As someone who can't attend, really excited to stream this one, I was hoping when I heard Perkins was going it was because of Acq Inc. Do we know what theaters aside from Main twitch is streaming from?
Unknown! The Android app I linked above has been updated to reflect 2017 and will be updated incrementally as the show gets closer. I don't know when the ios app will be updated.
No MC Frontalot this year. Was also hoping paul and storm would be back. Oh well, get to find some new bands, or maybe do something else instead of concerts this year.
No MC Frontalot this year. Was also hoping paul and storm would be back. Oh well, get to find some new bands, or maybe do something else instead of concerts this year.
BitBrigade is a lot of fun to watch. They speed run a game and play the soundtrack with it.
Has anyone checked out the guide app yet? There is a section in the level 3 map labelled "True Dungeon." I'm really hoping it's a DnD/Pathfinder-intensive area!
Unknown! The Android app I linked above has been updated to reflect 2017 and will be updated incrementally as the show gets closer. I don't know when the ios app will be updated.
This morning the android app insisted it was up to date and it was still 2016 even when i manually told it to update, until i removed and reinstalled it.
No MC Frontalot this year. Was also hoping paul and storm would be back. Oh well, get to find some new bands, or maybe do something else instead of concerts this year.
When thinking about who I wanted to see in concert this year the two of them didn't even cross my mind, because it just seemed like a given that both would be in attendance. Was hoping The Doubleclicks would be back this year as well.
Has anyone checked out the guide app yet? There is a section in the level 3 map labelled "True Dungeon." I'm really hoping it's a DnD/Pathfinder-intensive area!
True Dungeon is a thing that runs at GenCon. It's a live dungeon crawl. You bring your group at your appointed time and they walk you through setpieces that are the rooms and challenges of the dungeon. In the past they've used different mechanics for dice friend did it and they used a shuffleboard like minigame to determine your rolls that year. They have done things like a giant dragon head puppet, or a life size gelatinous cube.
Has anyone checked out the guide app yet? There is a section in the level 3 map labelled "True Dungeon." I'm really hoping it's a DnD/Pathfinder-intensive area!
True Dungeon is a thing that runs at GenCon. It's a live dungeon crawl. You bring your group at your appointed time and they walk you through setpieces that are the rooms and challenges of the dungeon. In the past they've used different mechanics for dice friend did it and they used a shuffleboard like minigame to determine your rolls that year. They have done things like a giant dragon head puppet, or a life size gelatinous cube.
This is my first PAX South and I really don't want to miss Perkins storytime. Does anyone know, does the main theatre have its own queue? Or do you have to go to the queue room for everything. I can't tell if the queue room is just to get into the expo hall as soon as it opens. Thanks.
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
The queue room is used to line up to get into Expo each morning, as well as serving as the area for autograph signings and such. If you want to line up for a panel that happens at the beginning of the day, you line up outside of that theater.
Has anyone checked out the guide app yet? There is a section in the level 3 map labelled "True Dungeon." I'm really hoping it's a DnD/Pathfinder-intensive area!
True Dungeon is a thing that runs at GenCon. It's a live dungeon crawl. You bring your group at your appointed time and they walk you through setpieces that are the rooms and challenges of the dungeon. In the past they've used different mechanics for dice friend did it and they used a shuffleboard like minigame to determine your rolls that year. They have done things like a giant dragon head puppet, or a life size gelatinous cube.
Holy cow that sounds amazing!!!
While I see they list True Dungeon on the PAX map, the TD site itself doesn't say anything about a True Dungeon event at PAX, and I can't seem to find any info about it anywhere. Any ideas where we might learn more?
Has anyone checked out the guide app yet? There is a section in the level 3 map labelled "True Dungeon." I'm really hoping it's a DnD/Pathfinder-intensive area!
True Dungeon is a thing that runs at GenCon. It's a live dungeon crawl. You bring your group at your appointed time and they walk you through setpieces that are the rooms and challenges of the dungeon. In the past they've used different mechanics for dice friend did it and they used a shuffleboard like minigame to determine your rolls that year. They have done things like a giant dragon head puppet, or a life size gelatinous cube.
Holy cow that sounds amazing!!!
While I see they list True Dungeon on the PAX map, the TD site itself doesn't say anything about a True Dungeon event at PAX, and I can't seem to find any info about it anywhere. Any ideas where we might learn more?
I sent an e-mail, got back a reply saying there was no official announcement yet. I imagine we should hear more about it in the next few days!
True Dungeon is high up on my interest lists as well. As if I didn't already have had enough difficulties planning my days out, this won't help one bit at all. xD
From looking at the True Dungeon FAQ, it seems like getting tickets to it (the FAQ says they are $54, but does not mention PAX so who knows?) might be a challenge. So if you want to do it, I'd follow them on so you have a better chance of knowing when they are for sale. Also, if you're looking to do this, I'd read up. There are all these treasure token (which you can spend real money on) and a solid aftermarket for them.
From looking at the True Dungeon FAQ, it seems like getting tickets to it (the FAQ says they are $54, but does not mention PAX so who knows?) might be a challenge. So if you want to do it, I'd follow them on so you have a better chance of knowing when they are for sale. Also, if you're looking to do this, I'd read up. There are all these treasure token (which you can spend real money on) and a solid aftermarket for them.
If that price quote is right thats kind of disappointing. Seems at lot less exciting with a 50+ dollar price point after the badge prices.
God I hope they don't suits/ticket sales for true dungeon soon and hopefully they bring plenty of those tokens for sale because I'm buying a bunch lol this thing looks so damn cool.
I will be surprised if there is an additional cover. One of the great things about Pax is that once you have your badge, anything to do inside is free.
But... This may be the first PAX organized without Khoo.(I imagine he did a bit for Prime before leaving.)
So.... Should I be worried about microtransactions in my gaming con?
I will be surprised if there is an additional cover. One of the great things about Pax is that once you have your badge, anything to do inside is free.
Yeah, but a cursory glance at the True Dungeon web site makes me think this compares to typical PAX fare like a Disney ride compares to a carnival booth. It sounds like a massive experience. Of course, they are already making money hand over fist by selling tokens, so $50+ on top of that seems a bit steep. But I don't begrudge them an extra fee if this is as elaborate as it claims to be. (And this comes from someone who has staffed some of the biggest PAX booths in prior years--I'm not dissing exhibitors. But the most we generally do is set up some demo units for people to try. We don't design entire dungeons. LOL)
I'm sure that will be fixed, seems rather odd to not have that.
EDIT: caved and bought Friday tix.
BitBrigade is a lot of fun to watch. They speed run a game and play the soundtrack with it.
I think they said last year they're rolling it into the Pinny Arcade sessions? They didn't have an official signing time for West 2016 either
This morning the android app insisted it was up to date and it was still 2016 even when i manually told it to update, until i removed and reinstalled it.
Hmm, you make a good point. I got their signatures at a bonus pin trading at West. I'll figure something out
When thinking about who I wanted to see in concert this year the two of them didn't even cross my mind, because it just seemed like a given that both would be in attendance. Was hoping The Doubleclicks would be back this year as well.
True Dungeon is a thing that runs at GenCon. It's a live dungeon crawl. You bring your group at your appointed time and they walk you through setpieces that are the rooms and challenges of the dungeon. In the past they've used different mechanics for dice friend did it and they used a shuffleboard like minigame to determine your rolls that year. They have done things like a giant dragon head puppet, or a life size gelatinous cube.
Holy cow that sounds amazing!!!
While I see they list True Dungeon on the PAX map, the TD site itself doesn't say anything about a True Dungeon event at PAX, and I can't seem to find any info about it anywhere. Any ideas where we might learn more?
I sent an e-mail, got back a reply saying there was no official announcement yet. I imagine we should hear more about it in the next few days!
Are they going to show it on Twitch?
If that price quote is right thats kind of disappointing. Seems at lot less exciting with a 50+ dollar price point after the badge prices.
I think I have past lanyards and a Monster Hunter lanyard laying around here somewhere.
But... This may be the first PAX organized without Khoo.(I imagine he did a bit for Prime before leaving.)
So.... Should I be worried about microtransactions in my gaming con?
Yeah, but a cursory glance at the True Dungeon web site makes me think this compares to typical PAX fare like a Disney ride compares to a carnival booth. It sounds like a massive experience. Of course, they are already making money hand over fist by selling tokens, so $50+ on top of that seems a bit steep. But I don't begrudge them an extra fee if this is as elaborate as it claims to be. (And this comes from someone who has staffed some of the biggest PAX booths in prior years--I'm not dissing exhibitors. But the most we generally do is set up some demo units for people to try. We don't design entire dungeons. LOL)