
There is a Glut of Superheroes on My TV! Most of them good!



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    JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular
    Also didn't comics captain cold get a longish face turn at some point? I hope the show does that to spice things up a couple seasons on

    it could be that Earth-2 Mayor Snart is actually Citizen Cold

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    AtomicTofuAtomicTofu She's a straight-up supervillain, yo Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    So Deadpool is a movie I just saw

    That's everything I have to say about it

    AtomicTofu on
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    Crippl3Crippl3 oh noRegistered User regular
    AtomicTofu wrote: »
    So Deadpool is a movie I just saw

    That's everything I have to say about it

    That good, eh? :bzz:

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    XehalusXehalus Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Liam Neeson is Cable?

    holy shit

    Xehalus on
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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Hey man spoiler that shit

    Grey Ghost on
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    DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    Hey man spoiler that shit

    It's not a real thing

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    GvzbgulGvzbgul Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    @Xehalus What GG said.

    edit I am now sad.

    Gvzbgul on
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    AtomicTofuAtomicTofu She's a straight-up supervillain, yo Registered User regular
    That spoiler is entirely wishful thinking at this point

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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    Damn, even Mark Kermode liked Deadpool


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    JoolanderJoolander Registered User regular
    AtomicTofu wrote: »
    That spoiler is entirely wishful thinking at this point

    Although I think it could work if it pans out

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    DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    AtomicTofu wrote: »
    That spoiler is entirely wishful thinking at this point

    It's based off of ComicBook.com comissioning fan art of their fan casting for the character.

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    AtomicTofuAtomicTofu She's a straight-up supervillain, yo Registered User regular
    Yeah, I said wishful thinking

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    ReynoldsReynolds Gone Fishin'Registered User regular
    Deadpool was amazing. I had a great time. I don't know if it's a great movie, or a great adaptation of a comic, but it feels like they perfectly captured 'Deadpool as a movie' in a way that is hard to explain. Definitely something I would watch again.

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    Devlin_DragonusDevlin_Dragonus Gorgeous Dallas, TXRegistered User regular
    I jokenly suggested James Mardsen as Cable, but the idea has kinds grown on me.

    Get him really jacked up physically and dye his hair silver.

    His recent Car commercials left me with the impression that he can play the straight man to wades crazyness.

    I got nothing for you now. Try again later.

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    ReynoldsReynolds Gone Fishin'Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    I was going to look for that guy from Terra Nova/Avatar, found out his name was Stephen Lang, and the image search autocompleted to 'Stephen Lang Cable'.


    There's like twenty of those.

    Reynolds on
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    MatevMatev Cero Miedo Registered User regular
    I saw Deadpool tonight. Yah, it was crude, but it was the kind of crude I would expect from a Rated R Deadpool movie, so I was ok rolling with it. The references and gags had me and my friends rolling. It was a bit origin-y, but I think it needed to be done for folks who were coming in blind. I must say I never expected a Superhero Rom-Com to work out so well.
    The references to other X-Men and their movies, as well the jab at not being able to afford more X-Men at mansion, were just fucking beautiful. The fact they worked in Blind Al and also Bob was icing on the cake.

    "Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
    Hail Hydra
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    VeldrinVeldrin Sham bam bamina Registered User regular

    Deadpool was some good ol' filthy fun.

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    KingofMadCowsKingofMadCows Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Deadpool is almost like Airplane! or Naked Gun or Austin Powers for superhero movies.

    KingofMadCows on
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    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    Deadpool is almost like Airplane! or Naked Gun or Austin Powers for superhero movies.

    Not nearly. There are a few moments that are like that, like the joke about going to see the guy in the suit to advance the plot, but for the most part it is not nearly Airplane! level or even Austin Powers! level of satire.

    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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    King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Joolander wrote: »
    Just got back from Deadpool

    For those worried about the type of humor, the you should know that the trailer contains the crudest jokes

    It's not like Way's run, and actually has a pretty good emotional through-current
    So just back from Deadpool, I was worried about some of the jokes being to crude but nope it was really fun great movie.

    So question to others who have seen it in regards to the local at the end
    Was that a fucking decommissioned helicarrier !

    that's what it looked like to me

    i liked that the movie just didn't call any attention to it

    I'm pretty sure they put juuuuuuuust enough plausible deniability in there to get away with it

    Lego Dimensions actually did the same thing

    I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it here.
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    GoatmonGoatmon Companion of Kess Registered User regular
    It's not really satire at all.

    It's just very goofy and stupid and extremely self aware.

    Switch Friend Code: SW-6680-6709-4204

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    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    That's...that's what I said.

    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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    David_TDavid_T A fashion yes-man is no good to me. Copenhagen, DenmarkRegistered User regular
    I think I'm dropping Avengers Academy. Everything just costs way too many in-game credits and their solution to that is apparently to introduce Credit Vaults, which you buy with premium currency, and which then spits money out for a limited amount of time. But you can also just buy in-game credits straight up with premium currency, so this is just a way to buy in-game credits and not receive them all at once.

    It's becoming a bit too obvious that I'm considered a potential money spigot more than a player.

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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    I'm level 15 and I've been getting a decent amount of credits; enough to recruit Cap, level up Wasp, upgrade Pym's lab, and buy the Asgardian forge all in one day.

    But the timers are getting longer and longer (buildings taking 13 hours, multiple "missions" that are 8+ hours) and the character upgrades are requiring more and more random shit (text books, party hats, etc) that take forever to obtain because the missions only give one or two of each. Maybe four, if you're "lucky", with an 8 hour mission.

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    OmnipotentBagelOmnipotentBagel floof Registered User regular
    I don't understand the appeal of a game you don't actually play. Just clicking a few things and then waiting for a timer to count down isn't fun to me.


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    King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    I don't understand the appeal of a game you don't actually play. Just clicking a few things and then waiting for a timer to count down isn't fun to me.

    It's conditioning. You get a treat and get more for being diligent. It doesnt matter that the treat is a picture on a phone that's worth nothing you got to see Spider-man and that funny tree from the space movie

    I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it here.
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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    I don't understand the appeal of a game you don't actually play. Just clicking a few things and then waiting for a timer to count down isn't fun to me.

    It's conditioning. You get a treat and get more for being diligent. It doesnt matter that the treat is a picture on a phone that's worth nothing you got to see Spider-man and that funny tree from the space movie

    Neither of them are in the game!

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    King RiptorKing Riptor Registered User regular
    Keith wrote: »
    I don't understand the appeal of a game you don't actually play. Just clicking a few things and then waiting for a timer to count down isn't fun to me.

    It's conditioning. You get a treat and get more for being diligent. It doesnt matter that the treat is a picture on a phone that's worth nothing you got to see Spider-man and that funny tree from the space movie

    Neither of them are in the game!

    Well I'm better at being an evil game developer than Activision!

    I have a podcast now. It's about video games and anime!Find it here.
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    FuruFuru Registered User regular
    Keith wrote: »
    I don't understand the appeal of a game you don't actually play. Just clicking a few things and then waiting for a timer to count down isn't fun to me.

    It's conditioning. You get a treat and get more for being diligent. It doesnt matter that the treat is a picture on a phone that's worth nothing you got to see Spider-man and that funny tree from the space movie

    Neither of them are in the game!

    Well I'm better at being an evil game developer than Activision!

    Activision didn't make this game

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Deadpool is tracking to make all of the money this weekend. (130 million)
    In terms of comic book openings, Deadpool looks to share rarefied air and place No. 8 behind the two The Avengers movies, Iron Man 3, the last two Dark Knight films, Spider-Man 3 and Iron Man 2. Those it stands to beat include Man of Steel, Spider-Man, X-Men: The Last Stand, Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

    It would be the highest grossing opening weekend for an R rated flick.


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    SpoitSpoit *twitch twitch* Registered User regular
    Still sounds better than MPQ :P

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    honoverehonovere Registered User regular
    Deadpool is tracking to make all of the money this weekend. (130 million)
    In terms of comic book openings, Deadpool looks to share rarefied air and place No. 8 behind the two The Avengers movies, Iron Man 3, the last two Dark Knight films, Spider-Man 3 and Iron Man 2. Those it stands to beat include Man of Steel, Spider-Man, X-Men: The Last Stand, Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

    It would be the highest grossing opening weekend for an R rated flick.


    It also has a budget much lower than any of those other movies I think. Good for Reynolds.

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    CenoCeno pizza time Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Some pro-football player who is apparently a Power Rangers mega-fan has been tweeting that he was specifically told that "if you wanted bright blue and yellow costumes, the new movie wouldn't be for you". Also "think [the new] Robocop".

    I don't know if this means they are going dark and edgy up Power Rangers as much as - oh say - Man of Steel, but that sounds like it could be worrisome for fans? (If said football guy is to be believed)

    Edit found them

    Ceno on
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    SimBenSimBen Hodor? Hodor Hodor.Registered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    Are they doing something to Wentworth Miller's hair or what
    Is it supposed to be grey, or... covered in ice, or what

    I mean obviously grey but it just looks kinda fake to me

    He is 43.

    I was wondering that
    In 1975 he seems to be maybe 7 years old... Which would make Captain Cold 48

    And no way does he look 48.

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    Crippl3Crippl3 oh noRegistered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Spoit wrote: »
    Still sounds better than MPQ :P

    MPQ still has actual gameplay via fun match-3 with some strategy and some really neat mechanical designs for a lot of characters. (Vision with his density switching abilities affecting his attack power, Squirrel Girl is good against high-health enemies, Cap's powers leave behind countdowns to "catch the shield" and refund the AP spent to use them, etc.) Everyone in AA "plays" exactly the same outside of looks and dialog (those designs and dialog are pretty good though)

    EDIT: I may be a little biased, I probably have about 100+ hours in the original Puzzle Quest for DS lol

    Crippl3 on
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    chiasaur11chiasaur11 Never doubt a raccoon. Do you think it's trademarked?Registered User regular
    SimBen wrote: »
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    Are they doing something to Wentworth Miller's hair or what
    Is it supposed to be grey, or... covered in ice, or what

    I mean obviously grey but it just looks kinda fake to me

    He is 43.

    I was wondering that
    In 1975 he seems to be maybe 7 years old... Which would make Captain Cold 48

    And no way does he look 48.

    I guess you could say he's well preserved.

    (It's a refrigeration joke.)

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    Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Ceno wrote: »
    Some pro-football player who is apparently a Power Rangers mega-fan has been tweeting that he was specifically told that "if you wanted bright blue and yellow costumes, the new movie wouldn't be for you". Also "think [the new] Robocop".

    I don't know if this means they are going dark and edgy up Power Rangers as much as - oh say - Man of Steel, but that sounds like it could be worrisome for fans? (If said football guy is to be believed)

    Edit found them

    Boo to all of this

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    BedigunzBedigunz Registered User regular
    Ceno wrote: »
    Some pro-football player who is apparently a Power Rangers mega-fan has been tweeting that he was specifically told that "if you wanted bright blue and yellow costumes, the new movie wouldn't be for you". Also "think [the new] Robocop".

    I don't know if this means they are going dark and edgy up Power Rangers as much as - oh say - Man of Steel, but that sounds like it could be worrisome for fans? (If said football guy is to be believed)

    Edit found them


    So basically this?

    Coran Attack!
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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    This news of Deadpool doing well really makes me happy, because I am so thrilled to have an R-rated superhero film... It was so refreshing...

    Also, my favorite joke maybe wasn't one that made the whole theater split a rib but I just enjoyed it so much:
    “Stewart or McAvoy? I can never keep track of these alternate timelines.”

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    CenoCeno pizza time Registered User regular
    I don't think it'll throw that dark, but it sounds like I'd expect muted costumes (comparatively).

This discussion has been closed.