HRC is the candidate [chat] deserves, but... not the one it needs right now?
No wait.
That doesn't work.
In fact that whole Dark Knight quote doesn't make any sense at all.
What the HELL is it saying?
Man don't think about Nolan Batman movies. You'll regret it.
I remember coming out of the third one and thinking "omg that sucked way to hamfist an already hamfisted narrative with your ham fists while being uninteresting"
and my sister was like "OMG THAT WAS SO GOOD" with her friend
HRC is the candidate [chat] deserves, but... not the one it needs right now?
No wait.
That doesn't work.
In fact that whole Dark Knight quote doesn't make any sense at all.
What the HELL is it saying?
Man don't think about Nolan Batman movies. You'll regret it.
I remember coming out of the third one and thinking "omg that sucked way to hamfist an already hamfisted narrative with your ham fists while being uninteresting"
and my sister was like "OMG THAT WAS SO GOOD" with her friend
And I died a little bit
i can't get past wondering why would you hire someone as recognizable and charismatic as tom hardy and then have him wear a mask and talk in a silly voice the whole time
firewaterwordSatchitanandaPais Vasco to San FranciscoRegistered Userregular
HRC is the candidate [chat] deserves, but... not the one it needs right now?
No wait.
That doesn't work.
In fact that whole Dark Knight quote doesn't make any sense at all.
What the HELL is it saying?
Man don't think about Nolan Batman movies. You'll regret it.
I remember coming out of the third one and thinking "omg that sucked way to hamfist an already hamfisted narrative with your ham fists while being uninteresting"
and my sister was like "OMG THAT WAS SO GOOD" with her friend
And I died a little bit
i can't get past wondering why would you hire someone as recognizable and charismatic as tom hardy and then have him wear a mask and talk in a silly voice the whole time
Drunken bet
TraceGNU Terry Pratchett; GNU Gus; GNU Carrie Fisher; GNU Adam WeRegistered Userregular
so i'm in a parking lot, waiting to make a right turn down a corridor. i'm waiting because someone who was coming towards me has already turned his long ass suv essentially sideways, preparing to make a left down that same corridor. there's no way for me to go straight or right. the cars that were behind this guy are driving up with their right wheels on the curb to get past. i'm waiting. i'm waiting. i figure he's trying to snatch the spot of someone who's about to back out from one of the first few spots. it's not happening so i crane my head extra hard, see a car that indeed has its lights on... but it's empty. no one in the driver's seat. i turn on my hazards and walk over to the suv and tell him this car just left its lights on. he sheepishly thanks me and finishes his turn.
no matter that i had to wait a couple minutes and expose myself to the cold. those tapas have put me in an un-ruinable mood.
firewaterwordSatchitanandaPais Vasco to San FranciscoRegistered Userregular
I like this new, high energy, post-facts desc. He tells it like it is.
dbza is basically an anime emulator running an illegally obtained rom.
HRC is the candidate [chat] deserves, but... not the one it needs right now?
No wait.
That doesn't work.
In fact that whole Dark Knight quote doesn't make any sense at all.
What the HELL is it saying?
Man don't think about Nolan Batman movies. You'll regret it.
I remember coming out of the third one and thinking "omg that sucked way to hamfist an already hamfisted narrative with your ham fists while being uninteresting"
and my sister was like "OMG THAT WAS SO GOOD" with her friend
And I died a little bit
How did he get all those explosives on the boats without anyone noticing
i can't get past wondering why would you hire someone as recognizable and charismatic as tom hardy and then have him wear a mask and talk in a silly voice the whole time
no no no! just focus on the fun performances!
Drunken bet
and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
Oh my God it's Eddy! *Swarms*
I have thought about it and concluded that the Dark Knight Rises was idiotic
course it was it was a comic book movie. still a lot of fun though I thought.
Also I didn't realize Iron-Blooded Orphans season two started.
Its giant mecha. I can work with that.
I'm in favor of a cutlure of ubiquitous derivative works but
that's abridged too far
I always knew you were a closet Trump voter.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
she had a sparkly dangly bauble, about the size of a dime, attached to her skirt, right in the centre of her posterior.
while the other chat promised another 100 pages of the same old thing from the beltway, this chat told it like it was
and all you pundits were surprised when it got locked
that's like when you're at a play party and one of the subs is wearing a buttplug with a jewel at the end
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
I am 45% sure I understand
no matter that i had to wait a couple minutes and expose myself to the cold. those tapas have put me in an un-ruinable mood.
the same way they got all of the explosive into the WTC towers & building 7!
*pushes up glasses*