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Why did PAX East lose ACAM (American Classic Arcade Museum)?

hayabusahayabusa Registered User regular
I've found out through a source that ACAM will not appear again this year at PAX East 2016.

I find this very disappointing given the fact that ACAM has always put on a great time with the games they bring from their New Hampshire location. Their staff is friendly and ACAM has even put on panels at PAX East where they've invited many notable arcade game designers to speak about their legacy and also discuss preserving video games.

The last time ACAM attended PAX East was in 2014. For some strange reason they had been moved all the way to the back of the BCEC out of view and easy access, and worse yet, in front of their room entrance was just bodies laying on bean bag chairs. ACAM was hard to find and almost a hazard to enter at PAX East 2014, then the following year they were gone.

What happened? PAX East 2015 was just not the same without ACAM. Do any PAX East personnel have answers as to why a fixture such as ACAM is not returning to PAX East? Why were they disregarded so badly at PAX East 2014 and given such a poor location instead of up-front and next to the Console Freeplay room like they were before?

Any answers would be appreciated. ACAM is a great organization with a devoted, hard-working staff.


  • rtm416rtm416 NYRegistered User regular
    If I remember correctly, ACAM at PAX was a massive resource drain for them and just wasn't viable for them anymore.

  • TopherRocksTopherRocks Rockstar Beard Grower Kent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered User regular
    The official response from last year.
    mps wrote: »
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but after participating in PAX-East since its inception, ACAM will not be returning this year. PAX-East is an extremely expensive event for us, and we have always run the event at a substantial loss. As a non-profit, we cannot continue to do the show without, at least, breaking even. Sadly, the money is just not there this year.

    Let's keep our fingers crossed that things will change in the future.

    Dan19721121, my thoughts are with you and your wife. PAX-East is an incredible experience, and I have no doubt you will have a wonderful time.

    Mike Stulir
    Vice President, The American Classic Arcade Museum

  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    The ACAM is one of the parts of PAX that I miss most. The new arcade setups at East (and the same one at South) don't hold a candle to what ACAM are able to do, and this is actually one of the very few areas where other conventions beat out PAX (take a look at the arcade machines at Magfest).

    As this is purely a matter of money, my recommendation to you would be to make note of this desire for a better arcade area in your post-PAX survey, as those remain a great way to get feedback up to the show staff.

  • MrGone1980MrGone1980 Registered User regular
    ugh what a bummer. ACAM was always a highlight of the weekend, and I had my fingers crossed that they would make it this year.

  • MMMigMMMig Registered User regular
    That one dude who beat Dragon's Lair with no deaths was amazing...

    Witty signature comment goes here...

  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    They should do a GoFundMe or something similar. Heck set up a donation thing on their own website and then direct people to there from here.

    I'm sure they could raise enough money with one GoFundMe campaign to last a few PAX's.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Sepioth wrote: »
    They should do a GoFundMe or something similar. Heck set up a donation thing on their own website and then direct people to there from here.

    I'm sure they could raise enough money with one GoFundMe campaign to last a few PAX's.

    I would contribute if it meant they would return. I was so bummed last year that they weren't there. As stepping in to that arcade always brought back great memories from my childhood.

    I do believe they have had a donations box in the room, but it must not have been enough.

  • hayabusahayabusa Registered User regular
    I always had the impression that PAX helped ACAM out with truck rental and gas expenses to get to the BCEC, but I guess I was wrong. I say this not knowing how much money PAX kicks in for the Console Freeplay or other retro console rooms (if any). Then you have to factor in the cost of a hotel which ACAM obviously foots the bill for, I don't think enforcers are actually in the room, so ACAM brings in their own volunteers for the event. Yes, it's a fact that ACAM puts out a donation box, but it's obviously not bringing in enough.

    It's just sad to see the whole thing fall apart. I do like Sepioth's idea of having them start a GoFundMe page, but on the other hand I'd rather not see ACAM get pushed to the back of the BCEC and have bean bags and a basic fire hazard placed in front of their room entrance like PAX East 2014.

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    hayabusa wrote: »
    I always had the impression that PAX helped ACAM out with truck rental and gas expenses to get to the BCEC, but I guess I was wrong. I say this not knowing how much money PAX kicks in for the Console Freeplay or other retro console rooms (if any). Then you have to factor in the cost of a hotel which ACAM obviously foots the bill for, I don't think enforcers are actually in the room, so ACAM brings in their own volunteers for the event. Yes, it's a fact that ACAM puts out a donation box, but it's obviously not bringing in enough.

    It's just sad to see the whole thing fall apart. I do like Sepioth's idea of having them start a GoFundMe page, but on the other hand I'd rather not see ACAM get pushed to the back of the BCEC and have bean bags and a basic fire hazard placed in front of their room entrance like PAX East 2014.

    Technically it's marketing for the ACAM, so I'm sure that's why it costs money just like a company such as Bioware to have a room or something.

    I actually didn't realize they weren't there last year, so it's a bummer to see they won't be returning.

  • KorvasKorvas Registered User regular
    This makes me sad. ACAM was always a highlight of pax for me, and I was super bummed they weren't there last year...

  • PWAFighterPWAFighter Registered User new member
    There were several reasons for ACAM not attending the show, Partially financial and some of that was preparation for the show. That being said if ACAM is something you would like to see back voice your opinion to PAX and let them know your thoughts about having ACAM back.

  • hsuhsu Registered User regular
    I was at Anime Boston a week ago, and they had Japanese video games. I freaking want those games at PAX East! Like a table flip game and a taiko drum game, amongst others.

  • RappakRappak Registered User regular
    They are Tokyo attack. They will be at a different con.

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