On the official website, they are sold out of the black bags to store your pins. Any ideas where else I can get one? I did look on eBay and all they had were Disney ones. don't want a Disney one cause I want one fairly clean (without logos or anything on it) so I can sew my PAX East patches onto it. Any help would be awesome, thanks.
"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 mph, you're gonna see some serious shit!"
You can talk to @maywest who makes the pin trading messenger bags! She does the orders in bulk though, so you may (or may not) be just slightly too late for this batch.
Otherwise you can pick up an official merch bag at the next PAX or on the website once they make the new and improved versions.
ORRRRR you can just order/create a bag of your own on one of the many online design sites. People have made really cool trading bags in the past. My only warning would be if it does have flaps/pages to look into what material they're made of so you avoid pins going blind.
Time to t-t-t-t-trade! ⭐️http://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Renfamous⭐️
Here is what my bag looks like:
Maybe @grgemonkey can help you out
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
Yup yup. I have this one in blue piping.
This, or you can just create a new account probably?
It doesn't look like you have made any trades on the site yet, but creating a new account would mean adding all your pins again.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Yes, I made the same mistake, and @grgemonkey graciously was able to set it up so that it worked with my forum name. I'd DM him, and give him some time to respond.