You can either put out review copies, or you can have a comprehensive demo. When you do neither, the chance of me waiting until a 75% sale arrives increases by 100%. AAA pricing is far too high for me to have blind faith based on a couple of trailers and marketing nonsense.
DemonStaceyTTODewback's DaughterIn love with the TaySwayRegistered Userregular
Best description of a trip.
You don't know what the journey is gonna be and you just have to hold on and let it happen.
You can either put out review copies, or you can have a comprehensive demo. When you do neither, the chance of me waiting until a 75% sale arrives increases by 100%. AAA pricing is far too high for me to have blind faith based on a couple of trailers and marketing nonsense.
It helps if they let the Youtubers do their Youtube thing to it, but even those have stopped seriously informing my opinion, ever since it became a way to apparently make real money, so now all of them have computers carved from magical obsidian with memory measured in decades rather than gigabytes, and I'm stuck here with this fucking dual core ican't even remember what the number after i is, so I can't trust their experience as indicative of what mine might be anymore.
Honestly? I've gone back to gaming like I did in middle school. I buy shit out of the bargain bin/Steam sale because it's $5 and has cool box art, and just... hope for the best.
I saw a friend turn into a raccoon that one time in 1996.
I'm serious.
He turned into fucking raccoon the size of a normal man.
did you turn him back
"All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible." - T.E. Lawrence
I... don't think you should make comics quite like this. Eating wild mushrooms will almost certainly not get you high. It's very likely it will get you dead. Please don't perpetuate this dangerous myth.
You don't know what the journey is gonna be and you just have to hold on and let it happen.
Just enjoy the ride.
It helps if they let the Youtubers do their Youtube thing to it, but even those have stopped seriously informing my opinion, ever since it became a way to apparently make real money, so now all of them have computers carved from magical obsidian with memory measured in decades rather than gigabytes, and I'm stuck here with this fucking dual core ican't even remember what the number after i is, so I can't trust their experience as indicative of what mine might be anymore.
Honestly? I've gone back to gaming like I did in middle school. I buy shit out of the bargain bin/Steam sale because it's $5 and has cool box art, and just... hope for the best.
I saw a friend turn into a raccoon that one time in 1996.
I'm serious.
He turned into fucking raccoon the size of a normal man.
Penny Arcade has struck again!