My first PAX has ended and I enjoyed every bit of it. However I'm still stuck in Texas until tomorrow and was curious if there are any events happening tonight among PAX people. The night is still young so it'd be a shame to let it go to waste
I know what you mean. This is technically my second PAX (but I was terribly sick during my first one) and it was so much fun I am a bit sad that it is over! I did a lot this time, but man, it just never feels like enough; wanted to play and talk more with everyone. X3
Was pretty sad basically everything closed down at 6 too... I mean maybe I am forgetting but I seem to remember at the last PAX I went to the Console rooms and such were open a few hours after the expo hall closed. Just felt too early for it all to just end. ;~;
Just remember that post-PAX blues are common and understable. We just had an amazing few days where we were hyper stimulated with amazing content and cool like-minded people and probably ran a little ragged with long days and disrupted sleep schedules. Your body needs time to readjust and your brain will be processing everything that happened. Take note of the happy memories, follow up on the things you discovered, and look forward to the next PAX wherever and whenever that will be for you.
I love that the PAX community is made up of thousands of your best friends you just haven't met individually yet! Keep calm and PAX on!
I just peed myself. Thank you for the laugh! It's sad it's over and I hate going back to real life. I met some awesome people this year and can't wait to see everyone again in 2017
I am trying to take the positive attitude that I had from PAX and use it to motivate myself in my real life; starting an exercise regime and doing some mega cleaning. ^_^ Not gunna let myself get down!
Besides... seeing all of dem cosplayers has inspired me to get into better shape so I can be comfortable showing myself off too.
I am trying to take the positive attitude that I had from PAX and use it to motivate myself in my real life; starting an exercise regime and doing some mega cleaning. ^_^ Not gunna let myself get down!
Besides... seeing all of dem cosplayers has inspired me to get into better shape so I can be comfortable showing myself off too.
I am trying to take the positive attitude that I had from PAX and use it to motivate myself in my real life; starting an exercise regime and doing some mega cleaning. ^_^ Not gunna let myself get down!
Besides... seeing all of dem cosplayers has inspired me to get into better shape so I can be comfortable showing myself off too.
Iron Church? Is this a thing? I would like to get in better shape for next PAX as well.
Iron church is a gym? Well I have thought about joining Planet Fitness because it is so cheap, so maybe.
But for the past 2 days (since I got home) I have been working in 20 extra minutes of moderate to higher intensity exercise with an extra daily walk for the dog, so I feel like I am starting well. Trying to start small so I don't quit like I have in the past. Everyone has to start somewhere too.
Iron church is a gym? Well I have thought about joining Planet Fitness because it is so cheap, so maybe.
But for the past 2 days (since I got home) I have been working in 20 extra minutes of moderate to higher intensity exercise with an extra daily walk for the dog, so I feel like I am starting well. Trying to start small so I don't quit like I have in the past. Everyone has to start somewhere too.
Keep it up! I used to weigh around 330 when I was younger and dropped 130 doing cardio and cutting sugar. I work in a bakery now so I've put on a few more pounds that I'd like to get rid of.
Thanks for the inspiration! I weight around 250 I think, maybe less, and am looking to lose around 70 pounds or more. I bet cutting out soda pop and other sugars that I don't need would help a lot. My frame is a bit thicker so I am not really sure what my ideal weight will be, just know I want a kinda flat tummy so I can be a Team Aqua Grunt. X3
Post-PAX downs... all you can do is WAIT.
I love that the PAX community is made up of thousands of your best friends you just haven't met individually yet! Keep calm and PAX on!
It literally feels like I am back there.
I just peed myself. Thank you for the laugh! It's sad it's over and I hate going back to real life. I met some awesome people this year and can't wait to see everyone again in 2017
Besides... seeing all of dem cosplayers has inspired me to get into better shape so I can be comfortable showing myself off too.
Iron Church? Is this a thing? I would like to get in better shape for next PAX as well.
But for the past 2 days (since I got home) I have been working in 20 extra minutes of moderate to higher intensity exercise with an extra daily walk for the dog, so I feel like I am starting well.
Keep it up! I used to weigh around 330 when I was younger and dropped 130 doing cardio and cutting sugar. I work in a bakery now so I've put on a few more pounds that I'd like to get rid of.