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FYI: Concert schedule change. Returners on Friday, Frontalot on Saturday

laurentheflutelaurentheflute Leader of The ReturnersAustinRegistered User regular
Hey dudes! We've had a bunch of people contact us recently trying to figure out what's up with the schedule because we disappeared and Frontalot showed up twice. I think literally everyone involved was confused. But I have official word from official PAX and now we know.

We ARE playing. We will totally be there. (And we're kind of pulling our hair out with excitement and nerves right now. Especially me. Band leader = pulling out hair more.)

The Returners (us)
Bit Brigade

MC Frontalot
The Doubleclicks
Paul and Storm

I think the order of things might shift a little, maybe? But the lineup for each night is correct.

I really hope we'll see you there! We have a new drummer and a friend singing and we may have SPECIAL GUESTS and we will be playing a brand new song and I have a new costume and yes! I'm excited! PAX South last year was one of the high points of my entire life and I am really happy we've been invited back.

We'll be around all weekend and we may pop up making music elsewhere, so please come say hello if you feel friendly!

I got self-conscious about having a self-promotional signature. Now I don't have one anymore. HI, I'M LAUREN, I PLAY MUSIC AND VIDEO GAMES


  • BadCrumpanyBadCrumpany Registered User regular
    Hey Lauren, great to hear that you guys will be back again. Looking forward to it!

    PS. Need Kingdom Hearts. :)

  • laurentheflutelaurentheflute Leader of The Returners AustinRegistered User regular
    Kingdom Hearts is a good suggestion! But it has the hazard of "what songs DON'T you pick," you know? Not saying it won't happen, but we'll have to stop being indecisive first!

    I got self-conscious about having a self-promotional signature. Now I don't have one anymore. HI, I'M LAUREN, I PLAY MUSIC AND VIDEO GAMES
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