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Penny Arcade - Comic - Decrepitude

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited February 2016 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - Comic - Decrepitude

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

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  • NemrexNemrex Registered User regular
    Jebus, what ancestry gave Gabe that set of chompers?

    Bugs Bunny?

  • QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    "Now it's just lying in my underwear, like a balloon full of snails."

    That's horrifying imagery.

  • ViRGEViRGE Registered User regular

  • belligerentbelligerent Registered User regular
    as someone who is turning 35 in two weeks, this is depressingly appropriate.

  • HevachHevach Registered User regular
    I can't focus on anything except... Is Div taking the toothbrush or returning it? And what is he doing with it?

    Dude, I know you're depressed about the dick situation, but you need to throw that toothbrush away.

  • orthancstoneorthancstone TexasRegistered User regular
    I can't decide if Div is just waking up or finishing off an all-night bender.

    PAX South 2018 - Jan 12-14!
  • R0n1n_76R0n1n_76 Registered User regular
    As someone who will also be 40 later this year, to quote the kids "I know that feel bro." Also what is the deal with ear hair?

  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    Freezer? That's a bad idea! You'd have to constantly thaw it and refreeze it between... times of... whatever he's going to end up doing with it... and it'll be damaged as a result! I mean, the alternative is using it while it's frozen, which has its own set of issues.

    Tycho should really take a look at the charcuterie thread!

  • Rhesus PositiveRhesus Positive GNU Terry Pratchett Registered User regular
    I like how Brenna is glowing, in contrast to Tycho's pallor.

    [Muffled sounds of gorilla violence]
  • MacMcCrackMacMcCrack Duchess of Manboob Wherever mediocrity is celebratedRegistered User regular
    getting old sucks.

  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    I like how Brenna is glowing, in contrast to Tycho's pallor.

    Also that Tycho's speech bubble is partially overtaking Gabe's.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Plus you have to factor in that being a parent is an age modifier. I have a four year old and a five month old and I think my multiplier is around 7.

  • rembrandtqeinsteinrembrandtqeinstein Registered User regular
    I'm happy to be old, the older you get, the less of a fuck you give about what anyone thinks of you.

    It isn't hard to maintain your body as you age unless you fail the cancer saving throw. What is hard is to stop making excuses for yourself.

    Don't eat crap

    Exercise (and make it a priority, not something you do "when you have time")

    Working out to make your discipline stronger is more important than any of your muscles.

  • ZomagicZomagic Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Those peeps down there talking about the child modifier are not lying. I am 34 and childless, and two years ago, someone pegged me for 24. I think this is because most people in the US EVENTUALLY have kids. So most people who are my age in the US look like how I'll probably look in about ten years. Do have some grey hairs, but if I were blonde or light brown instead of very dark brunette, you wouldn't even be able to tell. I've done nothing to slow the progression of aging, and don't use products or anything. I don't even manage my weight well or work out. It's LITERALLY just that I don't have kids. 100%.

    I think it's something to do with the fact that if I'm like "I'm going to go to bed and get eight hours of sleep!" I can do that 99% of the time. Whereas a person with kids, hahaha... haha. Okay yeah. Sleep is an important thing to one's wear and tear, and my peers with chilren are pretty much never getting enough.

    Also nobody whines if I make a big salad instead of maccaroni and cheese.

    Zomagic on
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    I was at the grocery store and sure enough they had dicks in the freezer

  • LieutenantDanLieutenantDan Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    I turned 36 a few months ago but for some reason I just decided I was 37. Was on the phone with my little sister a few days ago and in the course of conversation she says "Wait, wow, you're 36!?". I blinked a few times, reviewed the math, and realized that yes - I was 36. It was like I got an extra year of my life back. It felt awesome.

    Also, obligatory King Missile:

    LieutenantDan on
  • SwashbucklerXXSwashbucklerXX Swashbucklin' Canuck Registered User regular
    I just hit 40 this past weekend myself. Guess it's good that I don't have a dick to lose. Sounds painful!

    Want to find me on a gaming service? I'm SwashbucklerXX everywhere.
  • SIXytSIXyt Esq STLRegistered User regular
    I'm happy to be old, the older you get, the less of a fuck you give about what anyone thinks of you.

    It isn't hard to maintain your body as you age unless you fail the cancer saving throw. What is hard is to stop making excuses for yourself.

    Don't eat crap

    Exercise (and make it a priority, not something you do "when you have time")

    Working out to make your discipline stronger is more important than any of your muscles.

    But when I try it ends like this

  • JermsJerms Registered User regular
    Your vile mole-rat countenance can't be all that bad if someone still wants to sex you. Even if it is your birthday. :P

  • mare_imbriummare_imbrium Registered User regular
    My husband just turned 41 and I'm careening towards 37.

    Last year I developed a chronic heartburn issue. I joked to a friend (who is about 8 years older than I) that my body decided to start dissolving itself from the inside. He asked how old I was and then proclaimed "no, you're just old."

    I have great friends.

    I also have three kids. It is the kids. They suck all that is good out of you and leave you a desiccated husk.

    Wii: 4521 1146 5179 1333 Pearl: 3394 4642 8367 HG: 1849 3913 3132
  • joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    edited February 2016
    My husband just turned 41 and I'm careening towards 37.

    Last year I developed a chronic heartburn issue. I joked to a friend (who is about 8 years older than I) that my body decided to start dissolving itself from the inside. He asked how old I was and then proclaimed "no, you're just old."

    I have great friends.

    I also have three kids. It is the kids. They suck all that is good out of you and leave you a desiccated husk.

    I'm a father, and I can vouch that this is true. Women get the worst of it, because they have to deal with the physical as well as emotional and mental stress. But I know people older than me without kids that work all day and stay out all night and I'm just like, how do you even.

    I still wouldn't trade it for anything, though.

    joshofalltrades on
  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Waiting until my late thirties/40 to have kids was great on several points. Stable job making good money, much more stable personality and more confident in myself. Got to the age where I'd say I'm the best version of myself I've ever been.

    All that said, I do not have the energy of a 25 year old and likely never will again unless I sustain a brain injury that makes me crave exercise and hate carbs and sugar. Plus, when my daughter is 18, I'll be pushing 60. When I was 18, my dad was pushing 45.

  • SanderloSanderlo Registered User regular
    I just discovered the TXT button beside the strip's title and I feel so stupid. So many strips without any context, so much silence, and me always wondering "don't they ever want to say anything when posting a strip?"

  • Blackie62Blackie62 Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    My husband just turned 41 and I'm careening towards 37.

    Last year I developed a chronic heartburn issue. I joked to a friend (who is about 8 years older than I) that my body decided to start dissolving itself from the inside. He asked how old I was and then proclaimed "no, you're just old."

    I have great friends.

    I also have three kids. It is the kids. They suck all that is good out of you and leave you a desiccated husk.

    Jesus, when did 37 become old? When did 41 become old? And I'm asking this as a young person... That's not true I'm 23 and I think I'm too old to be in the place I am.

    Maybe those crazies that have the kid in their 20s are onto something. I mean, you get the period of most enhanced entropy via baby-adolescent when you're at you're youngest and prettiest so maybe by the time they're distracted by pre-teen stuff you can put more time to making 30-something you look like the 30-somethings you want to look like.

    Blackie62 on
  • ziddersroofurryziddersroofurry Registered User regular
    I turned 41 last August. I'd been doing fine as far as not feeling old until Lemmy, David Bowie and the guy who's voiced Bugs Bunny since '89 died. It caused my first real existential crisis.

    That said I've been a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy fan since I was a kid and have been looking forward to turning 42. To be honest I was amazed I made it to 40 so every birthday after that is a win.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Sanderlo wrote: »
    I just discovered the TXT button beside the strip's title and I feel so stupid. So many strips without any context, so much silence, and me always wondering "don't they ever want to say anything when posting a strip?"

    It just links to Tycho's newspost of the day. You DID know about newsposts, right? If not, I'll be pretty surprised because the newspost is as large a part of the character of PA as the strip is.

    Clicking on the TXT button isn't really different than clicking on the News link at the top and looking for the Tycho main post of the day. The only reason you see the TXT button some times and not others is because the newspost often goes up later when Tycho finishes it.

  • rembrandtqeinsteinrembrandtqeinstein Registered User regular
    SIXyt wrote: »
    I'm happy to be old, the older you get, the less of a fuck you give about what anyone thinks of you.

    It isn't hard to maintain your body as you age unless you fail the cancer saving throw. What is hard is to stop making excuses for yourself.

    Don't eat crap

    Exercise (and make it a priority, not something you do "when you have time")

    Working out to make your discipline stronger is more important than any of your muscles.

    But when I try it ends like this

    Keep at it, your body is basically an idiot when it comes to health and it takes a while to train it to be less dumb. And boy does that time suck

  • SanderloSanderlo Registered User regular
    dennis wrote: »
    Sanderlo wrote: »
    I just discovered the TXT button beside the strip's title and I feel so stupid. So many strips without any context, so much silence, and me always wondering "don't they ever want to say anything when posting a strip?"

    It just links to Tycho's newspost of the day. You DID know about newsposts, right? If not, I'll be pretty surprised because the newspost is as large a part of the character of PA as the strip is.

    Clicking on the TXT button isn't really different than clicking on the News link at the top and looking for the Tycho main post of the day. The only reason you see the TXT button some times and not others is because the newspost often goes up later when Tycho finishes it.

    "News" always sounded unrelated to the comic, alien and of no interest, so I never clicked it before.

  • GrassHopperGrassHopper Registered User regular
    edited February 2016
    Sanderlo wrote: »
    "News" always sounded unrelated to the comic, alien and of no interest, so I never clicked it before.
    :o Whoa, there must have been so many comics that made absolutely no sense without that context

    GrassHopper on
  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    Man some of their best stuff is in the newsposts. Carrot cake soup and the description of recovering the dead hard drive are probably my favorite. I think Carrot cake soup predates them properly archiving old newsposts though.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Man some of their best stuff is in the newsposts. Carrot cake soup and the description of recovering the dead hard drive are probably my favorite. I think Carrot cake soup predates them properly archiving old newsposts though.

    My favorite PA newsposts are the ones about the dustup with Harlan Ellison.
    It starts here. but's it's multiple posts, so just keep clicking through.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    One of my personal favorite bits (with comic):

    In case you are wondering, cats apparently need regular maintenance, like cars. And, like an oil change, this juicing process can be done (I’m told) at home, preferably with the curtains drawn and a couple inches of sawdust laid down. That’s right: you can wring out your own cat’s asshole. This is the kind of helpful information you can expect when you visit Penny Arcade. Don’t everybody run home at once.

  • SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    Man some of their best stuff is in the newsposts. Carrot cake soup and the description of recovering the dead hard drive are probably my favorite. I think Carrot cake soup predates them properly archiving old newsposts though.

    My favorite PA newsposts are the ones about the dustup with Harlan Ellison.
    It starts here. but's it's multiple posts, so just keep clicking through.

    Wow. Just read those posts + his wikipedia, dude is a total goose.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    Man some of their best stuff is in the newsposts. Carrot cake soup and the description of recovering the dead hard drive are probably my favorite. I think Carrot cake soup predates them properly archiving old newsposts though.

    My favorite PA newsposts are the ones about the dustup with Harlan Ellison.
    It starts here. but's it's multiple posts, so just keep clicking through.

    Wow. Just read those posts + his wikipedia, dude is a total goose.

    Agreed. He did write some amazing short stories though. I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream is a must-read.

  • darleysamdarleysam On my way to UKRegistered User regular
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    Man some of their best stuff is in the newsposts. Carrot cake soup and the description of recovering the dead hard drive are probably my favorite. I think Carrot cake soup predates them properly archiving old newsposts though.

    My favorite PA newsposts are the ones about the dustup with Harlan Ellison.
    It starts here. but's it's multiple posts, so just keep clicking through.

    Wow. Just read those posts + his wikipedia, dude is a total goose.

    Knowing what I do now about Mike's personality, yeah that is quite the story.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    Man some of their best stuff is in the newsposts. Carrot cake soup and the description of recovering the dead hard drive are probably my favorite. I think Carrot cake soup predates them properly archiving old newsposts though.

    My favorite PA newsposts are the ones about the dustup with Harlan Ellison.
    It starts here. but's it's multiple posts, so just keep clicking through.

    Wow. Just read those posts + his wikipedia, dude is a total goose.

    Agreed. He did write some amazing short stories though. I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream is a must-read.

    One can only be THAT much of an arrogant asshole if they've accomplished something noteworthy. It's like a quest item to reach their final form or something.

  • gbrooksgbrooks Registered User regular
    Man some of their best stuff is in the newsposts. Carrot cake soup and the description of recovering the dead hard drive are probably my favorite. I think Carrot cake soup predates them properly archiving old newsposts though.

    CARROT CAKE SOOOOOOOOOup it will haunt you

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