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West 2016 [Registration] is live!

zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
edited July 2016 in PAX West
Badge registration is here:

If you have any questions or issues regarding your badges, these are your contact options:
tweet at
call the PAX Helpdesk line for ReedPOP 877-674-8241

zerzhul on


  • nixternixter roughly Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    In double queue! Woooo! (SO GLAD I did not leave for lunch just now.)

    aka Avidguru from Twitter and elsewhere

  • SkeleVaderSkeleVader Your Friendly Dark Lord of Destruction Registered User regular
    Tuesday at 1:00pm, you are crafty Khoo.

  • The AviatrixThe Aviatrix Registered User regular

    Ugh. I got the notification on Chrome before Twitter.
    And my first reaction was "wtf was that sound" because I hadn't heard it before. x.x


  • MrDoctorProfessorMrDoctorProfessor Registered User regular
    fuck, I had just closed the twitter because I had resigned myself that they weren't coming out today and like 3 minutes later, It popped up on my facebook.

    Hey Satan!
  • BluemeaneBluemeane Registered User regular
    Your reservation was successful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • BluemeaneBluemeane Registered User regular
    I got through the queue in like 20 seconds! lol Fastest ever.


  • n3rdlinkn3rdlink Detroit, MIRegistered User regular
    Ugh got in line on my phone and then somehow got into the hotel queue...hope i get through i have to go get my kid from daycare soon lol

  • evermore904evermore904 Registered User regular
    I was *this* close to hopping in the shower. Thank god for hearing my phone buzz, otherwise I would have missed out super hard.

  • valdorvaldor Registered User regular
    edited June 2016
    Got my badges, just in hotel line. I literally just sat down and logged into my computer at work when the tweet went out. So lucky.

    valdor on
    3 time TWDT attendee. One year as House Head Boy and Now Head of House for Slytherin DE.
    4 Year Pax West Attendee
  • cbelleviecbellevie Registered User regular
    Sweet! Done!

  • EnderWiggumEnderWiggum Registered User regular
    I had just walked out to lunch about 5 minutes before this came up.

    In the q at 1:03 hope thats enough time.

  • The AviatrixThe Aviatrix Registered User regular
    I fear another 3 hour queue like the first year I went...

    I feel so slow :'(
    Why did I not know what that sound was on Chrome? WHY?!

  • ryamkajrryamkajr Registered User regular
    I was on by 1:02pm, and STILL in queue. Not sure the queue thing is working right. :x

  • cbelleviecbellevie Registered User regular
    The order of alerts for me - text msg from Twitter, page monitor alert (maybe 10 seconds later), actual alert from Twitter (almost a minute later), 'thank god' tweet from rkhoo.

    Worked out in the exact opposite order than I expected.

  • nixternixter roughly Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    PAX West tickets get! See you folks there!

    aka Avidguru from Twitter and elsewhere

  • n3rdlinkn3rdlink Detroit, MIRegistered User regular
    Just got mine! all are still available.

  • afipanicafipanic Registered User regular
    Still waiting. got in right a 4, says Low already for FRI and Sat : (

    Next PAX: West 2017!
    Flight: [X]
    Lodging: [X]
    Passes: [X]
    Excitement: [10/10]
  • The AviatrixThe Aviatrix Registered User regular
    My order:
    Page Monitor was about 15s before Twitter which was at 1:02

    Fri/Sat are already low and I'm still in queue :'(

  • BirrhanBirrhan Registered User regular
    Yikes! Getting anxious seeing the fri/sat getting low already...

  • RiDERiDE the WORST! Hotel CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    I got in the queue at 1:01 and swear I was sweating more than a sinner in church

    "Try, try again. Then quit. There's no use being a damned fool about it."
  • CodextehFishCodextehFish Vancouver, CanadaRegistered User regular
    And done :3 Good luck to the rest of you f5 warriors- there were no lows when I went in.

    Prime: '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15
    West: '16, '17
    East: '14, '15, '16, '17
    South: '15, '16, '17, '18
  • GiuocoGiuoco Registered User regular
    Yay got all days. Got through quicker on my phone. Still in Que on my desktop.

  • PookyAlertPookyAlert Registered User regular
    Dammit, drove my sis home and lost, only got in at 1:05 and I suspect I shall be secondary market again this year. Message onna page now:

    Please note: We are already VERY low in badge quantities. Just because you are in line does not guarantee badges will be available when you get to the purchase page. Sorry!

  • afipanicafipanic Registered User regular
    My order:
    Page Monitor was about 15s before Twitter which was at 1:02

    Fri/Sat are already low and I'm still in queue :'(

    Literally just got in, as I was like you with the timing. autocompleted everything and out. Good luck!!

    Next PAX: West 2017!
    Flight: [X]
    Lodging: [X]
    Passes: [X]
    Excitement: [10/10]
  • kbschmidkbschmid Calgary, ABRegistered User regular
    Ugh. I was 28 in line for hotels, got to zero, then told me it would redirect, then told me I was out of time (about 30s later) Rejoined queue with 1880 in front. I'm sure I'll still get one, but d'oh

    By day, a mild-mannered charity guy
    By night, a gamer.
    PAX Prime 09, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18
  • The AviatrixThe Aviatrix Registered User regular

    Everybody in my group is sweating :(

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    queue now says VERY LOW on all badges

  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    Yeah I don't think 1:04 was good enough...

  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited June 2016
    click link at work. probably not working.

    use link at twitter for my phone. I think I'm good

    find out a minute later that's the hotel queue fuuuuck (at least I'm on a low spot in the hotel line for my phone?)

    get into ticket queue on phone

    turn on laptop get into ticket queue on a normal internet.

    hotel queue on phone reaches zero. tries three times to take me to hotel site. then says I removed myself from line and get to the back of the line.


    I see spinning arrows on my phone, but not on my work computer and not on my normal internet laptop. :T am I screwed?

    edit: I had to F5 on my work computer (my frist queue) then the tickets showed up?!!??! I got me some badges whoo hoooo!

    PikaPuff on
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    edited June 2016
    Managed to get the hotel first while I was in the line on my phone! Now I just have to get my airline tickets...see you all in September!

    and not sure whats happening but I just went to the site on my computer to see if tickets were still up, went right through to selecting tickets, no wait...I'm using Explorer.

    ClannMorgan on
  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular

    Got in queue at 1:01.30 and finished a few minutes ago.

    Such nervewracking...

    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • MrDoctorProfessorMrDoctorProfessor Registered User regular
    Legacy wrote: »

    Got in queue at 1:01.30 and finished a few minutes ago.

    Such nervewracking...

    That worries me. I got in at 1:05 and im still in.

    Hey Satan!
  • DaPaladinDaPaladin Registered User regular
    I have purchased the right to have bobcats sent to my house.

  • ViverraViverra Commander TexasRegistered User regular
    edited June 2016
    Nevermind! We all got ours, yeah!!

    Viverra on
    Facebook Page | Viverra Cosplay
  • IncreaseBlueIncreaseBlue Registered User regular
    Seriously, tweet goes out RIGHT as I had a meeting set up.

    Never the less, got my passes and hotel (not my first choice but at least for all days, so I'm grateful).


  • PookyAlertPookyAlert Registered User regular
    Sunday's listing as Low now too.

  • The AviatrixThe Aviatrix Registered User regular
    Oh my goodness.

    I got mine.

    I hope my friends all get theirs :( I only was able to afford a single spare set so I can't tell them to all relax :(
    I know at least one is most likely way too late too x.x

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    edited June 2016
    In Queue at 1:01. Tickets bought at 1:25. All days available.
    And to think, I was a hair's breadth from closing the window since I'd already given up on badges today.

    YoungFrey on
  • TabbyKatTabbyKat Registered User regular
    So nervous... I have hotel... no badges... my boss is laughing at me.

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