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Rocket League PC Tournament

enorris116enorris116 Registered User new member
Sorry if this is a stupid question. Last year was my first PAX and I did a couple console tournaments. I've never really played PC, so I was really bummed when I saw the Rocket League tournament was PC. What are the odds that they'll give you the option to use a controller instead of a mouse/keyboard?


  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    The odds are roughly 100%. Give or take. We actually provide 360 controllers, so unless we happen to run out for some reason, you should be set.

  • talamandertalamander Registered User regular
    It would suck if they made us use keyboards, because even us PC players use controllers to play RL. It's freaking hard as crap otherwise.

  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    I'm going to echo because K/m is not the reason to use a PC. The reason is better graphics, frames, multi monitors, and 3D. Or, heaven forbid, all the above at the same time. So many games on PC are now played with controllers instead of k/m. The proportion of controllers to k/m may startle you once you get in modern PC gaming.

  • talamandertalamander Registered User regular
    I'm going to echo because K/m is not the reason to use a PC. The reason is better graphics, frames, multi monitors, and 3D. Or, heaven forbid, all the above at the same time. So many games on PC are now played with controllers instead of k/m. The proportion of controllers to k/m may startle you once you get in modern PC gaming.

    I'm only game on PC, due to all of the aforementioned reasons, but I only use controllers on games with cars.

  • JoeSauceJoeSauce KansasRegistered User regular
    The odds are roughly 100%. Give or take. We actually provide 360 controllers, so unless we happen to run out for some reason, you should be set.

    Are sign ups the day of the tournament or will we be able to sign up Friday? Also like the console tournaments, are there extremely limited sign ups for the Rocket League PC tourny? Thanks!

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    All tourney sign-ups are day of.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • talamandertalamander Registered User regular
    I'm hoping the Rocket League tourny will be fairly big, it will be a ton of fun either way though! Goodluck to all who play me

  • ohm-iohm-i Registered User regular
    The odds are roughly 100%. Give or take. We actually provide 360 controllers, so unless we happen to run out for some reason, you should be set.

    Can we bring our own? I have a Rock Candy controller I use for PC that feels completely different from the normal one.

  • David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    Bringing in outside controllers isn't allowed in order to maintain an even playing field. Sorry!

  • ohm-iohm-i Registered User regular
    Bringing in outside controllers isn't allowed in order to maintain an even playing field. Sorry!

    Fair enough. I'll just switch over to my regular one to get comfortable again.

  • JoeSauceJoeSauce KansasRegistered User regular
    Bringing in outside controllers isn't allowed in order to maintain an even playing field. Sorry!

    is there anyway you guys could provide some playstation controllers? I havent touched an xbox controller in years and have played RL on my DS4 for many many hours...

  • ohm-iohm-i Registered User regular
    I switched over to the regular 360 controller and my rankings have been spiraling. This does not bode well. >_>

  • taumesontaumeson PAX PC Room Manager Minnesota?Registered User regular
    Still some questions, so let me confirm that we have a decent enough sized tournament which will be using Xbox 360 controllers.

  • talamandertalamander Registered User regular
    Kronovi (top player NA) won with his buddy.

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