PAX is approaching quickly and it's that time of year again, BYOC GROUP SEATING! I am running a few days behind but that wont phase you super awesome people now will it? The deal is pretty much the same as last year and every PAX before. Check out the details below and get those requests in! Last year we had a packed house and we unfortunately had to split up some groups that did not pre-register (tisk tisk) so I highly advise that if you have a group to sent in a request.
I also want to point out that we have the PC Mod showcase which sits right inside the main BYOC entrance, so if you have an awesome rig that makes others drool send me some pics (OF YOUR RIG) and if it makes us feel good in all the right places we will grant you one of these epic spots.
To request group seating, use the seating chart below to choose your seats and email pax_pc at paxsite dot com
If you're getting this, that means you have purchased a BYOC spot at PAX West to bring your computer and play on our dedicated network alongside a couple hundred friends you haven't met yet. To help make sure your BYOC festivities go smoothly, we've put together a little information packet for you. If you ever have any questions, feel free to email us at or to help ensure others benefit from your question, post in our forums at
--- PAX WEST Badge Registration ---
Your PAX West BYOC badges should be mailed to you shortly if you haven't received them already. Should you have questions or issues with this, please
--- Getting There ---
Parking Directions Video - North Bound:
Parking Directions Video - South Bound:
The BYOC Room is located on the third floor of the building building technically called the ‘Conference Center' (although we just call it the Annex).
You will be allowed to enter the building early, at 8:00am on Friday ONLY, to begin checking in and being seated. Entry on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday all begin at 10:00am. BE WARNED. There will probably be a line forming in front of the building of non-byoc people. If you have a BYOC badge, walk right past them, you'll be able to enter the building early. If you haven't received your badge yet for whatever reason, you'll need to pick it up from Level 1 of the Grand Hyatt Hotel. You'll probably want to leave your computer in the car until you get the badge. If that's impossible for whatever reason, then just bring your rig to the Annex entrance and we'll try to prevent you from having to roam around Seattle while carrying 50lbs of steel.
--- Basic LAN Party Information ---
If you've never been to a LAN party, be sure to bring the following equipment:
- BYOC Pass
- Computer
- Monitor (Please no bigger than 27" LCD) and connecting cable
- Keyboard
- Mouse (we recommend wired, just to avoid any potential interference)
- Mouse pad
- Ethernet cable (25 feet should be sufficient)
- Power cables (but no extension cords or power strips. Maximum of two power connected devices)
- Headphones
- Games CDs/DVDs, Windows CD, and backups for other programs you may need to install/reinstall.
We suggest printing off this list checking each item as you pack it. If you end up forgetting something, talk to an Enforcer, BYOC Help Desk, or other LANFest Representative and we might be able to help out.
Please update/patch your games before coming to PAX. This includes updating Steam, Impulse, Origin, and such. You will have access to the Internet, but bandwidth is EXTREMELY limited!
Please be sure to enable virus protection on your computer before connecting it to our network. Any computers that are found with a virus will be immediately disconnected from the network until the matter is resolved. We would also like to remind everyone that there is absolutely NO personal network equipment allowed (Switches, routers, WiFi AP’s, etc).
The PAX WEST BYOC schedule is as follows:
Friday: 8:00am - 11:30pm
Saturday: 10:00am - 11:30pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 11:30pm
Monday: 10:00am - 6:00pm
--- Tournament Schedule ---
The PC Tournament Schedule can be found on the PAX West website here:
. Note these do not include BYOC exclusive events that we'll be peer pressuring you into.
--- BYOC Contests ---
The BYOC staff will be running organized games throughout each day in the games on the list. Some of the activities will have signups ahead of time while others you can just jump in game and join us. Extended descriptions for each of the organized events will be posted on the PAX Forums. Scheduled times will be available on site starting at check-in. The unofficial PAX West BYOC twitter account is
@PAXBYOC, and can be followed for updates leading up to and during the show.
--- Security Information ---
There's a lot more to do at PAX than just play PC games, and we want you to be able to go do all of these things secure in the knowledge that your computer and peripherals are safe and sound. To that end, we put a much higher emphasis on security than most other LAN parties. Before you enter the PAX BYOC area, you will have to quickly register your computer and any monitor you're bringing into the computer area. We've gone to great lengths to keep the security processes in check, and as such, please keep your BYOC badge as visible as possible when entering the room….it’s for your own protection.
While we will make every attempt to keep all equipment in the room safe, be aware that there is little we can do to prevent phones, tablets, portable game consoles, CD's, wads of cash, and other small items from walking off. We strongly suggest you keep such items out of plain view and use some common sense when it comes to your own security. If you're coming with a laptop, we also STRONGLY recommend you invest in a laptop lock. Seriously.
--- Overwatch ---
You and five of your friends face off against 6 random strangers in a test of--... what? Nope! Do you like tho shoot things? Do you like to shoot things while travelling through time? Or creating a turret that kills people with light? Or leaping into the fray to the sound of a roaring gorilla? Or maybe just skating around, dropping some phat beats and keeping your teammates alive? These are all things you do in Overwatch. Or... at least, I do. Why aren't you? Come on, let's go have some fun. And by 'have some fun' I really mean 'smack down some internet randoms' or 'see how many people you can charge off a ledge as Reinhardt' or 'blast someone off of the point on Ilios as Lucio.... again'. Whichever sounds fun. Let's go!
--- Voice Chat Information ---
We will have Ventrilo & Discord servers available for tournaments and public gaming. While we will have the clients available on our file server, it is recommended that you download and install Ventrilo AND/OR Discord before you come to the event. You can download the client at &
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
Can we get an Overwatch tourney? It would be much appreciated :-)
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
Yeah I know, but I haven't gotten a response back from them yet either.
1) Lack of strategy games/RTS. With FPS and MOBAs conquering the scene for the majority of last year's BYOC tournaments, it was a bit underwhelming for people who enjoy RTS games and not have one listed as a tournament. Even though some of these games may not be part of "2016's hottest game titles", it would still be nice to see these kinds of games be added back to the mix (Age of empires 2, openra, dawn of war, and starcraft are part of a short list).
2) Other popular games were not considered because of the "pay-to-win" mechanic. It is easy to restrict such things to make a fun tournament for everyone (Example: Hearthstone: "basic cards only" money/little time necessary).
3) Doing multiple tournaments for the same game. Don't get me wrong, League of Legends is fun, but doing two full tournaments of it last year seemed to be awfully time consuming(4-6 hours last year?). It prevented other cool games from being made into a tournament, which made it disappointing for those who do not enjoy that style of game. It also stepped into the time slot of other BYOC tournaments as it crept on throughout the day, which made it disappointing to miss out on those fun events.
Take these listed items as you will, as I know, organizing these events is not the easiest thing to do. This list was pulled from what I saw and heard about from last year's BYOC. Regardless of what may happen in this year's BYOC tournaments, I will be happy to partake and enjoy BYOC nonetheless. I am looking forward to it as always!
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
It would be nice to carry one less thing on my journey~!
EDIT: Will-call is open on Thursday between 8am-8pm. Bring your Order Confirmation and Photo ID that matches the name on your order.
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
My lunchboxes are pretty big :P
Also I'm assuming dual monitors is a no??
I also added the contents of the BYOC mailer that was sent to all ticket purchasers today.
See you all at PAX!
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
I am trying to get those guys to come over here and post all of that but it's like pulling teeth, I will try to bribe them with snacks or something.
PAX Prime PC Room Deputy
PAX East PC Room Deputy
@Dreggor I took a look at the new seating chart; my group is not on it