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PAX East 2017 Forum Badge



  • zenprimezenprime That Cat that ain't a Cat T-Town, WARegistered User regular
    Vote 3!

    PAXing till I Plotz
    PAX Weast 2017 Status: Badges [X] Room [X] Fried Rice [X]
  • WellywokzWellywokz Registered User regular
    I vote 3. lol

  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    Well the votes are in and thanks to the use of proportional representation and not some odd college weighting system the popular vote has won!

    A total of 37 votes were cast and the proportion of votes for each design option are as follows:

    1) Loading Bar: 41%
    2) Streamer: 3%
    3) ARG: 57%

    So there we have it, the ARG concept wins PAX East 2017 Forum Badge design. This can only be regarded as a good thing! Well done everyone for participating :)


  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    kropotkin wrote: »
    Well the votes are in and thanks to the use of proportional representation and not some odd college weighting system the popular vote has won!

    A total of 37 votes were cast and the proportion of votes for each design option are as follows:

    1) Loading Bar: 41%
    2) Streamer: 3%
    3) ARG: 57%

    So there we have it, the ARG concept wins PAX East 2017 Forum Badge design. This can only be regarded as a good thing! Well done everyone for participating :)

    Nifty =) ... Do we have a designer for it? If not I'd be up for offering my services.

  • nevermore13nevermore13 Registered User regular
    @Solanales kropotkin normally does the designing and printing of the badge as well.

  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    @Solanales kropotkin normally does the designing and printing of the badge as well.

    Sounds bueno =)

  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    The forum badge does have a strict set of design criteria. This includes the presence of the crest and the list of names on the back. I do know what these criteria are so to hand it off to someone else would be difficult. However, any assistance you can give to its final design would be gratefully received.


  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    kropotkin wrote: »
    The forum badge does have a strict set of design criteria. This includes the presence of the crest and the list of names on the back. I do know what these criteria are so to hand it off to someone else would be difficult. However, any assistance you can give to its final design would be gratefully received.

    Absolutely not trying to step on any toes. I just wanted to make sure this project could continue, but it seems like you have a great handle on things. I'm excited to see the outcome, but if there's anything that needs illustrated, I'll be around!

  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    kropotkin wrote: »
    Well the votes are in and thanks to the use of proportional representation and not some odd college weighting system the popular vote has won!

    A total of 37 votes were cast and the proportion of votes for each design option are as follows:

    1) Loading Bar: 41%
    2) Streamer: 3%
    3) ARG: 57%

    So there we have it, the ARG concept wins PAX East 2017 Forum Badge design. This can only be regarded as a good thing! Well done everyone for participating :)

    I voted for the Loading Bar .....

    I blame the false media coverage and voter turn out...


  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    Good to see this still going strong. Missed the voting, but I was going to go for #3 anyways. Much obliged.

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • miker525miker525 New YorkRegistered User regular
    This sounds awesome. Very excited, as always Kropotkin. Thanks for continuing to do this!

    Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
    Websites - Gamerations -
    Pinny Pals - Miker525
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    Hello all! I've developed some prototypes for the forum badge and they can be seen in the images below. Please let me know your thoughts on them:




  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Looks cool so far.

    One thing is Pokémon needs to be capitalized and have the accent mark over the e :biggrin:

    So far I'm liking it (even though I wanted the loading bar) :P

  • jasonakaramjasonakaram NHRegistered User regular
    I'm late to the party this year but better late than never :) I would like to cast my vote for number 1.

  • acaraba2acaraba2 Tampa, FLRegistered User regular
    Always best to be late to party. I vote for #1 uno numbro.


  • Consti2tionConsti2tion Registered User regular
    I'd have to say, Loading Bar.

    Alternatively, Line Simulator 2017 or some combination of both.

  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    Thank you for the votes people, but the badge theme was chosen some time back. If you could provide feedback and suggestions for the designs I have posted I'd appreciate it.


  • SinoSambaSinoSamba CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    This might make the badge a bit too busy with the background being actual pictures of crowds, but a couple of review blurbs ("10/10 would walk again"; "Is this a real game?") might be funny on the front. It does look great as-is, as always :)

    3DS FC: 3239-2323-6239
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    SinoSamba wrote: »
    This might make the badge a bit too busy with the background being actual pictures of crowds, but a couple of review blurbs ("10/10 would walk again"; "Is this a real game?") might be funny on the front. It does look great as-is, as always :)

    I too do not like the cover. I think I'll filter the images to make them more video gamey like and I love the idea of review quotes on the front!


  • KilonumKilonum [E] Somewhere near BostonRegistered User regular
    As an avid player of simulation games, I approve of this badge

  • catheraainecatheraaine Web Developer OhioRegistered User new member
    edited January 2017
    I vote 3.

    Or 1.

    Unless 2 is a girl!

    catheraaine on
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited January 2017
    I vote 3.

    Or 1.

    Unless 2 is a girl!

    Voting ended in November last year as I explained in a post above and the ARG was selected. Please provide feedback to the current design.

    kropotkin on

  • nevermore13nevermore13 Registered User regular
    I share the opinion of adding reviewa to the front but I think keeping the blurbs really short so as not to make it too busy is important.

  • macrogeekmacrogeek Registered User regular
    I like it.

  • Le_GoatLe_Goat Frechified Goat Person BostonRegistered User regular
    kropotkin wrote: »
    SinoSamba wrote: »
    This might make the badge a bit too busy with the background being actual pictures of crowds, but a couple of review blurbs ("10/10 would walk again"; "Is this a real game?") might be funny on the front. It does look great as-is, as always :)

    I too do not like the cover. I think I'll filter the images to make them more video gamey like and I love the idea of review quotes on the front!
    I did a quick search for "pixel crowd art" and came up with this. It's not PAX, but a portion of it could used as the layout is similar. Not sure how much "gamey" you'd like it to be. I also don't know if we'd need to ask permission to use it.

    While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
  • MagnusCarterMagnusCarter Registered User regular
    My only suggestion for an improvement would be some form of dial for a step counter somewhere, could be analog or digital. Great work on the design again kropotkin

  • DirewolfDirewolf Boston, MARegistered User regular
    @MagnusCarter that's a cool idea! Perhaps one that is maxed out (all 9's) or just a blank space for us to fill in our own (for those that carry one irl).

  • flasheflashe Craft Beer Aficionado US - East CoastRegistered User regular
    Looking good kropotkin!

  • theoriginalztheoriginalz PhillyRegistered User regular
    yay forum badge!!

    Trade pins with me! Pinny LanyardjlB4Ded.png
  • jasonakaramjasonakaram NHRegistered User regular
    Looking great!!!

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    as I have no design skills what so every I can't give any constructive comments except to say that I like the badge as is.

  • DurinthalDurinthal Registered User regular
    Couple of ideas for quotes:
    • "My feet are sore—perfect!"
    • "Great for agoraphobia!"

  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    Thanks for the feedback all. I shall make a new version this weekend.


  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited February 2017
    Here is the new version of the PAX East 2017 forum badge:

    The front has had the images pixellated and poster edges and step counter added:

    The back has had the forest picture in the background also pixellated and poster edges added and the text has been amended to correct the spelling of Pokémon and added quotes.

    Let me know what you think!

    kropotkin on

  • theoriginalztheoriginalz PhillyRegistered User regular
    Looks great!!! Step Counter is :+1:

    Trade pins with me! Pinny LanyardjlB4Ded.png
  • robirexrobirex BostonRegistered User regular
    I love it :)

  • Lady LilybellLady Lilybell Geeky Crafter & Baker South Shore, MARegistered User regular
    Very adorable and cheeky badge this year.

    I ♥ making awesome crafts! I ♥ my Cookie Brigaders!
  • HAVOKNWHAVOKNW LANcouverRegistered User regular
    These are awesome. Can't wait to get my name on one and get it at East. It will be my first PAX East so I'm pretty excited.

  • peetsnackpeetsnack Team Green Poké Assist, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Head Girl House Hufflepuff The Cleave LandsRegistered User regular
    Thank you for working to get this done again.

  • bschorybschory Cambridge, MARegistered User regular
    Looks awesome! Thanks for doing this again!

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