P.S: I hope that there are more games like Pokemon Go that encourages teens/kids to leave their houses and meet other people with similar interests.
Sure. There are people who exploit the game for nefarious purposes (like these less-than-hilarious real-life Team Rocket wannabees) but I can't help to think that the net effect is positive.
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
As the "youth whisperer" adult in my family of non-geeks, I'm often explaining things to my befuddled family about what their pre-teen and teen kids are doing. Yesterday my aunt asked me, slightly fearfully, why her teenage son was suddenly taking so many walks around the neighborhood with his friends to "hatch eggs".
It's pretty fun to go out for a walk around the lake, and see other people walking with their phone out, and your eyes meet, and you just know.
You draw closer.
As you pass:
It's pretty fun to go out for a walk around the lake, and see other people walking with their phone out, and your eyes meet, and you just know.
You draw closer.
As you pass:
My wife and I went out for dinner this weekend and I had been playing a bit in the car and she was rightfully teasing me about it. Then after we parked and walked to the restaurant, pretty much every person we passed that had their phone out was playing Pokemon Go.
As the "youth whisperer" adult in my family of non-geeks, I'm often explaining things to my befuddled family about what their pre-teen and teen kids are doing. Yesterday my aunt asked me, slightly fearfully, why her teenage son was suddenly taking so many walks around the neighborhood with his friends to "hatch eggs".
Apparently I've got to walk a 5k for the eggs I got from near the capital. Thanks Obama.
It's pretty fun to go out for a walk around the lake, and see other people walking with their phone out, and your eyes meet, and you just know.
You draw closer.
As you pass:
My wife and I went out for dinner this weekend and I had been playing a bit in the car and she was rightfully teasing me about it. Then after we parked and walked to the restaurant, pretty much every person we passed that had their phone out was playing Pokemon Go.
I have met a ton of young people from my apartment complex (and the other nearby 3 that are all the same company and share a lake) that I'd never seen before out and about catching pokemon. The lake has a fountain that is a pokespot and so far every evening there's been a lure on it and group of about a dozen people (and often their dogs, yay!) hanging out.
Too bad it's mosquito season too.
Plus it wouldn't work because, like, you don't hunt the pokemans through AR, you find them via the app and only engage with them via AR after clicking on them in the map overlay.
P.S: I hope that there are more games like Pokemon Go that encourages teens/kids to leave their houses and meet other people with similar interests.
Sure. There are people who exploit the game for nefarious purposes (like these less-than-hilarious real-life Team Rocket wannabees) but I can't help to think that the net effect is positive.
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
You draw closer.
As you pass:
My wife and I went out for dinner this weekend and I had been playing a bit in the car and she was rightfully teasing me about it. Then after we parked and walked to the restaurant, pretty much every person we passed that had their phone out was playing Pokemon Go.
Those must be his walkin' pants
I have met a ton of young people from my apartment complex (and the other nearby 3 that are all the same company and share a lake) that I'd never seen before out and about catching pokemon. The lake has a fountain that is a pokespot and so far every evening there's been a lure on it and group of about a dozen people (and often their dogs, yay!) hanging out.
Too bad it's mosquito season too.
Ramdall Munroe has a lot of very specific hobbies (if you believe everything he writes in xkcd).
Just execute that on xkcd and it will be more precise.
IDK. Not that good a joke, xkcd.
Not your fault, geese aren't known for their sense of humor.
Alternately, different people laugh at different things and geese shit on anyone who disagrees with them
If you're going to consistently act like a turd in this forum I have no problem booting you out of it entirely.
geth, kick @forty from the thread. He is now banned from posting in the PA hub.