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Tweets do not display in Firefox

RanlinRanlin Oh goshRegistered User regular
Even with all addons disabled, tweets just show up as a link. But only in firefox, chrome loads them fine, and every other embedded thing displays properly that I'm aware of.

It's been like this for a long time. It's starting to bug me, though.

It surely isn't a widespread problem, but I'm not really sure what would affect Twitter links from embedding when everything else works fine.


  • Mr KhanMr Khan Not Everyone WAHHHRegistered User regular
    I've been having a similar issue, but for me it's limited to twitter-based videos. It may have something to do with twitter and not with the forums (i'm on Pale Moon, a Firefox fork).

  • ronzoronzo Registered User regular
    I have a similar problem with safari on OSX [Version 9.1 (11601.5.17.1)], all tweets just show up as links

  • BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User regular
    I never noticed this issue at all, on firefox 46.0.

  • RanlinRanlin Oh gosh Registered User regular
    It has persisted through several updates at least, now, but it also definitely does not seem to come up for most people whenever I've asked about it.

    The only likely possibilities I've found through google have been addons messing with it, or the tracking protection added a while ago, but with all that disabled they still don't show.

    I don't actually have a twitter account so I'm not logged in, but since it works fine in chrome I'm not really sure what else to look at.

  • BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User regular
    I do not have a twitter account either

  • NijaNija Registered User regular
    Are you using Private Browsing? I've never seen a tweet show up as anything but a link however I always use PB.

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  • RanlinRanlin Oh gosh Registered User regular
    edited April 2016
    Nope, though it does it there too.

    Ranlin on
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