Hello again, my friends! My name is TJ and I am a Venture Agent for San Antonio's local Pathfinder Society Chapter!
We had a GREAT time last year and we would like to thank again all the players we had last year! The Pathfinder Society is setting up shop here once again this year! We are bigger this year, hoping to expand our presence along with the ever growing PAX South. We are running 5 tables simultaneously this year! Below is our schedule:
Friday (Jan. 27, 2017)10:00 am-11:00 am: Sign-ups
11:01 am-5:00 pm: Table 1- Pathfinder Quest Angel’s Flight, Table 2- Pathfinder Quest Silverhex Chronicles, Table 3- Pathfinder Quest Honor’s Echo, Table 4- Pathfinder Quest: Phantom Phenomena, Table 5- Scenario 8-01 Portent’s Peril (levels 1-5)
Saturday (Jan. 28, 2017)10:00 am-11:00 am: Sign-ups
11:01 am-5:00 pm: Table 1- Pathfinder Quest Angel’s Flight, Table 2- Pathfinder Quest Honor’s Echo, Table 3- Pathfinder Quest: Phantom Phenomena, Table 4- Scenario 8-06: Reaping What We Sow (levels 1-5), Table 5- Scenario 8-06: From the Tome of Righteous Repose (levels 3-7)
Sunday (Jan. 29, 2017)10:00 am-11:00 am: Sign-ups
11:01 am-5:00 pm: Table 1- Pathfinder Quest Silverhex Chronicles, Table 2- Special: Siege of Serpents (levels 1-5), Table 3- Special: Siege of Serpents (levels 3-7), Table 4- Special: Siege of Serpents (levels 5-9), Table 5- Special: Siege of Serpents (levels 7-11)
FAQWhat do I need to bring?
We will provide everything you need to play from dice to a pre-made character. Anything labeled a "Pathfinder Quest" can ONLY be played with pre-made characters can be played with any 4 of the normal pre-generatated characters (called "pregens"). For "Scenarios" and "Specials", We can seat up to 7 players who are playing their own PFS registered characters of the appropriate levels as well as people playing pregen characters. The rules and resources you need to make a Pathfinder Society legal character can be found in the free
Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide and the
Additional Resources documents. You can even get your own Pathfinder Society number and preregister your characters
here to play at PAX and with your own local PFS chapter!
What do I get for playing and registering for Pathfinder Society?
For those who register on Paizo and provide us with a PFS number and character number, we will be reporting all the games played, so that your registered character will receive proper experience and gold as well as the Chronicle sheet to note that you have done so!
I really want to attend this panel! What can I expect time wise for the various games?
Hey, we understand PAX is a fast-paced con. All "Pathfinder Quests" are 6 hour long segment and can be played in any order you choose, so if you have an hour to kill till your next panel and then 3 hours after that, it'll be there still when you get back. In addition, our GMs are going to very flexible in allowing folks to pop in late to a table, or leave and comeback. Don't worry, we'll provide credit for you so long as you attend a good portion of the scenario or module (GM discretion).
The full length sessions (anything labeled "Scenario" or "Special") takes between 4-5 hours to complete. Again, so long as you are there for the majority of the game, you will receive credit for reporting!
What is the difference between a "Scenario" and a "Special?"
A "scenario" is a 4-5 hour one off adventure when you are sent somewhere in the world of Golarion on a mission for the Pathfinder Society. A "special" is 4 tables run concurrently doing an adventure that affects the other tables. A "special" has different tiers (levels) for different tables. To give an idea, the high tier table (levels 7-11) could be in a courtyard fighting a dragon while the low tier table (levels 1-5) fights their way up to the gatehouse to open a portcullis that will allow the high tier table to get reinforcements.
Where and when can I sign-up for a scheduled game?
At our tables of course! Also here in this thread. You can sign-up during the scheduled hour for it (this is also the preferred time to register for PFS play) and any time before a game starts (possibly during if the table isn't full!)
What info do I need to register for Pathfinder Society?
Name, Email, DoB. We will have someone to walk you through the process on your smartphone. It takes a total of 2 or 3 minutes if even that. We will also have number we will simply hand out to people this year.
What is the environment like?
We are a family friendly group! Feel free to bring yourself and the kids by for some family monster slaying! Our GMs also aren't out to murder your face off!
Who is the point of contact?
You can email me with questions, comments, and concerns at: lifty1928@icloud.com
On behalf of the Pathfinder Society, we thank you for playing!