
The Magnificent [movies] Thread



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    UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    Straightzi wrote: »
    I think the best Spider-Man flick has gotta be the first Raimi one

    I want it to be the second one, because there's a lot I like more there

    But that fucking losing his powers due to self confidence issues plot fucking sinks it for me

    It really is the worst

    There are things I really dig about SM2 (mainly Doc Ock) but that whole plot point just kills it for me

    Spider-Man 1 is a really fun time! In fact I don't think there's too much wrong with it really

    I just dig ASM1 more

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    StraightziStraightzi Here we may reign secure, and in my choice, To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User regular
    Yeah like, I like Ock a lot more than Green Goblin

    Both in the movies, and just in general

    He's probably my second favorite Spider-Man villain, all told

    But that subplot is a goddamn albatross

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    Romanian My EscutcheonRomanian My Escutcheon Two of Forks Registered User regular
    edited July 2016
    I mean, I think the idea of Peter not being Spider-Man for a while wasn't a bad idea in and of itself, but they way they went about it was less than ideal.

    I think Peter choosing not to be Spider-Man of his own volition would've been a far more powerful narrative hook to hang that second act on.

    It wouldn't have made it as dramatic when Peter does get back into the action after Ock kidnaps Mary Jane, but imagine Peter walking away from the muggers not because he can't help, but because he's afraid to help.

    Romanian My Escutcheon on
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    DJ EebsDJ Eebs Moderator, Administrator admin
    alright hold on, let's rank the spider-man movies, from 2002 onward
    1. Spider-Man 2
    2. Spider-Man
    3. Spider-Man 3
    4. Captain America: Civil War
    5. Getting run over by the Spider-mobile
    6. Amazing Spider-Man
    7. Amazing Spider-Man 2

    that was the easiest list I've ever made

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    edited July 2016
    I mean, I think the idea of Peter not being Spider-Man for a while wasn't a bad idea in and of itself, but they way they went about it was less than ideal.

    I think Peter choosing not to be Spider-Man of his own volition would've been a far more powerful narrative hook to hang that second act on.

    It wouldn't have made it as dramatic when Peter does get back into the action after Ock kidnaps Mary Jane, but imagine Peter walking away from the muggers not because he can't help, but because he's afraid to help.

    Nah, Pete chooses not to be Spider-Man. That's what the whole "My friend blah blah blah." "Well, is that what your 'friend' supposed to be doing" conversation with the Doctor, and the conversation with Mind Ghost Uncle Ben.

    Like, him losing his powers was basically described as a side effect of being conflicted over being Spider-Man.

    Undead Scottsman on
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    UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    Captain America: The Civil War
    The Amazing Spider-Man
    The Amazing Spider-Man 2
    Spider-Man 2
    Spider-Man 3

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    DJ EebsDJ Eebs Moderator, Administrator admin
    Captain America: The Civil War
    The Amazing Spider-Man
    The Amazing Spider-Man 2
    Spider-Man 2
    Spider-Man 3

    I think this is the point where I accept that I'll never understand how your mind works

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    Diablo FettDiablo Fett Registered User regular
    man i can totally get putting ASM1 at or near the top of a list. it's got problems but its highs are pretty high

    but putting ASM2 anywhere other than the bottom is plain madness, let alone putting it above Spider-Man 2

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    Blake TBlake T Do you have enemies then? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.Registered User regular
    I dunno, if someone put it above spiderman three, I could understand that.

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    FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    I like spider-man 2 a bunch but 1 is a bit hokey

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    ProhassProhass Registered User regular
    ASM2 was easier to tolerate than 3, like it was bad, but watching 3 in the cinema was just the worst experience

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    Blake TBlake T Do you have enemies then? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.Registered User regular
    FAQ wrote: »
    I like spider-man 2 a bunch but 1 is a bit hokey
    I think two is more hokey than the first. (But that I think is the point)

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    DJ EebsDJ Eebs Moderator, Administrator admin
    macho man randy savage is a better actor than anyone in either amazing spider-man movie except maybe sally field

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    Diablo FettDiablo Fett Registered User regular
    Blake T wrote: »
    I dunno, if someone put it above spiderman three, I could understand that.

    they're both bad movies, the difference is that at some point Raimi saw the production getting away from him and leaned hard into the camp

    if you're okay with that kinda nonsense it's a way more tolerable movie than the hackjob that was ASM2

    seriously that movie is such a fuckin mess. just the fact that the alternate ending of that movie was something that not only was in the original script that was approved by the studio, but that it got so far that it was filmed and integrated into the movie to the point where certain plot elements that fed into it couldn't be removed along with it is so baffling to me

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    UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    As much as I don't like Spider-Man 3, I dislike Venom even more so I actually somewhat respect the movie because that movie gives Venom the exact amount of honor it deserves

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    DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Mare ImbriumRegistered User regular
    macho man randy savage is a better actor than anyone in either amazing spider-man movie except maybe sally field

    Boooonesaaaaw is reeeeeeeaaaaady!


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    GoatmonGoatmon Companion of Kess Registered User regular
    Straightzi wrote: »
    I think the best Spider-Man flick has gotta be the first Raimi one

    I want it to be the second one, because there's a lot I like more there

    But that fucking losing his powers due to self confidence issues plot fucking sinks it for me

    DaFoe's over the top ham performance really kills it for me.

    The sick power plot in 2 is dumb, but Molina just knocks it out of the park so hard that it's still enjoyable in spite of everything.

    Switch Friend Code: SW-6680-6709-4204

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    UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    Dafoe's scenery chewing is the best

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    Romanian My EscutcheonRomanian My Escutcheon Two of Forks Registered User regular
    Alright, I like making lists.

    1) Spider-Man 2
    2) Spider-Man
    3) Captain America: Civil War
    4) ASM 1
    5) Spider-Man 3
    6) ASM 2

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    FAQFAQ Registered User regular
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    UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    It's new to me!

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    FAQFAQ Registered User regular
    I found this youtube channel that I'm loving, some lad analysing the work of a bunch of cinematographers.

    This channel is completely technical, he'll be throwing around f stop numbers, lens focal lengths, lighting terminology constantly so it aint gonna have broad appeal but I'm posting it anyway in case anyone is interested in getting an idea on what kind of equipment some folks use and how.

    I guess the one on gordan willis is a pretty suitable one to post as an example.


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    Johnny ChopsockyJohnny Chopsocky Scootaloo! We have to cook! Grillin' HaysenburgersRegistered User regular
    Guys, I hate to interrupt the Spidey discussion, but can I get a witness for how baller the The Man From U.N.C.L.E. score is?


    Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
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    turtleantturtleant Gunpla Dad is the best.Registered User regular
    Guys, I hate to interrupt the Spidey discussion, but can I get a witness for how baller the The Man From U.N.C.L.E. score is?


    Well no, those buttons aren't here anymore.

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    TurambarTurambar Independent Registered User regular
    Spider-Man 2
    Amazing Spider-Man
    Spider-Man 3
    Amazing Spider-Man 2

    I actually really like the first Raimi movie, and the second is alright too

    Civil War is the best movie with Spider-Man in it, but I can't count it as a Spider-Man movie

    Steam: turamb | Origin: Turamb | 3DS: 3411-1109-4537 | NNID: Turambar | Warframe(PC): Turamb
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    GoatmonGoatmon Companion of Kess Registered User regular
    edited July 2016
    I mean, I think the idea of Peter not being Spider-Man for a while wasn't a bad idea in and of itself, but they way they went about it was less than ideal.

    I think Peter choosing not to be Spider-Man of his own volition would've been a far more powerful narrative hook to hang that second act on.

    It wouldn't have made it as dramatic when Peter does get back into the action after Ock kidnaps Mary Jane, but imagine Peter walking away from the muggers not because he can't help, but because he's afraid to help.

    Nah, Pete chooses not to be Spider-Man. That's what the whole "My friend blah blah blah." "Well, is that what your 'friend' supposed to be doing" conversation with the Doctor, and the conversation with Mind Ghost Uncle Ben.

    Like, him losing his powers was basically described as a side effect of being conflicted over being Spider-Man.

    I thought it was because he wasn't dealing with his feelings for Mary Jane.

    Doc Oct flat-out tells him that doing that will make him sick at the start of the movie.

    Goatmon on
    Switch Friend Code: SW-6680-6709-4204

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    Raijin QuickfootRaijin Quickfoot I'm your Huckleberry YOU'RE NO DAISYRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    Spider-Man 2
    Spider-Man 3
    Amazing Spider-Man
    Eight legged Freaks
    Amazing Spider-Man 2

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    StraightziStraightzi Here we may reign secure, and in my choice, To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User regular
    I'm really disappointed in how low you ranked Jumanji there

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    Raijin QuickfootRaijin Quickfoot I'm your Huckleberry YOU'RE NO DAISYRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    Straightzi wrote: »
    I'm really disappointed in how low you ranked Jumanji there

    I used to love it but it didn't hold up all that well.

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    GoatmonGoatmon Companion of Kess Registered User regular
    Personally I still think Jumanji is quite good.

    Watched it just a year or two after it went up on Netflix and had a jolly time.

    Switch Friend Code: SW-6680-6709-4204

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    Raijin QuickfootRaijin Quickfoot I'm your Huckleberry YOU'RE NO DAISYRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    I'm not saying it's bad

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    GoatmonGoatmon Companion of Kess Registered User regular
    FAQ wrote: »
    I like spider-man 2 a bunch but 1 is a bit hokey

    I mean it has the villain literally trying to force the hero to choose between saving Mary Jane or a bus full of children.

    Switch Friend Code: SW-6680-6709-4204

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    Rorshach KringleRorshach Kringle that crustache life Registered User regular
    look everyone knows the best spider-man movie is 3 dev adam



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    PeccaviPeccavi Registered User regular
    Death Race 2 is on Netflix and I'm bored.

    God, four man bank job, and these idiots use a 2 door coupe as the getaway car.

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Goatmon wrote: »
    I mean, I think the idea of Peter not being Spider-Man for a while wasn't a bad idea in and of itself, but they way they went about it was less than ideal.

    I think Peter choosing not to be Spider-Man of his own volition would've been a far more powerful narrative hook to hang that second act on.

    It wouldn't have made it as dramatic when Peter does get back into the action after Ock kidnaps Mary Jane, but imagine Peter walking away from the muggers not because he can't help, but because he's afraid to help.

    Nah, Pete chooses not to be Spider-Man. That's what the whole "My friend blah blah blah." "Well, is that what your 'friend' supposed to be doing" conversation with the Doctor, and the conversation with Mind Ghost Uncle Ben.

    Like, him losing his powers was basically described as a side effect of being conflicted over being Spider-Man.

    I thought it was because he wasn't dealing with his feelings for Mary Jane.

    Doc Oct flat-out tells him that doing that will make him sick at the start of the movie.

    Well, yes. His feelings for Mary Jane are one of the big reasons he's conflicted about being Spider-Man. He can't have a normal life with a girlfriend and doing great in school and keeping down a steady job if he's also Spider-Man.

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    THESPOOKYTHESPOOKY papa! Registered User regular
    I think everybody is going to end up being really happy with it. They’re going to be very, very happy with it when they see what we’ve actually done with it, and I don’t think anybody’s going to be disappointed … I don’t think it was just a Japanese story. Ghost in the Shell was a very international story, and it wasn’t just focused on Japanese; it was supposed to be an entire world. That’s why I say the international approach is, I think, the right approach to it.


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    StiltsStilts Registered User regular
    THESPOOKY wrote: »
    I think everybody is going to end up being really happy with it. They’re going to be very, very happy with it when they see what we’ve actually done with it, and I don’t think anybody’s going to be disappointed … I don’t think it was just a Japanese story. Ghost in the Shell was a very international story, and it wasn’t just focused on Japanese; it was supposed to be an entire world. That’s why I say the international approach is, I think, the right approach to it.



    I mean, technically yes, GitS is an international story

    But in the sense that a lot of it is about how Japan adapts to an increasingly global society

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    PiptheFairPiptheFair Frequently not in boats. Registered User regular
    I don’t think it was just a Japanese story


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    wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    Honestly I really want a GitS story that focuses on what's happening in the U.S. Isn't it split into 3 different areas after a second Civil War?

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    PiptheFairPiptheFair Frequently not in boats. Registered User regular
    wirehead26 wrote: »
    Honestly I really want a GitS story that focuses on what's happening in the U.S. Isn't it split into 3 different areas after a second Civil War?

    after world war 4 AND a civil war

This discussion has been closed.