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pax is 71% done

zepallicazepallica Portland, OregonRegistered User regular
All of these pax Twitter percentage updates are giving me crazy anxiety.


  • X DarkFairy XX DarkFairy X Registered User regular
    Yep, I mute the Official_PAX twitter account every year just because of those. So obnoxious!!

  • IncreaseBlueIncreaseBlue Registered User regular
    I like them. Kind of bum me out but I know to savor my time.

  • PavioPavio Registered User regular
    Dudes, I put that feedback in every year. They don't realize that we're not all thrilled about a countdown telling us how soon we have to go back to the real world?

  • every day's greatevery day's great Registered User regular
    edited September 2016
    I really, really hate those tweets. They are incredibly obnoxious and depressing destroyers of fun and happiness. :(

    every day's great on
  • StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    People have complained about these every year for as long as PAX has had a twitter. I don't think they're going to change any time soon.

  • DeciusDecius I'm old! I'm fat! I'M BLUE!Registered User regular
    edited September 2016
    I think the complainers about these are a vocal minority. Most people seem to either not give a shit (me), or like them. One day I'm sure an "Achievement Unlocked: Another PAX Complete" will start to appear at the end.

    Decius on
    I never finish anyth
  • vidvid Hot Dog Wizard PDXRegistered User regular
    I like'em. During a weekend where all sense of time can easily be lost, it's a clear and direct indicator of how far along you are in the PAX experience.

  • BouwsTBouwsT Wanna come to a super soft birthday party? Registered User regular
    I'll just repeat what I tweeted to them in '14. Frame this thing in the positive.

    "You still have 29% of PAX remaining!" feels a whole hell of a lot better than "Your PAX vacation is 71% finished".

    Accomplish the same thing, but tell people they can still enjoy it.

    Between you and me, Peggy, I smoked this Juul and it did UNTHINKABLE things to my mind and body...
  • PurpleSkyPurpleSky Registered User regular
    I am totally on the get rid of these tweets bandwagon! If you REAAAALY need to know when PAX is done and can't wait for it to be over just look at the damn clock.

  • PurpleSkyPurpleSky Registered User regular
    The worst tweet was on Friday morning, "Pax is 1% complete". Good lord, who tf needs to know that!!?? 1% isn't very informative first of all and really anyone that is excited for that 1% probably should be reconsidering going to PAX.

  • havok978havok978 Baltimore, MdRegistered User regular
    PurpleSky wrote: »
    The worst tweet was on Friday morning, "Pax is 1% complete". Good lord, who tf needs to know that!!?? 1% isn't very informative first of all and really anyone that is excited for that 1% probably should be reconsidering going to PAX.

    I was about to say this. I typically don't mind those tweets, but the 1% complete one really had me like, "Really? What is the purpose?"

  • dm_magicdm_magic Registered User regular
    I love them. I think they're hilarious and simultaneously reminds me to savor my time.

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