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Penny Arcade - PATV - Acquisitions Incorporated: The Series – Episode 09

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited August 2016 in The Penny Arcade Hub

imagePenny Arcade - PATV - Acquisitions Incorporated: The Series – Episode 09

Welcome to the pilot season full of new Acquisition Incorporated adventures, filmed on-location in an actual basement, delivered episodically for your amusement.Listen to the podcast.

Read the full story here

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  • cynnicysmcynnicysm Registered User regular
    i was super worried there wasn't going to be any more.

  • wreckzorswreckzors Registered User regular
    I was so happy to see this keep going. Acquisitions incorporated is amazing. I look forward to watching the videos of it from pax every year and now i get to watch it every Wednesday. SO GREAT!

  • wallywestwallywest Registered User regular
    I am thoroughly addicted to this series.

    Gotta love their style. "Oh, can someone come clean up all these dead bodies? We're going to take a short jaunt up to the Spine of the World to fuck up a dragon, have this dealt with before we get back".

  • MawuRavensongMawuRavensong Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    ok. so.
    Rex is latin for King: and it casts heal
    Lex is latin for Leg: is casts: what? cant wait to find out.

    also someone on staff remind Jim Percy and Olivia were thought to be his cousins but turns out they are his siblings.

    MawuRavensong on
  • jerodastjerodast Registered User regular
    Aw, couldn't we at least let Binwin take his turn before we cut to credits? So abrupt :P Can't wait for the next one.

  • ObstreperousObstreperous Registered User regular
    So this is different than the Baldur's Gate office? So is Minsk okay? Minsk is fine, right?

  • mral777mral777 Sacramento, CARegistered User regular
    I totally want that drawing of Binwin carrying Jim in the Baby Bjorn? Love it!!

  • FuzzyGoboFuzzyGobo Registered User new member
    Love the Baby Bjorn drawing @45:49!

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