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Penny Arcade - Comic - On Reaping

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited July 2016 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - Comic - On Reaping

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

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  • poipoigirlpoipoigirl Registered User regular
    I love his child! " Daddy! The grave cannot hold me! "

  • FriendFiveFriendFive Registered User regular
    I love how his child hugs him in the last panel. As a parent, I know those kind of hugs are one of the best feelings in the world.

  • briguybriguy Registered User regular
    I get the feeling this is one of those taken directly from true events comics.

  • belligerentbelligerent Registered User regular
    Oh my god this was my night last night. My son likes playing against the practice squad. But when I play, every 5 minutes I hear:


  • Trogdor6135Trogdor6135 Registered User regular
    Is it important to restrict what kids have access to? Yes.

    But let's face it. Any and every kid is going to figure out how to make a finger gun or lightsaber noises. It's more important to listen to the context of why they're saying it.

  • rembrandtqeinsteinrembrandtqeinstein Registered User regular
    my twin daughters at 4 years old loved to watch me play borderlands 2 which they called the "shooting bad guys game"

    I overheard when they were playing in the other room "gimme your damn loot!" in their little squeaky voices, was the cutest thing ever

  • v2miccav2micca Registered User regular
    "Daddy! The grave cannot hold me!"
    Just thinking of a six year old saying that is enough to make me smile.

  • RavelleRavelle Registered User regular
    Oh my god this was my night last night. My son likes playing against the practice squad. But when I play, every 5 minutes I hear:


    More like HEROES NEVER D-AARGHk!.

  • Jacques L'HommeJacques L'Homme BAH! He was a rank amateur compared to, DR. COLOSSUS!Registered User regular
    Panel 1: Humor

    Panel 2: Humor

    Panel 3: Humor, every single one of the feels

  • shadowysea07shadowysea07 Registered User regular
    this was adorable

  • geekoidgeekoid Registered User regular
    If he was talking about throwing a bomb into the coffin corner, that would be cool. 'Murica

    Now I will break machinery with my head!
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