Hello all!
I got tired of not having an app for use on Android to track all my pins, so I conned a developer friend of mine into helping write one. It's now up on the Play Store for your use if you'd like.
The app can be a little fragile in some spots. When you first open it up, go to the settings and click "Sync Config". That'll grab all the pin data. Don't interrupt it, or it'll stop in the middle and you'll end up with like 20 pins. If that happens, close the app and restart the Sync. Whenever new pins are ready, you'll be able to pull them in by simply doing another "Sync Config".
Hopefully you'll find it useful. -
or search for "Pinny Arcade" on the Play store.
Awesome thank you for releasing the app for android. I can't wait for people to start using it.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
not even close haha.
We wouldn't be around without everyone else. Hopefully I will see you at east.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Also it would be great, if possible, to get a 'Trade' list as well as Want and Have. It's a bit difficult to find the few pins I have marked with 2+ in my Have list.
We are working on a button for "Trade" at the top, which would narrow it to all those pins you have 2 or more of. So, yeah - that's in the works.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Pinny Pals Lanyard
I suspect they'll do things differently, people might find use in different styles.
http://pinmash.info - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable.
http://pinnywise.com - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade
no, there's no donation setup at the moment. Hell, next paxeast find me and donate a trade fodder pin to me.
I tagged all the new stuff as West instead of Prime, so you should have both a category for Prime and West despite them being the same convention. I'm debating leaving it as is to signify the change.
I also tried to include some notes from the News Post about how to get each of these, even if it's only the Company Booth name listed in the description.
To get the new data, go to the menu in the top right and select "Sync Config".
Good Luck Pin Hunting at West!
Good Hunting.