With a little over 100 days till South I am starting to rev up on my cosplay, and I figured others are too! I try to finish before the holiday madness kicks in.

So what is everyone going as this year? Needing tips or advise? Can't decide which cosplay to make? Wanting to find or make a cosplay meetup? Post it all here!! We can help and encourage each other as South slowly ticks closer!

Happy Cosplaying!!
Cosplay Photography | Unofficial PAX South Fan Group (FB)
VERY likely :biggrin:
Time to t-t-t-t-trade! ⭐️http://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Renfamous⭐️
Go for it! I always find the more obscure cosplays are the best! And then when people ask where it is from you get to spread your love of that comic! Win win!
I made the mistake of wearing bad footwear last year, it almost took a week to get my feet to stop hurting after that weekend! I am not making that mistake again! I feel like having good foot wear is better then having cosplay appropriate footware.
Watch your six!
I am! I've got the basics down (tactical bag, filter mask, tac gear) and I'm working hoping to figure out some way to make a collapsible riot shield. I even got a 3d printed isac computer and watch.
AW YUUSSS this is going to be great. Emailing you!
There is a group of Overwatch cosplayers meeting up at PAXsouth. If y'all are interested, I can shoot you the FB group page.
Best thing is to make sure you wear good shoes, or have shoes you can change into. Also having an outift that can accommodate a jacket if needed is really nice! The weather can turn a bit chilly at sundown (50-30).
I didn't even think about the weather being cold , so used to Florida and being more worried about her passing out from heat stroke during the walk into the convention centers! Will need to grab material and sew a quick warm poncho type cover up for her one with shoulder armor (Astird from How to Train a Dragon) I always make sure all her cosplay shoes are comfortable even if it means she has to build new shoes around the comfy shoes to match the cosplay.
I think that is an awesome idea!! Good luck on your building!
Ill be going on Saturday as a diamond dog soldier. Any other metal gear cosplayers?
Bonus points if you have a little stuffed fox or something!
I will be doing a Wildling Cosplay for the Shot of Ice and fire Bar Crawl and a Misty from Pokemon during PAX -hoping for a cool night and warm days! haha. I can't wait to see everyone's projects. I love everyone's creativity.
That's awesome! Me and some of my friends are cosplaying agents, so we will need to meet up for a photoshoot! Maybe around the riverwalk?
I am still a little concerned on the vague ruling of the toy guns. Seems like they are allowed as long as they are made to be clear to be a toy gun, even if they seem realistic at first. I left all the orange markings on mine to make sure that is okay, but I painted a skin on them. Does anyone know if that will be allowed?
Orange tip isn't required but it'll honestly be a judgement call by the [E]s at weapons check. I'd go there first thing on day one and let them tell you if you need to make modifications.
Time to t-t-t-t-trade! ⭐️http://www.pinnypals.com/pals/Renfamous⭐️
I think you'll be fine. I did a GTA V cosplay last year with a toy glock. Left the orange tip visible and had no issues. (They zip-tied the trigger.)
Cosplay Photography | Unofficial PAX South Fan Group (FB)
I decided that my main weapon would be the axe, but I do have an AR on my backpack, but it was a toy gun that only made noises, did not fire any projectiles, plus its on the backpack, I'm not holding it, so I'm pretty sure its going to be fine.
I am still a little concerned on the vague ruling of the toy guns. Seems like they are allowed as long as they are made to be clear to be a toy gun, even if they seem realistic at first. I left all the orange markings on mine to make sure that is okay, but I painted a skin on them. Does anyone know if that will be allowed?[/quote]
I think it would be awesome to get some cool agents vs hunter pics. Got a rough version of my agent cosplay done. I'll probably add some pouches to the backpack to break up all the black. I should also have my ballistic shield prop done tomorrow (assuming I can get the collapsible bits figured out).