence to push PRE-PAX GAMERS to the outer reaches of the BCEC and beyond.

RESISTANCE leaders are in short supply and are desperately needed to ensure the survival of Pre-PAX Game Night by establishing new gaming bases in other locations...

A small contingent of gamers will be established at Starkiller Base (the Westin), under the capricious rule of Big Money. Additional Resistance bases are needed to seat the throngs of gamers desperately in need of space. Are YOU the leader the resistance needs to establish new bases?

Questions you have? Answers you shall find.

Pre-PAX Game Night at the Westin has been a tradition for 5+ years at East. At its largest in 2014, Four Hundred seats were filled to bursting with boardgames of all sorts, and the event is one of the only all-ages, free-to-attend activities on Thursday night. Renting this space is cost prohibitive, so we've successfully negotiated with the hotels to give us space for free every year (no small feat).

Unfortunately, PAX has gotten popular to the point that there is a very good chance the Thursday evening Westin Game Night won't have enough space for this crowd any more. Big, rich game companies are coming in to reserve the spaces that were previously used by PAXers, making this event harder and harder to squeeze in to the limited corners and floorspace they have.

Coordinators are sought for additional locations outside of the Westin that can accommodate 50-200 people. If you're interested in coordinating a game night on Thursday for a large group, reach out by IM to Lexicongrrl or here on the thread for tips, suggestions and ideas. Basically it means working with the location administration ahead of time to ensure that they know what's happening and are okay with it, then being at the location all evening to help answer questions and match up gamers. It's work, but it's also super fun.

Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
LexiconGrrl on


  • InfiniteNuLLInfiniteNuLL Registered User regular
    Is there a start/end time for this as of yet? (updating the event thread).

    FF14 - Failia Zebonaiza, Behemoth Server, FC: 404 Guild Not Found
    PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Is there a start/end time for this as of yet? (updating the event thread).

    Nope, neither is there a location yet. It's not ready for the event thread yet.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    I have some fears that folks are starting to take this event for granted, and may no longer recognize how much volunteer work goes in to making it happen or how seriously at risk the event is this year. Totes for reals, we srsly need other locations to come on board to make it happen this year. Otherwise, folks may show up on Thursday night and get turned away (or at worst, kicked out) of the Westin Lobby. That will be a huge frustration for everybody.

    Step up! Host a Game Night for the People!

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • jdixon1972jdixon1972 Registered User regular
    Yeh, it would need to be something near the event. Something that could also host alot of people, 500-1000. Thank you also, LexiconGrrl for answering my questions also. After a little research, the only hotel near the BCEC that has any space like that is the Seaport, and I think someone already said they shot that down last year. I do agree that most have taken this event for granted over the years, myself included. We need someone that has some kind of pull with hotels around the area, or, is there restaurants in the area that have space like that? Then, however, there is the flipside to this. What is the only way to get space is to pay for it. As Lex told me, the prices would be horrendous, and there would be the problem of raising the money, when half the people that attend don't read the forums (hence the "taking it for granted" part) and wouldn't know about any kind of GoFundMe type of fund raising thing.

    Ok, here is something. I wonder if it would be possible to approach the board and card game vendors that attend PAX, and see if they could sponsor the event. Maybe let them have small tables to sell stuff.

    Again, I have no experience doing this kind of stuff, but I don't want to see this go away. If anyone else has ideas, I will be glad to help with the foot work to try to get this done


  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    It doesn't necessarily have to be near the event. Two years ago some forumers hosted an alternate game night at the Mariott Long Wharf (60-ish people)with much success. As long as we know where they are ahead of time and all the coordinators talk to each other, it's pretty easy to present it as "here are all the game nights happening tonight" at each event so folks can go elsewhere if they can't find a seat where they're at.

    Restaurants aren't as workable an idea as you'd think, since they'd expect the gaming tables to pay as if they were paying guests at a table that was turning once an hour. It's not an ideal situation for more than a few big spendahs who'd do that anyway.

    Approaching a game vendor is actually a pretty great idea and since you suggested it, my mind has been ticking away at an idea I have. But if anybody has an 'in' with a company that might be willing to give us space, definitely let me know!!

    And yes, you're absolutely right about the fundraising/crowdfunding/paying for space issue. It's been examined thoroughly and just isn't realistic. It would cost somewhere between $10,000-$15,000 to rent the amount of space the hotels give us for free and because PAX is so big now, a lot of folks show up who aren't on the forums so there's no way to reach everyone who attends before the event. And yes, enforcing a door charge (ticket) would bring in some cash but a) not enough and b) it's important to keep this event free and open to all and c) that's a fuckton more work than just finding another helper to do a smaller satellite event at another hotel. Occam's razor, my friends.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • YamskarYamskar Registered User regular
    I dont know how viable of an option this may be but The Boston Foundation (20ish min from convention center) currently allows their conference space to be rented out for free to nonprofit associations. There are a couple of caveats to the location in question though; First being that the location can only accommodate 70-80 theater style (not ideal for board games) as well as/or 30-70 in classroom. Not as grande but its something, and another thing is that the spaces are only available from 9am-4:30pm which is a huge negative in its favor but I think this can easily be mitigated by offering to hire security for the location. Paying security vs paying for venue is way better then nothing. Granted this is probably way too small to account for all the people but maybe if we can find more locations like this, we can essentially have tons of little board game areas scatttered around the general area. Ill keep doing research but I think brainstorming about these areas is the first step in the right direction. Im getting excited thinking about Pax!

  • KeroanKeroan Chicago, IllinoisRegistered User regular
    Another issue may be that Game Night is not 501c3 certified. They may require that to verify non-profit status.

  • jdixon1972jdixon1972 Registered User regular
    That is something that probably would have to be done for that to work too. The reason I brought up the location being near the BCEC was just for a convenience factor for all the attendees. I was hoping to keep people from going to far out of the way. Maybe teaming up with ChildsPlay and also having any companies we can sponsor us, with the intent of a large portion of any funds made going to charity, could help us. This may, however, take more time to plan then what we would have for Pax 2016. I'm checking around to see if there are any large spaces (banquet halls, smaller meeting spaces, etc.). Basically i'm trying anything I can think of. Sorry that I haven't come up with anything yet.

  • schussschuss Registered User regular
    There's a ton of conference space at the World Trade Center nearby, but it may be too costly.

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Hotel Lobbies have historically been the best bet. Trust me on this guys - I've been doing game night for years and have a pretty good handle on the pros and cons of alternate spaces.

    Finding space isn't the issue. Finding more game night coordinators is. We need more coordinators.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • PurpleBekPurpleBek Manchester, EnglandRegistered User regular
    Well, the element is open now so someone local could go inquire? Has any one had any luck in the past with the renaissance?

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    PurpleBek wrote: »
    Well, the element is open now so someone local could go inquire? Has any one had any luck in the past with the renaissance?

    Approaching either of those is a terrific, terrific idea. I can send you a PM in a couple of days (taxes right now, ugh!) with some tips and suggestions if you want to talk to them?

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • PurpleBekPurpleBek Manchester, EnglandRegistered User regular
    I could email but whether someone who's in Boston would have better luck talking face to face to them and seeing exactly what space they have available?

  • Tanjin90Tanjin90 Registered User regular
    If you pass the info onto me i can inquire with them.

  • Streetlight345Streetlight345 Seekonk, MARegistered User regular
    I have called Aloft about space available for game night. They mentioned that they would not be able to promise us a conference room until ~2 weeks before PAX. They believe they can accommodate us elsewhere. I am going to visit them late February after they have been opened for a little while and try to get a sense of what they mean.

    PAX East 2019!
    Badges [X] Hotel [X] Time off request [X]
  • FastrFastr Registered User regular
    Hello all,

    Last year I attended the ore Pax game night as I was staying at the Westin and really loved it. I'm sad to hear it's on jeopardy. I'd like to lend a hand. What's the issue with the Westin, are they just not willing to guarantee space again? I know a store owner thru a friend that is located in Westerv MA that always attends PAX to sell.. Id be willing to see if I could get a msg to them if they might be willing to put some money up and sell stuff.

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Fastr wrote: »
    Hello all,

    Last year I attended the ore Pax game night as I was staying at the Westin and really loved it. I'm sad to hear it's on jeopardy. I'd like to lend a hand. What's the issue with the Westin, are they just not willing to guarantee space again? I know a store owner thru a friend that is located in Westerv MA that always attends PAX to sell.. Id be willing to see if I could get a msg to them if they might be willing to put some money up and sell stuff.

    The issue is that they don't have the space to give us anymore, and I'm too siphoned off with work and stuff to coordinate multiple new game nights, so am asking the community to step up and help out by doing a couple of coordinated events on different locations.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • rtm416rtm416 NYRegistered User regular
    edited February 2016
    I can help out anyone who takes this on, I just can't devote myself to it completely. I will likely not be in Boston at the start of the night, and Uni classes are sapping my planning time.

    If anyone needs a hand getting started, just send me a message or e-mail me (I think my e-mail is on my account).

    rtm416 on
  • YamskarYamskar Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    I talked to the people at and they would love to host a game night for Pax Attendees. I'm working through the logistics with them at the moment and would be willing to be the correspondent for that location (If anyone wants to help. I'd appreciate it.) Here's the thing though, Beverly is considerably far from the convention. 30 Minutes by car and maybe an hr by train BUT the Beverly Station is exactly 419 steps from the cafe so its a straight shot from the T to the cafe. So to summarize:
    • "The Castle: A Board Game Cafe" has verbally agreed so far to let Pax Attendees hold a game night in their Beverly Cafe for free. (Working logistics atm, whether its free just to Pax Attendees or free to public etc)
    • This event will require a commute from convention location to venue site of about 30mins to an Hr depending on how you travel.
    • This is a Board Game Cafe. I've been there. Its Amazing. 300+ Different board games.

    In the coming days after I finalize most things with them, ill make a new thread on the forums with more concrete details. I hope people would be willing to go/this inspires more people to keep finding locations and volunteering to help.

    Yamskar on
  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    Yamskar wrote: »
    In the coming days after I finalize most things with them, ill make a new thread on the forums with more concrete details. I hope people would be willing to go/this inspires more people to keep finding locations and volunteering to help.
    That's awesome! Do you know how many people they can host? I'd totally get myself and my crew there :P

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    I hate to be the negative nancy here but an hours train journey to the venue from downtown Boston is not viable. Many attendees are traveling 1,000's of miles to get to PAX East and they do not want to face another journey to get to this event.

    Also the size of the venue needs to accommodate 500+ people, which is why hotel lobbies are our best bet. I seriously doubt a board game cafe can cater for so many people. Please read what @LexiconGrrl has written about this.


  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    My thoughts exactly and again not to rain on anybody's parade ... the first thing I did was google where this was and then try to figure out where is was on the MBTA maps. I am a come-from-away and so will rely of MBTA to get around and this seemed too far out to me. I liked the idea of another venue but the distance may be prohibitive. Also, with other events like the pre pax dinner (which has typically been Thurs 4-7), timelines may be tight enough to make it to places like the Westin let alone a venue well removed from the downtown core.

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • KaronethKaroneth Elder Scrolling Online Co-Host Lakehurst, NJRegistered User regular
    We went to the Harvard Museums last year, worth it but was a 40 minute or so T ride for the BCEC. This castle, looks much further than that. I google mapped it and 37 minutes by car or 77 minutes by train, and you'd have to wait for the right train. I was quite excited for it but I'd have to pass what could be 3 hours round trip commuting to and from it.

  • YamskarYamskar Registered User regular
    Should I cancel with them? I was under the impression that there really was no feasible way to find just one other venue to essentially move everything over to and that many smaller groupings would be the way to go. If the Cafe could essentially cater to 50, it would at least lessen the burden put on the Westin/other venues.

    *No hard feelings btw about anything except for that comment about reading what @LexiconGrrl wrote. (Of course I read the thread)

  • Streetlight345Streetlight345 Seekonk, MARegistered User regular
    Ok, talks with Aloft are sounding good after a second phone call. Nothing concrete yet but I wanted to put a doc out there to get a sense of interest. This is a brand new experience for me trying to coordinate this so any suggestions/advice/tips/tricks is appreciated.

    PAX East 2019!
    Badges [X] Hotel [X] Time off request [X]
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    Form filled out! I'm hoping to play some Blood Rage while I'm at PAX East for it is my current game of choice :)

    Oh and apologies to @Yamskar over my remark on not reading this thread. I was just miffed at losing Westin as our venue and the thought of having a 3 hour round trip to a replacement venue filled me with ire. Especially since I'm traveling 3,000 miles across a rather inhospitable ocean to get to Boston on the first place.


  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    Form completed. I am very limited in space due to travel by air but I should have most of my portable games I will likely have in tow. I will be at Seaport so any location in that area will work for me.

    @Kropotkin did we lose Westin? or is the space which might be available limited (moreso than previous years)? I read Lexi's post differently. I thought space was restricted not foreclosed.

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • iltailta Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    I think there's nothing wrong with inviting people to the cafe. Many, I'm sure, will have transportation options, or could go there before heading into town for the night. I just don't think it's a viable complete alternative. This year may just see a lot of smaller events instead of one or two mega events. Which is a shame but we'll always find a way to game.

    ilta on
  • FastrFastr Registered User regular
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    Form completed. I am very limited in space due to travel by air but I should have most of my portable games I will likely have in tow. I will be at Seaport so any location in that area will work for me.

    @Kropotkin did we lose Westin? or is the space which might be available limited (moreso than previous years)? I read Lexi's post differently. I thought space was restricted not foreclosed.

    I believe it was limited space. If there was a place that has enough space for the entire event then why bother with the Westin right? Hopefully the Aloft fills the need... Extra hopeful because I'm staying there this year. :)

  • YamskarYamskar Registered User regular
    Fastr wrote: »
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    Form completed. I am very limited in space due to travel by air but I should have most of my portable games I will likely have in tow. I will be at Seaport so any location in that area will work for me.

    @Kropotkin did we lose Westin? or is the space which might be available limited (moreso than previous years)? I read Lexi's post differently. I thought space was restricted not foreclosed.

    I believe it was limited space. If there was a place that has enough space for the entire event then why bother with the Westin right? Hopefully the Aloft fills the need... Extra hopeful because I'm staying there this year. :)

    Thats the jist of what I was thinking was meant about the situation as well. For the person above who mentioned their capacity, the Cafe has a capacity of about 70 give or take staff/game masters working that day. I did bring up with him how unfeasible/unrealistic it might be to expect people to go out of their way to go to the Cafe considering other many local events and he essentially told me (email quote) "No worries, we may still host an unofficial event and waive the gaming fee for anyone with a Pax pass. Let me know if you guys get another option set up, just so we know how to present ourselves when marketing our event. " So yeah... thats the situation in regards to them now.

    @kropotkin I meant it more as a joke then anything haha. 3000 miles is a daunting task, Godspeed brother!

  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    kropotkin wrote: »
    Especially since I'm traveling 3,000 miles across a rather inhospitable ocean to get to Boston on the first place.

    Yes I remembered you as being from the UK. I am crossing from Newfoundland so while not the UK I can commiserate. Hence my hesitation in leaving the city proper.

    aBByNormaL on
    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • PurpleBekPurpleBek Manchester, EnglandRegistered User regular
    As a fellow Brit, yes it's a trek, but it's worth it ♥

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    ..talks with Aloft are sounding good...

    Thanks for working on this.filled out the form. Staying at the Element, so Aloft would be great and i know my party was super bummed about the Westin. If we do this, we should reach out to cookie brigade (though also check with aloft about that too) b/c they are a great presence too. I put a few games I could bring, but that can be flushed out later. I think I'm driving a car with only myself and 1 passenger, so might have some game-transportation room :D

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • Streetlight345Streetlight345 Seekonk, MARegistered User regular
    Alright, guys...I'm sorry but the Aloft hotel isn't going to work. Just got off the phone with the person currently planning the events. She mentioned that our 2 options would be 1.) pay the rental space fee of $1000+ or 2.) They would be able to lower the cost (not completely waive it) if people ordered their drinks/food in advance.

    One thing I thought was interesting was she mentioned that PAX has a hold on the conference rooms and they had to contact them before they moved any further and told me the bad news.

    I'm really disappointed and sorry if i got people's hopes up.

    PAX East 2019!
    Badges [X] Hotel [X] Time off request [X]
  • KaronethKaroneth Elder Scrolling Online Co-Host Lakehurst, NJRegistered User regular
    Thank you for your work on this, Streetlight.
    I don't know what the arrangement has been with the Westin over the years or why it is different this year all of a sudden. I had assumed PAX management struck a deal with the Westin previous years. Too bad they couldn't with the Aloft this year for the pre-pax game night. How many normally attend the game night? That's where we should start, to know what size venue is needed. May not be any other options at this time though.

  • Streetlight345Streetlight345 Seekonk, MARegistered User regular
    edited February 2016
    I was told the attendance could grow up to 500. I put out the doc and had an attendance between 113 and 141 based on replies for a little over a week

    Streetlight345 on
    PAX East 2019!
    Badges [X] Hotel [X] Time off request [X]
  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Karoneth wrote: »
    Thank you for your work on this, Streetlight.
    I don't know what the arrangement has been with the Westin over the years or why it is different this year all of a sudden. I had assumed PAX management struck a deal with the Westin previous years. Too bad they couldn't with the Aloft this year for the pre-pax game night. How many normally attend the game night? That's where we should start, to know what size venue is needed. May not be any other options at this time though.

    This is a community event in no way sponsored by PAX, PA, etc. I reached out to the hyatt down the road and pretty much got the same answer. The only option with either is pre-charging attendance so the cost of the rental is covered. Some places will lower the rental fee based on what people purchase, but there's no guarantee of money at that point and you have no idea how much people will spend until they spend it.

    GhostDan on
  • KaronethKaroneth Elder Scrolling Online Co-Host Lakehurst, NJRegistered User regular
    There would always be an option for a $5 cover charge, but would be nearly impossible to manage in a public space and the organizers could get stuck with a hefty bill. Too bad one of the vendors doesn't want to sponsor a pre-pax game night, would be good publicity for them. I'd consider it if I was a AAA vendor of some type, obviously it would be out of some indies budgets.

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    edited February 2016
    I'm wondering if we have enough people interested in the aloft to get like 100 of us paying $10 or whatever ... b/c that's not too bad in my mind for an evening event. Esp if we sign up and pay ahead, then we'll guarantee the space ... and our spot in it :P

    ishtra on
    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • KaronethKaroneth Elder Scrolling Online Co-Host Lakehurst, NJRegistered User regular
    Ishtra, that would be an awesome survey topic. How much would you be willing to pay for admission to a pre-PAX gaming night on Thursday next to the BCEC? I too agree that $10 each is not bad, but as I mentioned previously, whoever organized it would need to collect the funds and manage a huge attendee list and keep track of who is entering the area so they'd probably need at least one extra volunteer and wouldn't be able to have as much fun themselves. However, it could work, and the extra funds could be donated to Child's Play as a fundraiser, upon which point the organizer can approach it as a charity fundraiser with the hotel and may be able to drop the admission to $5 or so. No, I can't organize this, not enough time, but I hope this spurs somebody on to do it.

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