I've been messing around with the organization and tracking of my pin collection for a while now and as it continues to grow, I'm bumping into an emerging truth - Finding an individual pin in my collection app is more and more of a pain in the ass.
I wrote the Android collection app, and when I did that, I used the same setup that Pinnywise and pinnypals.com use. That is to say, we all separate the pins by where they were first released (West/South/East/Aus/Staff/Online/Other). This makes a lot of sense when we're working to collect the pins from each new Pax, but as the years pile on, when you try to go back thru a collection, it gets difficult to remember - Did this one pin I just got come out at West/Prime? And what year? It's easy to miss something as you scroll thru the list.
So I'm wondering - Is there a more future-proof system we should be migrating to now, before that becomes ridiculously difficult? What categories would you use?
In first thinking of it, I'm sorely tempted to break things down by Content.
But maybe that's too sprawling too. Anyone have ideas?
For an app, or database, I would give each pin multiple tags, so it could be organized in multiple ways. In addition to the above broad categories, I would add company, game, free/paid, limited edition, character.
animal, unicorn, capcom etc.
YO @grgemonkey!
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Getting too specific tends to dilute the usefulness of searches, the "specificness" should be able to be built by AND/OR/NOT operators.
It's been planned for ages, I've wanted a search field at the top of every page with pins on it since the site existed.
The tags database I was just going to roll in with the wiki but an interim page for people to submit tags can't hurt, same data really.
http://pinmash.info - Head-To-Head battle of pins! Choose the most desirable.
http://pinnywise.com - iOS pin collection tracking app.
My Delicious Pins For Trade
Pinny Pals Lanyard