PAX attendees in NY/NJ?

JedtedJedted Registered User new member
I had a great time at PAX East. I had slept for most of the train ride to and from, however it would have been cool to ride with a few other PAX goers.

Is there any kind of meet up at somewhere like NY Penn Station for people who want to ride the same train up to Boston?


  • TopherRocksTopherRocks Rockstar Beard Grower Kent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered User regular
    In past years there has been a meetup. Our line was usually called the Sonic Line. Nobody seemed to be organizing anything this year.

  • KnownDominanceKnownDominance Registered User regular
    I am definitely interested in this for 2017 PAX

  • eloelo That guy over there... Smoke stack central, NJRegistered User regular
    Im interested for 2017 as well. Previous years I had people to carpool with up there, but this year that may not happen.

  • Canderson1989Canderson1989 Registered User regular
    I'm interested as well. I usually take the train from Penn Station to Boston every year.

  • DominoDomino Keizen Mikazuki New York, NYRegistered User regular
    I come from New York, NY. I usually ride the Lucky Star bus as not only is it only 3 blocks from my place, but their buses got an upgrade around 2012 and have been nicer than Greyhound and Megabus. I often am able to snag $1 tickets, ie last year Pax East cost me $3 (50 cent online fee per one-way) roundtrip. On top of that, a rest stop at a sushi place, which is a little mediocre when you compare it to most sushi establishments in the city, but it's better than Burger King or any other chain I've ever stopped at taking Greyhound/Megabus places.

    Can't get better than that!

  • BashinterothBashinteroth NYCRegistered User regular
    Usually, after tickets go on sale, people arrange meetups for commuting together. I would advise you to pay attention to the boards once it livens up and see if there is anything that would fit what you are looking for. You could always try to arrange something yourself; most of the PAX experience is community driven, so if you don't see what you are looking for take the initiative and try to start it.

  • iltailta Registered User regular
    Domino wrote: »
    I come from New York, NY. I usually ride the Lucky Star bus as not only is it only 3 blocks from my place, but their buses got an upgrade around 2012 and have been nicer than Greyhound and Megabus. I often am able to snag $1 tickets, ie last year Pax East cost me $3 (50 cent online fee per one-way) roundtrip. On top of that, a rest stop at a sushi place, which is a little mediocre when you compare it to most sushi establishments in the city, but it's better than Burger King or any other chain I've ever stopped at taking Greyhound/Megabus places.

    Can't get better than that!

    Well, at $1 a trip I might just have to let go of the train. When do those tend to go on sale???

  • DominoDomino Keizen Mikazuki New York, NYRegistered User regular
    ilta wrote: »
    Domino wrote: »
    I come from New York, NY. I usually ride the Lucky Star bus as not only is it only 3 blocks from my place, but their buses got an upgrade around 2012 and have been nicer than Greyhound and Megabus. I often am able to snag $1 tickets, ie last year Pax East cost me $3 (50 cent online fee per one-way) roundtrip. On top of that, a rest stop at a sushi place, which is a little mediocre when you compare it to most sushi establishments in the city, but it's better than Burger King or any other chain I've ever stopped at taking Greyhound/Megabus places.

    Can't get better than that!

    Well, at $1 a trip I might just have to let go of the train. When do those tend to go on sale???

    They only have the schedule up a month in advance, so for this Pax you'd have to book in February/early March.

  • nomisronomisro Brooklyn, NY, USARegistered User regular
    I'm down for a bus meetup/hangout. I'm either taking megabus or lucky star depending on the prices. I usually leave Thursday afternoon's

  • miker525miker525 New YorkRegistered User regular
    As most of you know I'm from the LI/NYC area. I used to go up via Boltbus, but last year I hitched a ride with a friend. Still determining how I'll get up to Boston this year.... primarily depends what day I end up going up there, but if there's a big group taking a specific method of transportation I'll definitely consider joining it.

    Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
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    Pinny Pals - Miker525
  • AnarCHrisAnarCHris Trash Lord New York CityRegistered User regular
    Probably splurging a bit and taking the train out of Penn to PAX East. LMK if ppl are interested in joining up with me for a group that Thursday morning!

  • GoobShoeRiotGoobShoeRiot Registered User new member
    Didn't even look into Train prices before. (Looking now it's like $50-100)
    Last year, I took a GoBus to Boston and a Megabus coming back to NYC.
    Let me tell you... that GoBus SUCKED. I spent $50 to get crammed on a bus with no WiFi and a tiny fan trying to keep the entire bus cool.

    Coming back I tried the Megabus cause I figured it couldn't be any worse and was pleasantly surprised. I spent $10, Got a whole section (3-4 rows) to myself on the top deck of the bus, Wifi worked, Climate controlled. It was awesome.

    I'll probably take the MegaBus again this year on either Thurs night or Friday afternoon. I passed on lucky star cause I heard it was "sketchy" from one person but if someone here says it's cool and only a couple bucks, I'll try it out.

  • TriiipledotTriiipledot Registered User regular
    Anyone taking the BoltBus on Thursday? Got a group going, most have 3DS'.

  • iltailta Registered User regular
    I am! But I'm leaving in the AM so I can arrive in time to set up game night.

  • DominoDomino Keizen Mikazuki New York, NYRegistered User regular
    edited February 2017
    Didn't even look into Train prices before. (Looking now it's like $50-100)
    Last year, I took a GoBus to Boston and a Megabus coming back to NYC.
    Let me tell you... that GoBus SUCKED. I spent $50 to get crammed on a bus with no WiFi and a tiny fan trying to keep the entire bus cool.

    Coming back I tried the Megabus cause I figured it couldn't be any worse and was pleasantly surprised. I spent $10, Got a whole section (3-4 rows) to myself on the top deck of the bus, Wifi worked, Climate controlled. It was awesome.

    I'll probably take the MegaBus again this year on either Thurs night or Friday afternoon. I passed on lucky star cause I heard it was "sketchy" from one person but if someone here says it's cool and only a couple bucks, I'll try it out.

    Going Lucky Star again on my end, I've taken it almost every year. I also still live like 10 min walk/5 blocks from the stop on Canal St. No good deals this year though. I do find that their buses got upgraded in like 2012/2014. YMMV, but I've had no issues. Probably only sketchy because the native language is Mandarin and nobody seems to trust things in Chinatown haha.

    Domino on
  • AnarCHrisAnarCHris Trash Lord New York CityRegistered User regular
    Taking a Megabus out of NYC at 6:50am that Thursday. Pray 4 Mojo.

  • KatlamosKatlamos Greenville, PARegistered User regular
    Anyone taking Greyhound? We were gonna take Amtrak (but no one in my group listened to me and we missed on the cheap tickets) and I've never heard good things about Megabus so I veto'd that right out. No idea what any of the other options are.

  • GoobShoeRiotGoobShoeRiot Registered User new member
    Anyone taking the BoltBus on Thursday? Got a group going, most have 3DS'.

    I'll be taking the Boltbus from 33st/11ave on Thurs 03/09 at 05:30pm. I'll be bringing a Vita :P

    If anyone else going at that time, PM me or reply here

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