The_SpaniardIt's never lupinesIrvine, CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
Exactly what problem is Nyko solving here? Not vomiting in enough directions at once? Maybe it's just directing the inevitable vomit away from yourself.
Exactly what problem is Nyko solving here? Not vomiting in enough directions at once? Maybe it's just directing the inevitable vomit away from yourself.
I played around with the Vorve last weekend. Maybe Nyko can solve some of the issues with that. I'd really like to see their developments in the face-fan department. The vomiting..yeah I've got no idea
So.. I don't know how helpful this might be, but I have a paralyzed stomach and intestines and nausea and vomiting is a large part of my life. This sounds stupid, I know, but something called queasy drops has helped me SO MUCH with this, I can't even describe it. I don't want to link to them and be accused of being a corporate shill or anything, but they should be easy enough to find, and if you have a Realo Drugs near you, they have them, too. An old coworker pretty much forced them on me years ago (I wouldn't take them because I thought it was a shitty gimmick taking advantage of sick people) and I will be forever grateful she did. Good luck trying to get a handle on it, whatever you do.
It doesn't sound stupid. To be honest it's one of the cooler posts I've seen under one of these comics in awhile. Good on you for looking out for others.
I know this won't be a popular post (or maybe it will but who can tell with the structure of the forums) but I really don't like the new art style. It seems too cartoony...which I know sounds dumb because we are talking about a comic.
Nah, it's cool, you expressed your opinion without sounding like a goose, so you're good.
If want something less cartoony, here's a PA strip that is , perhaps too real.
Legitimately love this comic. Though, and maybe this is the colorblindness, Gabe's speech balloon in the second panel seems too light to me. It's tough to make out the tail without closer inspection.
It's probably just the fact that it's on a white background, though. I can see it perfectly fine in the first panel.
Nah, it's cool, you expressed your opinion without sounding like a goose, so you're good.
If want something less cartoony, here's a PA strip that is , perhaps too real.
That's still one of my all-time favorites. That they even made such a thing and let us see it made me love them even more.
I played around with the Vorve last weekend. Maybe Nyko can solve some of the issues with that. I'd really like to see their developments in the face-fan department. The vomiting..yeah I've got no idea
I believe the preferred nomenclature is "Vulva".
If want something less cartoony, here's a PA strip that is , perhaps too real.
It's probably just the fact that it's on a white background, though. I can see it perfectly fine in the first panel.
"So come on down to Realo Drugs today. And remember our slogan: 'Totally not fake drugs at all!'"
It's completely legible to me, but it might also be different monitor/device calibration.
That's still one of my all-time favorites. That they even made such a thing and let us see it made me love them even more.