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Penny Arcade - PATV - First 15 – Attractio

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited February 2016 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - PATV - First 15 – Attractio

Gabe and Tycho play a game for 15 minutes and then judge it accordingly. This week they play Attractio. You can watch the full length version of this episode here.

Read the full story here

Unknown User on


  • DarmakDarmak RAGE vympyvvhyc vyctyvyRegistered User regular
    Ahahahaha, they're so bad at this game and I can't stop laughing

  • KestralbKestralb Registered User regular
    The lights on the boxes....the LIGHTS...on...

  • kadagankadagan Registered User regular
    That one was kind of frustrating to watch.. haha.. It's the white lights that light up and show which direction the gravity is.. They are still white either way, but they are lit (bright) for the gravitational direction, and they are dim in all other directions.

  • Golden YakGolden Yak Burnished Bovine The sunny beaches of CanadaRegistered User regular
    The big center lights are equally bright from all directions - there are smaller triangular and rectangular lights around the edges of the boxes, which light up on whatever side is pointed towards the gravity plane - so the face pointed towards the gravity plane will be completely lit up on all edges, its opposite face will have all unlit edges, and the other faces will be lit up on whatever edge is pointed towards the plane.

    Its really confusing design that isn't made any clearer by the game, especially with that big center light. Their confusion is understandable.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    edited February 2016

    And not JUST the big center light. The four diagonal arrow tip lights as well. And it doesn't help that light on = white and light off = silver with white highlights that kind of make it look just like it's different lighting depending on the direction.

    dennis on
    box.png 153.5K
  • I needed anime to post.I needed anime to post. boom Registered User regular
    yeah i don't understand why they don't just light up the big center light to show gravity, that seems like...why put a big center light on the thing if you're not going to use it

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