So after what I considered a huge success last year I figured I would get the thread started to have interest in another Texas de Brazil dinner and to discuss what would be the best day so let's get discussing .
I may lean to Friday myself but ATM this is more just gauging general interest and so people know we're looking to do it once the schedule is up. In Hong we can get RILMS again to.
I'm not one to usually turn down steaks, but I kind of don't want to block off all my dinners ahead of time considering I don't know how much PAX stuff I get roped into. But I'll definitely be lurking on this thread a bit.
Most likely Friday maybe Saturday depending when parties are and which ones ppl are attending. Hell we could even do lunch on Friday if it's more convenient for people though I don't most ppl want to gorge at Texas de Brazil then walk around a convention center.
Yea in a week or when a few days I'll most likely put up a straw poll for what day it should be on I'm just trying to get the word out a bit more before I do
In regards to the schedule being released, you can take my name off the list. I won't even bother asking about making it on a Sunday because I know not everybody leaves the day after PAX ends.
hmm so leaning towards sat then though i personally could do sunday to since my bus won't leave till 9-10ish but i know a lot of ppl me included went to dave and busters afterr the convention center closed last year.
We haven't taken a count yet so no one can say for sure. I know I'm bringing two more friends along this year so we might need the entire back row of the restaurant! :P
Last year we had what 14-17? I really should call ahead to see what the limit is before I have to pay to rent it part of the restaurant and cap it at that lol
I definitely would be in. Sunday would be a little tough, but worst case scenario, I could probably fit it in. Friday/Saturday preference, but I'll make it work either way. If you need my number or anything, just hit me up.
If you guys go Saturday - count me and maybe a few others in! Unfortunately, Friday we'll be super busy getting set up for a PAX party, and Sunday we work the convention all day and we will be packing up afterwards. I saw this thread last year and wanted to go! Hopefully things work out this year, but if not...then we'll try again next year!
Chances are, Friday or Saturday would be better for me
Just invite Reggie to dinner with us. Problem solved!
For Saturday, I have nothing scheduled after Acq Inc (Ends around 5pm) (First Choice)
For Sunday, I should be free after the Omegathon (Ends around 6:30pm) (Second Choice)
sadly its not BBQ more high end steakhouse with absurdly good salad bar. T lobster bisque is always a highlight for me
I checked last year's thread and the Pics/Vids thread but didn't see anything. FeelsBadMan
try now sry never really use google doc.