I'm looking to expand my collection of pins and have never participated in a proxy before. Does anyone know if Frostbyte (or anyone else) is doing a West Proxy this year? And I know these are for those not in a group. But can someone briefly explain pin groups to me and how that works. I hVe no idea how they are run. Thanks. Not sure if I wanna join one or just use a proxy.
"If my calculations are correct, when this baby hits 88 mph, you're gonna see some serious shit!"
A proxy on the other hand will only buy where they can obtain everything all at once. They won't buy LE pins as there's a 2 pin per person restriction, and they won't go through the line multiple times to circumvent that. They won't do time-sink pins because it's usually one per person, and they can't go through the line 30+ times to get one for each person. They'll only do core sets, and other things that can be outright purchased, so probably nothing like the Chonku machines for Behemoth since they're random.
Personally I would recommend joining a group. In the few years I've been in a group, there's only been one example of someone not going to their PAX for the year, and in that case I found a friend who was going and asked them to pick me up the pins I wanted. I'm also in a casual group so I don't feel like there's enormous pressure on me to get everything, especially time-sink stuff (not that Aus is really that difficult compared to the US PAXes).
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
I appreciate that. It has nothing to do with the workload I've always been happy to do it. I'm selling off my collection and stepping out of the community.
It's true. You've been a great help to many of us since this game started and without asking for payment. It's your choice what you want to but I'd hate to think you were giving up something you enjoyed. If it does come to that though, For what it's worth I'm gonna miss you man.
Seems like there will be good number of pins available.
Call me AJ
"Damn fine pins!"
Aussies best to go with the others who are coming.
@OpSteel I will help you out send me a message.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
PAX West 2016 Set (PA) - $30
West 2016 LE (PA - Merch Lite, Sheraton) - $15 (LE 1500)
Destiny Set (Bungie - 439, WSCC 4N) - $44
Deathclaw (Bethesda - 1102, WSCC 4N) - $10
Emily (Bethesda - 1102, WSCC 4N) - $10
Dark Brotherhood (Bethesda - 1102, WSCC 4N) - $10
Brutal Legend (Double Fine - 106, WSCC 4N) - $15
Hexipal (Double Fine - 106, WSCC 4N) - $15
Construct (Runic/Perfect World - 133, WSCC 4N) - $15?
Thimbleweed Park (Terrible Toybox - 848, WSCC 4N) - purchase (assume @$15)
Child’s Play 2016 (Child’s Play - WSCC 4, North Lobby) - $25 (All proceeds go to Child's Play Charity)
N7 Mass Effect (Think Geek - SKY9, WSCC 4) - $10
Mega Man (Think Geek - SKY9, WSCC 4) - $10
Behemoth Chicken Foot (The Behemoth - 1501, WSCC 4S) - $15 price confirmed
Ballonicorn (We Love Fine - 7411, WSCC 6) - $15?
Claptrap (We Love Fine - 7411, WSCC 6) - $15?
Armello Logo (League of Geeks/PAX Aus Roadshow - 6211, WSCC 6) - $15 (cash only)
Samurai Punk (Samurai Punk - 6214, WSCC 6) - $15
PAX Aus Roadshow Koala (Surprise Attack Games/PAX Aus Roadshow - 6312, WSCC 6) - $15 price confirmed
Cthulhu Swim (Kris Straub - WSCC 6, Bandland) - $15
LRR Tugger (LRR - WSCC 6, Bandland) - $10
FoxTrot Qunicy (Bill Amend - WSCC 6, Bandland) - $15 price confirmed
CW Lovebug (Katie Rice - WSCC 6, Bandland) - $15?
MC Frontalot Final Boss (Scott Kurtz - WSCC 6, Bandland) - $20 price confirmed
Owl Bear (Worldbuilders - Cards Against Humanity) - $15?
With this list, I can get the 2 sets and 1 of each pin into a USPS Priority medium box is $13.45 (US only) comfortably.
for smaller lists of pins, (say 16 pins max) small box $ 6.80 (US only)
Message me with a list/count and your mailing address. Prepayment can be made via my Paypal account.
Aussie folks, I can have someone hand carry home orders. Hopefully...
Call me AJ
Call me AJ
We have assuie folks willing to help here.
like cooper and limedragonfly, astroboy who are coming to west.
The price for destiny pins will be about 40-45 dollars fyi.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013