Pathfinder Society PAX East 2016
Hi Lucas Servideo Venture Captain of Boston here wanting to let you know Pathfinder Society will be back and in the same location as last year C101. I was waiting till we got close to our final list of events before commenting here.
We will have 8-10 face cut-out stand-ups for you to take your picture as one of the Pathfinder Iconics.
Fill the PAX East 2016 PAXPort while you play to earn Boons and Prizes.
PACG Events
Demos of Wrath of the Righteous & Skull and Shackles
Season of the Shackles: Adventure #0-1 Lost at Sea and #0-2 A Pirate's Life
PFS RPG Events
PFS Quests: Silverhex Chronicles and Phantom Phenomena(Chronicle Sheet Events)
As well as a series of quests put together by the PFS PAX East Team "Winding Path" dealing with a Mysterious cult causing mayhem across Golarion.
Stay tuned to this thread for Updates on Events.
And maybe, that wizard will be there again. You know, THAT wizard... :biggrin: