Based on this comic it appears that the game perfectly captures working in a kitchen.
Especially if that kitchen is on fire. Or haunted and tables are sliding around to screw you over. Or on the back of trucks speeding down the highway, and you have to be careful not to fall off. Or on a iceberg so everything is slippery.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
My wife and I made it less than fifteen minutes in New Super Mario Brothers before she demanded I return it and buy Mario Kart instead. And in elementary school, none of the boys in my class were allowed to go to each other's houses because of Battle Toads.
Sounds like I should probably give this one a pass?
Huh. I guess I'm waaaaaay behind on the Gavin/Levin/Amy news.
Levin seems so quiet and gentle and Amy is a bloodthirsty murder queen. What a marvelous pair! I can't wait to watch For The Watch where she will destroy hi---I mean... where they will destroy each other!
I wish I could see the alternate panels Gabe's describing. A grandmother brandishing the controller like a club, her grandson screaming "You chopped two TOMATOES, I need ONIONS you stupid bitch!" The dialogue would clutter the panel I'm sure, but I thought that was hilarious.
Especially if that kitchen is on fire. Or haunted and tables are sliding around to screw you over. Or on the back of trucks speeding down the highway, and you have to be careful not to fall off. Or on a iceberg so everything is slippery.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
It makes all the images even more unsettling.
Looks like that could be the LAST 15. : p
Sounds like I should probably give this one a pass?
Levin seems so quiet and gentle and Amy is a bloodthirsty murder queen. What a marvelous pair! I can't wait to watch For The Watch where she will destroy hi---I mean... where they will destroy each other!
Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
I wish I could see the alternate panels Gabe's describing. A grandmother brandishing the controller like a club, her grandson screaming "You chopped two TOMATOES, I need ONIONS you stupid bitch!" The dialogue would clutter the panel I'm sure, but I thought that was hilarious.