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Penny Arcade - PATV - First 15 – Stories: The Path of Destinies

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited June 2016 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - PATV - First 15 – Stories: The Path of Destinies

Gabe and Tycho play a game for 15 minutes and then judge it accordingly. This week they play Stories: The Path of Destinies. You can watch the full length version of this episode here.

Read the full story here

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  • JackJack Registered User regular
    Holy crap I've watched all of these but this is the first time I've felt a genuine NEED to play the game.

  • jerodastjerodast Registered User regular
    That was great, but if only the guys had stopped babbling long enough they wouldn't have missed the "made the Kestrel run in 12 furlongs" reference :P

  • OldeSwordOldeSword Registered User new member
    I bought the game because of this video, and I got to play it last night. It's great! The combat is fun and with the skill/style/perfect points, you're challenged to do better and not just slog through the ravens. There are at least 28 different "stories" you can play through based on your choices, and each story takes about an hour or two to do so they are perfect for short sessions of satisfying game play. And I like the truths that you can discover that reveal more about what is really going on...

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