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Cookie Brigade: Revolutionizing Cookies for an Uncertain Future

punziepunzie Cookie PimpRegistered User regular
If you were looking for information regarding becoming a part of the Cookie Brigade for PAX East 2016 or you're just curious about what we're all about then you're in the right place.

If you're not already registered on the Cookie Brigade website please do so ASAP! Very few organizational details will be shared here for security purposes.


The Cookie Brigade is a ragtag group of Penny Arcade Forumers who have assembled since PAX 2007 to provide our fellow gamers with delicious baked goods! Cookies are baked by forumers, brought and shipped from afar by forumers, and distributed by forumers!

The Cookie Brigade does not sell cookies. We give cookies away for free.
Brigadiers also accept donations to Child's Play, which are entirely voluntary and greatly appreciated!
And it's very convenient to get a cookie and give a donation at the same time.

Starting in 2007, the Cookie Brigade began a mission to give these cookies in exchange for donations to Child's Play, the charity started by Mike and Jerry that provides entertainment to kids in children's hospitals. Since starting on this mission, the Cookie Brigade has raised over $230,000 mostly by the handing out of cookies and the reception of donations from the incredible, amazing, and generous PAX community! In 2015 alone we raised over $65,000 for Child's Play! Woooooot! Thank you everyone for your generous donations, you have helped an awesome cause!

Looking to Volunteer? Head to for more information!
Looking for some general information? Check us out on the PAX Community Wiki!
You can also find us on the following social media locations,

Twitter: @Cookie Brigade
G+: Cookie Brigade

And during or pre-pax, feel free to light up the Cookie Signal!
Hashtag: #cookiebrigade

If you're interested in
  • Baking delicious cookies
  • Distributing to people during PAX
  • Helping organize cookies and distributors
We can definitely use your help! Sign up at our website, if you wish to participate in the organizing, baking, and/or distributing!

An important note: due to certain external pressures on the Brigade we have to keep some of our more sensitive planning operations private. If you sign up on the Cookie Brigade website you will have access to our public forums but will need to submit and application to through the site to become a brigadier. Thank you for your understanding!

  • We give out cookies, we do not sell cookies! We do happily pass donations along to Child's Play, so feel free to give us donations if you want.
  • Keep it PG and family friendly. We love to give cookies out to kids and as such we ask all brigadiers to remain family friendly with their cookies (sorry, no dickerdoodles) and distributing activities!
  • Have fun and enjoy PAX!



  • nevermore13nevermore13 Registered User regular
    I know this is probably a small subset of people but as PAX is coinciding with Passover this year.

    Any chance of there being kosher for Passover cookies as well?

  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    The last time it fell on Passover, we did have a very limited number of kosher for Passover cookies. I've asked a couple folks I know to see if we can get some made this year too :)

  • starNOstarstarNOstar Buffalo, NYRegistered User regular
    Things I enjoy:
    Freshly baked cookies.
    Helping Child's Play.

    Will you guys just be walking around or will you have a designated spot?

  • HazelHalfBloodHazelHalfBlood Unapologetic Dungeons and Dragons Enthusiast New HampshireRegistered User regular
    My group seriously appreciates everyone who does the Cookie Brigade! Nothing I enjoy more then cookies made with love to help kids!! The Cookie Brigade also makes the lines bearable. You guys rock!

    PAX Unplugged 2018 .... We Have Our...Passes [X] Hotel [X] Bus [..] Packed [..]


    Proud Cookie Brigade Supporter
  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    starNOstar wrote: »
    Will you guys just be walking around or will you have a designated spot?

    We'll have people walking around. Usually large lines and tabletop are common places for our distributors to be. If you use Twitter, that's the best way to find out where we are or call us to you

  • pilotman996pilotman996 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    punzie wrote: »
    The last time it fell on Passover, we did have a very limited number of kosher for Passover cookies. I've asked a couple folks I know to see if we can get some made this year too :)

    If you need more Kosher cookies, feel free to tap me in. I'm probably gonna make a batch for my own sanity that weekend

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Great news! Westin Boardgame night is a GO. The brigade will have a table available.

    If I can't find someone to staff an info table, can you guys be the info table this year? I've never actually attended this event as a player and would like to go have fun instead of working all night. >)-

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    @LexiconGrrl think we may have crossed paths in 2014 ... playing Forbidden Desert with my daughter and others ... would love to hear about your company some time sounds like you guys are producing some great stuff

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    aBByNormaL wrote: »
    @LexiconGrrl think we may have crossed paths in 2014 ... playing Forbidden Desert with my daughter and others ... would love to hear about your company some time sounds like you guys are producing some great stuff

    Sure, but not here. Forums are for forum stuff.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • aBByNormaLaBByNormaL Registered User regular
    Sure, but not here. Forums are for forum stuff.

    Indeed, I meant during the con probably at games night (again kudos on that). Well aware of the forum rules on that.

    Re the post on the person who championed this for us at Westin. Any ideas what to do to thank them?

    PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    @LexiconGrrl we are happy to double as the info table. Thanks for your efforts in making this a thing, time and time again :)

  • Jordman12Jordman12 Registered User regular
    Sorry @punzie As much as I would like to this at East this year, I have to concentrate on the Omegathon. But I will make sure that I will donate when I see someone at each of the rounds.

    2015 PAX East Omeganaut
    2016 PAX East Omeganaut

    HAIL HATS !!!!!!!

  • PNeafseyPNeafsey Registered User regular
    How can we find the Cookie Brigade? Any central location or just random walking around?

  • MagnusantiMagnusanti Registered User regular
    PNeafsey wrote: »
    How can we find the Cookie Brigade? Any central location or just random walking around?

    If only there was a way to request cookies while you are stuck waiting in line....

    Gamer dad to gamer kids. Kerbalnaut first, then BF4. Will give any indie title a go.
  • cookiekrushcookiekrush Registered User regular
    PNeafsey wrote: »
    How can we find the Cookie Brigade? Any central location or just random walking around?
    Magnusanti wrote: »
    If only there was a way to request cookies while you are stuck waiting in line....
    Twitter can be your best friend! :) Twitter: @Cookie Brigade or Hashtag: #cookiebrigade
    We're stealthy cookie ninjas.

    Pinny Pals - open to trading!
    Looking for Edith Finch Pin!
  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    Haha yes. Twitter is the best way @cookie_brigade. Someone will be monitoring that (and the hashtag #cookiebrigade) all weekend.

  • craiolacraiola MARegistered User regular
    I'm contemplating baking again this year but it all depends on how much time I have leading up to PAX (Aka how crazy is my weekend)

  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    Folks, we have some amazing looking cookies coming in this year. Scroll through the Twitter posts for delicious pictures. Our team has some great energy leading up to this pax!

    The first place to find us will be at gamenight in the Westin Thursday night. We'll be at the info table, fulfilling your sugar needs and we might even have some games to raffle off.

    Remember, if you're looking for a brigadier this weekend, page us via Twitter. Either mention us (@cookie_brigade) or use the hashtag #cookiebrigade. We'll do our best to watch those all weekend (as Internet and cell signal allow).

  • Samurai_KittySamurai_Kitty PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    I couldn't figure out how to sign up on the website. Wanted y'all to know we will be dropping off at the info table about six dozen baked goods for you guys, that we freshly baked tonight. (some are gluten free) @punzie

  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Did you stop walking the halls at panels and stuff? After 2 days I have yet to see a anyone offering cookies.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Sepioth wrote: »
    Did you stop walking the halls at panels and stuff? After 2 days I have yet to see a anyone offering cookies.

    You can always tweet them and they will let you know where distributors are.

  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    True but reception is not always that great and what not.

    I also usually only do a few panels so I am not usually standing in one spot for to long. I just remember last year they where all over the hallways near the theatres but so far this year I have not seen a single person with cookies wandering around offering anything to people.

  • EradiKateEradiKate Registered User regular
    I'd like to thank whoever baked the Sandworm cookies. I got a giggle and a snack.

    PAX East Attendee. Professional Tabletop Gamer. Donut Enthusiast.
  • SinoSambaSinoSamba CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    To flyfflypancakes: thanks for the great chocolate chip cookies I got :)

    3DS FC: 3239-2323-6239
  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    Sepioth wrote: »
    Did you stop walking the halls at panels and stuff? After 2 days I have yet to see a anyone offering cookies.

    We had people all over, at most panel lines, wandering table top and handheld, visiting the vr lounge, etc. I think this is the pax we've had the most distributors, so it's interesting you still didn't see us. I guess there will always be some people we'll miss.

    We had an amazing weekend. We were able to raise $23.4k for child's play! Thank you everyone!

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